Op on mokeyfist/lock socks?

Attached: monkeyfist.jpg (1200x1000, 64K)

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Monkeyfists are old school cool.

Bulky, takes up room in pocket that can be used for something more useful like TQ...My half fudd half larping dad is convinced that he’ll use his size 40 belt as a TQ because his pockets are too full of extra mags and a fat set of keys with a monkey fist to carry basic med gear

Don’t be him.

They kind of remind me of sap gloves. Kind of old school, but not nig nog tier like brass knuckles.

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padlock in sock = plausible deniability

Inferior to original.

Attached: half-brick in a sock.jpg (500x375, 176K)

monkey fists at least have some class, lock in a sock is nigger tier

Monkeyfist is okay for self defense. Lock in sock is only for denying free speech rights to people who are different than you in the name of equality.

Officer. It’s just my gym lock. And that’s my other sock. Nothing to see here.

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Retarded, and useless. Carry around a segment of actual chain to use as a weapon, not that shit. Chain whips are pretty terrible for incapacitation unless they’re stout and heavy, no light martial arts ones either. If you’re really desperate just tie a bandana to a lock, that’s legal in every state

You think a ball bearing inside a monkey fist knot made from mil spec 550 cord with a leigth of handle is useless?
Depending on the size of the bearing and fist they are deadly.

I have a lump of iron I kinda want t do this with, but fuck me I have to make a jig to make the damn thing.

Can make them alright w/out a jig

Thanks for not linking the not fucked video.
Really handy.

Just put a billiard ball in a sock.

>Retarded, and useless

Retarded? Maybe.
Useless? They are anything but.

>2 1/4" cue ball aint anything to be messed with

Attached: dfghew4tdfgh45.jpg (721x506, 65K)

just punch people

Imagine that with 6 inch nails attached.

Link for that monkey ball fist?

A knot like any other, usedul in some applications, useless for combat.

>not using 2" cast lead ball

The monkey fist was used way back in the navy and on ships. They would tie a monkey fist around some led or heavy object so they could toss rope easily. The medical personnel would go around cutting them off because sailors would get all fucked up getting hit by them.
Pic related is a monkey fist knot. If the object inside is hard and heavy like lead, a rock or ball bearing that makes it a very formidable weapon. You are accelerating mass faster than you would be able to throwing or punching with the same weight.

Attached: Monkey fist.jpg (736x3082, 1.41M)

Dude that is good! I've only done 3,4 and 6 fingered monkey fists around ball bearings. I have a bearing that requires 9 fingers but I kept messing it up. I need to get back into it. I do them bu hand no jig.

I never really fucked with monkeys fist or lock socks but I'd say lock socks are some nig nog tier shit. Just buy a knife or baton and fuck someone's shit up. If you legally can't do that for whatever reasons make a monkey fist around a pool ball or drill a hole in a pool ball and loop some mil spec 500 through it, tie it off a few times to make sure it won't fly into the sun while in use and train with it so you don't split your own shit open

good old rock ina sock

im a bosn so having a monkey fist on my keys is kinda normal