Training family to be a unit

What are the ethics of training your wife and kids to be an efficient, recon and fireteam in case of shtf? I intend to impart all of my relevant military training but do it in a way so that the kids aren't hating it obviously.

I feel like this beats the shit out of Friday game night, but I don't want social service in my stuff. Do you run any training/drills with your family?

Attached: sdtacticalfamily.jpg (748x600, 321K)

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Just spend all your money on Glocks. They are proven to be the best firearm ever. If you disagree, just go take your 1911 .40 S&W limp-wrist home to your husband. Glock is what I trust to get the job DONE.

Blue lives matter.

Health and fitness first. Start them on working a healthy diet and exercise cause fatties won't last.

Sounds great. Choose one common ammo type for all of you to use and you all use it, prefferably 5.56mm. Interchangeable mags are the best, thats why yall should go for AR-15s and Glocks. If you all want to go for 9mm or .40 is the hard decision. Don't go for any exotic guns or anything, simple and effective ones that have been tried and true work perfectly. Maybe a shotgun thrown in there as well for good measure. If you take one thing away from this whole post is use a common ammo and all use it.

Yeah man GLOCKS are really the only gun to get. I love my Glocks. Reliable and aim great! Glocks really are the best! They only need a new firing pin every 2000 rounds, by golly, I love my GLOCKS!

>2 stainless barrels
>no lights
>no slings
>meme patterns
>if dad's is 5.56 it's an overweight meme
1/10 would not operate with

Buy your kids Nerf guns and run drills with those, teach firearm safety and marksmanship separately with real guns, that way it sounds more harmless when they brag running tactical drills at school

what pistol are you shilling?

You're completely right. I used to run alot with my dad as a kid and I liked it and worked on a farm as a teen. I plan on buying a few acres in the next few years for light homesteading, aside from discipline and appreciation, farmwork is god tier workout since you could either be building a fence or hoeing shit.

Yeah I was thinking of keeping the arsenal fairly basic for practicality's sake. Me and my girl have an AR, she's intel pog but has deployed as a sof strap and shoots well. If we ever needed to, foreign wep familiarization wouldn't be too hard to teach but unless there's nation state invasion at the same time I don't see the use.

That would be pretty legit actually, I used to play nerd with my nieces all the time but they grew up to be nogunz "activists"

Teacher: "Okay kids, what did you do over the weekend?"

Kid 1: "I played fortnite"
Kid 2: "I got 1000 new followers on tik tok"
Jow Forumsid: "At 0600 we began conducting direct action and small unit tactics, followed by land nav, and radio comms. I shot 1 MOA at 100 yards and my Dad was proud!"

ebic win
gaming bad gun good I was born in le wrong generation

I mean, I like games but I see it as using your time towards a tangible skill vs using it on something that ultimately doesn't benefit you and in some cases even deteriorate your mental health.


None of that stuff is bad and its their choice desu, however, you can't really complain about a lack of skills and/or fulfillment if that's all you do , of course.

If your wife isn't on board then she doesn't share your values and raising children together will make your differences irreconcilable. If she is then SPBP, health and fitness is paramount. You can't control whether or not your kid enjoys football, the same thing goes for what you're planning. The difference being it could save their lives and those of the people they care about. Just let them know the purpose, not just "to make you gud at shootin' ppl" but why its important that they be able to save each other and themselves because there won't always be a stranger to come to your rescue. If I grew up thinking I need to excercise because one day mom or dad could be passed out in a burning building then I might have kept in better shape. Even if it becomes a chore for them it should get done like any other chore. I am an anonymous person and have no wife or children, do with this post as you will.

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Fuck off and die normalfag nobody on Jow Forums has a family

Sure we do.

Why not?

Attached: 1564273831238.jpg (960x720, 126K)

I was just thinking about this the other day. I don't have kids but I realize while my wife can shoot she has no concept how to oper8 or handle a gun under stress, so if there's a break in or something she'll be completely useless aside from 911 liaison. I'd like to train her myself but I'm not exactly a wealth of knowledge and experience, and any sort of defense/"""combat""" training you'll find outside of the gov is almost guaranteed to be a tourist meme (shit like ccw courses aside). Other than a ccw course what sort of commonly the available training is out there that covers home defense and stress control and shit?

Why Glocks, user, can't you read his posts?

What a cringe fucking thread.
You can't train your fucking family for any kind of effective military cohesion, just take them to the range and teach them basic firearm safety skills and survival skills.
The kind of "training" you'd be able to offer is not going to be effective in a realistic scenario; even the most basic infantry drill is too much for the wife and kids.

>use family to practice solo cqb force on force
Might pump some babies into a roasty