Thoughts on pistol stocks?

Not a frequent pistol shooter, so I'm curious as to what you guys think of stuff such as pic related. Are they just a meme? Does shouldering a pistol really make you a more effective shooter in such a way that it makes up for the handling and price trade off? Obviously you cant carry these, so its only useful for home defense. Are they practical for this or are you better off just buying a real pdw instead of a glorified pistol?

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The ONLY benefit of a handgun over a rifle/carbine is size and concealibility. Once you throw a bunch of shit on it that makes it not possible to conceal or easily carry you're just being a retard.

The cobra stock slaps in Combat Arms

Stocks help a lot. One of the reasons pistols are harder to shoot accurately than shouldered weapons is because they're not grounded or stabilized on anything.

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So youre saying you'd rather just fill the pdw role with an actual subgun or sbr? I think the attraction to the stocked pistol is the modularity, you can go from a concealable to a full pdw without having to buy 2 guns

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Stop posting pics of yourself

Legally speaking it would be an SBR without any of the benefits of one, the barrel is about 5 inches long, nearly half those of most SBR, both in pistol and rifle calibers. It would help general shooting but not felt recoil, imo It feels better to brace for recoil normally with a gloco than to add a stock specifically on the glock. With the system you posted It would give the sbr an extremely high bore axis, giving it a larger tilting point crearing more felt recoil marginally more but still more over all. If you want glock Id much rather go for the PCC connversion system. There are multiple, one you stick the glock in completly and one you just put the slide one both far better alternatives than this.

>without having to buy
This is an argument for budget and not function. A pistol with a bunch of shit on it is not as good at the job as a carbine dedicated to shooting small bullets at people

Well you're almost right. Weight is a huge huge difference, in most standard configurations. Yes I know there are

It allows you to switch between the two with the same gun at will.

If the NFA didn't exist, I think having a board stock in a vehicle that is compatible with your carry gun would be useful.
But in the real world, just like they realized 110 years ago, it is of limited utility to have a pistol that you carry in a holster that doubles as a stock, and with the law today, you couldn't even carry it concealed if you did SBR it.

>switch between the two at will
Yeah but you have to carry all that dumb shit with you too
It's much easier to just have both options.

Retarded AF. Yet I get called a mall ninja because I have lights and red dots.

A stocked pistol has no cheek weld, a shitty quasi 2nd point of contact 3 inches in front of the first, and limited modular options for optics.
Realistically what are the odds you'll find yourself in a scenario where you can dig a bunch of plastic shit out of your bag and wriggle a stock and foregrip onto your gun where the benefit would be worth the time expenditure?
I just don't see how this is an argument for functional benefit in any way more than it's an argument for not having to spend the money for the option that works.

Just buy a pistol caliber carbine. Ruger, Beretta, AR pcc. Hell even ps90.

Why dont they make a .44 mag semi auto like the old Rogers? Even a tube fed .357/.44 semi auto would be cool in cuck states.

>tfw inherited ruger model 44 from granddad

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This same debate took place in the mid to late 1800s. The answer was lever action repeaters in pistol cartridges. The modern equivalent would be an AR pistol caliber carbine.

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Lucky bastard. All I got was a later war Arisaka that I'm afraid will blow up if I shoot it.

>just carry a rifle and a pistol!
That's a significant weight increase. A pistol stock adds like a 1lb, and uses the ammo your already carrying. A rifle adds at least 4lbs, and significant weight per mag. Your looking at a 3x weight increase. Realistically what are the odds you'll find yourself in a scenario where you can dig a rifle out of your bag, assemble it, where it would be worth the time expenditure? You don't always have the space and weight to add a rifle, expecting to makes no sense.
I'm not arguing for it being better than other options in capability, other than at the weight.
If you have 3lbs to spend on the 'best' weapon a pistol with a stock/Brace is hard to beat. If you can take more size or weight then there's no question a rifle is objectively better.

I'm not arguing for thinking you'll be able to rip a stock out of your bag and throw it on your gun in a second either for a defensive situation. That makes no sense. Also not all gun use is tactical defense scenarios. What about a hiking gun and you see a pig at 75 yards you want to shoot?

>Obviously you cant carry these
Except for the ones you can, which are the ones that actually make sense. Shame about that NFA thing.

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There is little call for Pistol stocks that can't be answered by a proper pistol-caliber-carbine. PCC's do the job better, have a cheek weld, better grip, better optics compatibility, and are only slightly less concealable than this rigamarole.

Basically Pistol stocks are the poor mans PCC, but even PCC's come in at $400 picrelated.

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>hiking and see a pig at 75 yards you'll kill with 9mm
Not gonna happen, plus you have to pack the meat out anyway, what's a difference of 4 lbs?
Regardless 4 lbs isn't gonna break the bank, the OP asked about home defense anyway, in which case a stocked pistol is retarded. The general rule is to buy the right tool for the job, a detachable stock and halfassed foregrip aren't the right tool for any job except meming at the range.

>9mm is the only caliber that can be stocked
>not going to happen
Sorry you live innacity user.
He asked a few questions about them including home defense. Which yes stocked pistols are retarded, as there's no real weight issues, and only slight size issues. A sub gun or sbr/pistol would be far far better.
I've gone on a number of trips where I carried only a handgun and a stock would have been useful for shooting critters, for coyotes to marmots and similar. The application of a pistol with a stock is pretty limited. I'm not really arguing they are good by any means just there's a few instances where they could be useful.

>ad hominem
Bro anyone concerned about cost of a stock vs value of buying a second gun isn't gonna be shooting rounds more expensive than 18 cents.
You can't ethically kill a pig at 75 yards with a pistol caliber unless you're just trying to be a faggot and shoot a wild animal 6 times.
>he asked a few things
>Obviously you cant carry these, so its only useful for home defense. Are they practical for this or are you better off just buying a real pdw instead of a glorified pistol?
These are the things he asked that are relative to what we've discussed
>I've done a thing and a thing might have been useful for unethically killing animals for no reason
Grats dude meme status of pistol stock confirmed

The whole point of a PDW is to boost the effective range/fire of a sidearm without going up to the size and weight of an actual SMG. pistols with stocks fall into this first category, and PCCs fall into the second. Yes, if you CAN carry a PCC or a rifle, it is significantly more useful. If you can't though, a stock on a pistol will be a whole lot better than a handgun on its own. Just pick the right tool for the job.

Fucking no guns

???? Who said anything about the cost of the stock?
>can't ethically kill a pig at 75 yards with a pistol caliber
You sure as shit can. Even comfortably with 9mm, we'll ignore all of the significantly more capable handgun calibers, because according to you, 45acp, 45 Rowland, 44mag, 357 mag, 500 s&w mag, 50ae, 454, 460, 10mm, are all incapable of taking game at distance without shooting it 6 times like a faggot. (also non of these can be stocked that's only glocks in 9mm) 147gr 9mm is still over 900fps at 75 yards. That's a little less than 300ftlbs. Buffalo have humanely been killed with ~500ft lbs.
You clearly have never hunted nor understand the capability of bullets.
>those are air rifles its different!
It's a 9mm 147gr bullet vs a 9mm 147gr bullet, except the pistol cartridge makes significantly more energy.
>The .357 stands out in my experience as the true “multi-species” gun. It is fairly flat shooting, hard hitting and has good terminal performance on deer- and hog-sized game. I’ve taken fox, coyote, turkey, javalina, deer and hogs with this set up, and it has done it all very well. Reaching out to 120 yards on a fox you really appreciate the flat trajectory and accuracy achieved. When shooting a tough, large-bodied boar at 40 yards, it’s the penetration that stands out.

>I've never been out or hunting
Wow I guess the pistol stock is useless thanks for confirming. I didn't even think about what if there was 40 attackers in a tactical situation.
>inb4 not related
>>Thoughts on pistol stocks?
>> Does shouldering a pistol really make you a more effective shooter in such a way that it makes up for the handling and price trade off?

So clearly they have a place and your just to retarded and dense to see it, since everything is high speed low drag oper8r shit.

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I knew you were gonna do some dumb shit like this and go off in the weeds.
The question started asking about putting a stock on a semiauto, not specifically hunting with revolvers and shit you mongo.
Stop, you're just trying to be right and it's embarrassingly obvious.

>your just to retarded

>thoughts on pistol stocks
>thoughts on semi auto pistols in 9mm only for home defense exclusively with stocks
I knew you would do some dumb shit like this and go off moving goal posts. The very first the literal first question is "thoughts on pistol stocks".
Stop your just trying to not look stupid about not knowing how to read or cartridge capabilities.

>like pic related

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Why is everyone ignoring this based post

>stop your just trying
I'm not even involved lmao why can't you spell

>stock attached to a pistol
Compared to
>stock attached to a pistol

Because it's actually not related. The usefulness back then was a single ammo type and higher capacity in lever guns vs full size cartridges.

>are they useful?
"No they're memes"
"No that's basically a meme application and the application is worse than a gun you'd practically have in that scenario"
"What does that have to do with the OP?"
Bro shut up

It's better to have one gun that does one thing well than one gun that does two things poorly.

The Arisaka is one of the more overbuilt actions of WW2. It'll be fine, shoot it, but have fun finding and paying for ammo.

>are they useful
"sometimes, kinda"
>nuh uh what about tactical scenarios?
>and you can't even do the thing you said
"not related to what I said, nor are you correct about your assertations"
>nuh uh

Damn, I'm not sure how I struck a nerve so hard. A basic refutation of your points shouldn't tilt you so bad.

Based schizo poster

>who said anything about the cost of the stock
Literally the OP dumbfuck

I originally wanted a PCC like the scorpion micro, but the idea of having a weapon that I could viably conceal sounded pretty cool too. This thing just got announced recently, comes in a braced version as well as SBR. Shame it's built for the sig but I like the fixed optic better than their glock brace which has it slid mounted.

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Dude the OP asked about home defense and whether it was worth just buying a dedicated PDW for this scenario. He posted a picture of a glock with a meme stock on it and asked if it was worth the cost difference to just buy a PDW for home defense.
The answer is yes, they're memes and yes, just buy a PDW.
Anything else is ancillary autism.
You're wrong, shut up.

>thoughts on pistol stocks
>your thoughts on pistol stocks are not related!!!
Wow. user you sure cleared that one up.

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Nice defense of the substance of your argument. See yourself out

>I don't like your opinions on stuff so therefore they are not relevant to the thread

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It'd be alright on a machine pistol but that's about it

The glock flux defense would be concealable if you tried enough.
I really like the idea of the MP17 as a extremely small gun I could use slung while riding backcountry, Because its got a single point sling point. Although I currently use an AR pistol in 300blk in that role.

Arent pistol stocks illegal

I'm glad you admitted it was an opinion.
C ya kid

No just need to form 1/4 them.

>at will
At what point do you see yourself removing or attaching the stock? Every time you leave the house and come home? It's not something you want to mess with in the moment.

So just to make it exciting. What's the "best" PCC in 9 mm currently?

MP5 clone

What the usual go to brand?

Your only options are Zenith or PTR really. Either is good.

How are Omega and POF by comparison? I've heard the Turk ones are hard to get because they arrive in small batches and sell out quick.

I wonder if it's like my pistol arm brace that I strap to my arm because I don't work out much.

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OP here, this release was actually what got me thinking about stocked pistols, it seems like a pretty nifty contraption

For the low, low cost of $200 and months of paperwork. In america adding the stock makes it an SBR and removing the stock makes it a pistol. Every time you want to add the stock you are supposed to file your NFA paperwork and pay your $200 tax stamp.

There gon be one for glocks too