Reminder that the Ukrainian Civil War is still a thing.
Ukraine Conflict
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thx Op, reminds me to go shopping inside my local vatnik marked. Want some fish?
Is this a 20mm sniper without a scope?
Those Russian dried pacific fish snacks with the pirate on the cover are so fucking great
Kek, they have so much of this product and I never bought it.. gone get some. Im back in 2h
No such things.
Yes is PTRD ww2 20mm
Thanks user, I remember it from CoD WaWI
>14,5 × 114 mm
Has Ukrane dealt with its Nazi problem at all since the start of the war?
They have been busy with the russian problem.
Pick one
I was in Kyiv a few months ago. it's nice.
everything is very cheap.
here's a pic of some tribute thing for some revolutionary patriot dude that I found while walking around
no idea who he is or what it says
Things are different in Ukraine. Ukrainians aren't as worried about political correctness and the general attitude is more right wing/nationalist. Also, unlike what the media would have you believe, Aзoв/Azov battalion isn't officially nazi, it's just got members who posed with those images a few times earlier in the war.
It's pretty much over. It was over from the start. When things got messy Russians "lost" a brigade or two there and salvaged the situation. It was a pointless war. It didn't even "stop Russian agression" as they claim. Russians lost Ukraine but they stripped it of the things that matter to them, and created a frozen conflict.
Unless that mess of a state gets fixed (which I doubt), much of country will naturally gravitate towards Moscow as they are literally Russians and speak Russian.
Ukraine will probably exist west of Dnepr, where you can actually speak of Ukrainian identity.
okay Dimitry
>h-he points out reality he must be R-Russian
Since I know what part blasted your booty, Ukrainians are Russians and any fucking history book can tell you that (I can recommend you some). We can talk of Ukrainian identity in the western parts of the country, but that's it. Reason why they are different is not some local cultural development however, but Polonization. Simple as.
I respect your right to declare as a Martian if you want, but history is history.
UN fucked up. Shoulda forced a democratic vote and moved the army in (peacekeeping style) if murder and belligerence continued
I done it wrong, the salmon jerky is nice but that dry fish has the same smell as cat food and 100% the same taste? Possible the wrong item
Thats just the ukrane Jow Forums summer camp
>being this retarded
Ukrainian has existed as a separate culture and language for centuries now, and despite many attempts by the Russians to "homogenize" Ukraine, it's still going strong.
No it hasn't. Ukrainian identity only appeared in 19th century, it was basically a project of elites, encouraged by Austrian Empire for obvious reasons.
Ukrainians and Russians (and Belorussians) are absolutely the same people. What's true is that Ukrainian national idea gained a foothold in western parts.
Please don't repeat shit you heard somewhere with such certainty. I'm tired of these retarded memes. History is history.
Imagine being so logically impaired you believe a nation whose name basically means "people of the borderlands" is an "actual" nation. They are same shit as "Bosnians" and "Macedonians" in Balkans, groups which seperated from their original group due to foreign meddling.
I mean not really.
>civil war
>Wat is Zaporizhia
>Wat is Kievan 'rus
Admittedly the whole area got cucked by P*les/T*rks for the best part of 1000 years but if the Jews and Welsh can make a comeback there's no reason the border people can't either, ethnogenesis and divergence is a thing and Ukrainians are real Ivan just accept it, if you wanted to hold onto your territories you should have let pap Stalin finish the job instead of bending over for Khr*shchev.
>Ukrainian Civil War is still a thing
it's basically sitting in trenches and shelling/ATGMing each other now, it's very boring
I heard that there is an Israeli who served in the IDF in Azov
Going to be honest I think you've got it wrong.
Isn't the majority of the conflict just Donetsk and Luhansk wanting independence and Ukraine refusing to give it to them?
Back when it started I was genuinely considering volunteering but I didn’t know enough about the process wether they’d even accept volunteers and I don't speak a word of Ukrainian, I’m not gonna volunteer but out of curiosity do they accept foreign volunteers?
Yeah but the majority population in the regions are Russians moved in there during the Tzarist rule so they feel closer to Russia, and obviously the Russian government is all for free land
A 17th century Polish-Russian condominium.
No such Rus. The term originates from 19th century Russian historiography and refers refers to the time period in which the Russians came from the north, conquered the Khazar Kiev and resided there until the Mongol invasion forced them out. The Rus was founded and ruled by people from Novgorod and later Vladimir-Suzdal.
if they're willing to fight a bloody conflict for their nation why doesnt ukraine just give it to them. even if ukraine was to totally dominate and take the land back, nobody there will ever consider themselves ukrainian. is the land even of any strategic value?
Before the Tsar it was the Sultan, still feeling turkish?
Would've just ended up being another Balkans
>Wat is Kievan 'rus
If the literal birth of the Russian state occurred in your borders.... Nigger you just MIGHT be Russian.
The last time a poll was done a majority of the people living in those areas considered themselves to be ethnically Ukrainian, despite speaking Russian. Given that the whole thing was basically engineered by the Russian government in the first place and wouldn't be able to stand on their own without Russian government support, and that Donetsk is one of their biggest industrial cities, they'd be stupid to just let it go.
>Cossack Hetmanate
Literally an independent state that won a rebellion against P*lish overlords and got cucked by their "benefactors" immediately afterwards, prior to that and actual kangdom and universally recognized as such.
Named for it's primary centre, surprisingly enough; Kiev. The location from which east Slavonic culture was spread out into neighboring formerly Ugric lands.
"Russians" were just Swedish adventurers with superior metallurgy/ship building who formed the nucleus of a ruling class over the indigenous swampslavs, cucking the previously dominant horsenigger nomads. Novgorod was founded earlier but Kiev was the true capital, Vladimir only became relevant because everywhere less remote got MONGOL'd.
If the literal birth of the RUTHENIAN state occurred within RUTHENIAN borders and the direct continuation of that continues to endure... Nigger you might just be some Finnshit half blood cousin.
if only they were real nazis and not just globohomo false opposition
>why don't i don't know a nation that's half polish and half russian go back to being in poland and in russia
>Ukrainians are Russians, says the Russian
The Ukrainians don't seem to agree
>nutin to see here goy!
>solving anything
You know the UN dosen't do offensive operations even during genocides right? They go to conflict zones and are only allowed to defend themselves. They are a fucking joke. If there was ever a time in my life UN troops stopped a conflict I didn't hear of it.
The United States must reaffirm our commitment to the people of Ukraine by commuting to a full rollback of Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea. US inaction on this issue is unprecedented and has fostered an environment where the crimes of rogue regimes get swept under the rug. The people of Ukraine need our full support in their transition to free and open democracy.
Based and freedompilled
gotta show Ukraine all about diversity and tolerance, after all these are our core values borther! but we can't allow Ukraine to distract us from taking care of our greatest ally and GODS chosen people
>much of country will naturally gravitate towards Moscow as they are literally Russians and speak Russian.
They fucking the russians
t. Russian Mole
About a solid third to a half of them do, hence the conflicts.
they are having sex with the russians
If Russians werent a real ethnic group, how do you explain this?
Ukrainian women like to make love to stronk Green Men.
Cossacks weren't Ukrainian. Or Russian. They were Cossacks. Different group, a caste if you want.
>Kievan Rus'
Neologism. It was all the same realm ruled by various feudal lords, most of same dynasty. Kiev was the largest city, but not the only one, or the oldest. It was literally founded by Novgorod.
I don't dispute Ukrainians exist now. But history is history, as I said. Your personal feeling towards the matter are irrelevant.
No such thing. It's literally Western term for "Russian".
I love how you admited it was all basically same shit, but you place emphasis on a period when Kiev was the center of the realm.
More like 1/20 and the Russian part of Russia
Good luck to Ukraine.
I think their military now is much better than they were during the era of Russian puppet.
I'm still confused about how this war started, could I have a summary?
Fat Commies stealing grain of course.
It's the same argument, except the R*ssians have it the wrong way around because the truth is that they're the "fake" nationality.
>i think their military much better now than era of russian puppets
Russians and their half polish brothers can't get along. Pretty much Russians cannot get along with any of their half brothers. All you need to know.
basically Ukrainians are being conned by like 30 different countries at once and they are too retarded to see it
>all the heavy russian speaking regions wanted to jump ship
>these regions are also the only industry centers so ukraine reeeeeeee's about it
>now their women are desperately trying to fuck and marry guys in my country (Poland)
>because they collapsed their own country
Excuse me?
Russian only control two cities in Ukraine, Donbask and Lushanks, they have been shelled and looted to shit for more than 5 years.
Ukraine has OTHER industrial areas.
Very true, I try to convince Ukrainians not to trust the US. They have found themselves between a rock and a hard place. The war was guaranteed to happen somewhere between Germany and Russia as soon as the US moved into Poland. Fucking US and Russia both scumbag nations.
At this very moment the ukrainian has mobilized their army, much more numerous and readiness level is very improved compared to 2014 with all kind of volunteers,
I don't think even Russia dares to risk an invasion, they didn't in 2014, they wouldn't now.
yes i tell many that they think Russia is bad yet they have no idea what the u.s will do to their country, it won't even be Ukraine anymore
if no outside intervention it would be over with in a day
But there will be outside intervention so it's a moot point.
Don't have to choose though.
My point is Russia would never loose its buffer states without putting up some sort of fight. Whether it be a hot or cold war. There were just too many Russians in Ukraine for the western half to run off to Nato.
lawl, which is why their conflict went into a quagmire and failed to capture half of Ukraine, but only two border cities and Crimea.
One can say the russian is merciful, one can say they are incompetent, but either ways, this gives amp times for the ukrainian to mobilize and bolster their force.
why would even want to fight for your country if you were ukrainian tho, their government is so corrupt it.s basically sucking it'self dry, i would be marrying a polish milf to get out of there asap
Indeed, why fight in the first place? Putin needs his vote, and a war and the reunion of Ukraine = good votes.
Ukraine will slowly improve themselves.
>Wat is Kievan 'rus
A term coined in the XIX century by Russians to mark the time period when the center of the Russian state was in Kiev principality. Russia originates from Novgorod, it literally conquered the Kahzar city Kiev and moved the "capital" there to assert influence in the south. After the sack of Kiev and southern principalities in general by the nomads several centuries later the cultural and religious center moved to the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, later forming the Grand Duchy of Moscow that subsequently united all Russian lands.
Learn history before posting.
Two can play this game.
Not saying they would be successful, only that there would be a conflict.
>The location from which east Slavonic culture was spread out into neighboring formerly Ugric lands.
Lol. Kiev is the location to which the culture was spread, not from which.
Yes almost as if the remoter principalities branched off and did their own thing, perhaps as if they perhaps diverged somewhat from their southern relatives and became another ethnicity.
There is more to history than Mordvin LARPing.
And to add, the US is clearly the victor so far in this conflict. They have acquired their Ukrainian meat shields which they will continue to bolster both with equipment and nationalist anti russian attitudes.
Poland is the one in real danger now. All I hear from the US military is Poland Poland Poland now. They are making the transition from Germany, the bases the Germans hate will be moved to the eagerly awaiting Poles over many years, if not decades, and all the degeneracy will follow.
What are you even talking about? Try formulating your thoughts more coherently.
>Mordvin LARPing
Calm yourself, Mykola. Note how you're the only one chimping out.
>US is clearly the victor so far in this conflict
The only victor in the conflict are fat ass Ukrainian oligarhs.
>bolster both with equipment and nationalist anti russian attitudes
"Equipment" as in a handful of piss old English Saxon trucks and "nationalist anti russian attitudes" as in a handful of literal wehraboo wimps and Hitler-praisers despised universally by the absolute majority of the population in both Ukraine and Russia.
It's not complicated, Ukrainian=/=R*ssian, not by that much because it's only a few hundred years from the same ancestors but it's still a big fat ///.
Dumb Mordvins think because they didn't get assfucked by Mongols quite as often they get to say their relatives don't exist.
Calm down ivan, its a slow process. They cannot just start dumping abrams tanks and aircraft carriers into the conflict, Russia would chimp out completely. US has and will continue to provide military support and advisory. I will give the Ukrainians credit however, the fight was mostly theirs, the US being preoccupied with their ISIS pets being slapped around in Syria.
> fat ass Ukrainian oligarhs
Why would the US want anything more in power? Bribing dishonest men is easier than honest men.
>Even more incoherent saliva spitting
Ok, Mykola.
Sure thing, also ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines.
You're goddamn right and dont you forget it.
And soon Crimea and Kuban will be Ukrainian. And then the Gray Ukraine. And then even the Green Ukraine. Sure thing, lad.
What wuz will be, just need Ivan to keep up his shitty birthrates and krokdil breakfasts for a while longer.
I'm trying to forget about retards like you, but the internet makes it ever harder.
Meanwhile in real life.
shhhh Poutina you sound hungry, have a tea break it'll make your hurting feelings better.
lol fixed
Ok, Mykola.
Keks were had.
Why can't russians just leave ukrainian alone?
That's, uh... not exactly what's happening there.