Speaking strictly in regards to aesthetics of course. Anyone know if the railed version of the light mag will look better on a g34 or g17?
Is this flux shit the closest i can get to the ODST smg?
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I've always thought the PS90 would make the best ODST submachine gun with some tampering
>g34 or g17?
G40 or go home, 10mm is 26cpr right now and .40 is even cheaper. No reason not to.
FYI, also they dont have a letter for the brace so yea
Ammunition isnt caseless but in regards to form amd function the p90 is probably the closest equivalent. Tbh though this pdw glock is very sexy and is maybe peak truck gun.
9mm would be easier for my gf to shoot, im already stocked the fuck up on it, there are commercialy available sub sonic loads for cheap vs 10mm and its ridiculously expensive 220 grain loads.
subsonic isn't everything nocans
I'm going to file for the can just so I can larp as an ODST. There is just the added benefit of being able to shoot in the woods with my dog around.
>go on etsy
>buy a casting of an M7s
>buy 10/22
>pop casting open
>remove material, insert 10/22
>pop back together
>put on ODST soundtrack, go larperate
Is the Kel Tec rfb the closest to the halo battle rifle we have yet?
>put on ODST soundtrack
Anyone know if this will work with p80 g17 frames?
How has no one made a carry handle with integrated sights for the RDB?
This was peak operating music.
I am pretty upset that Gen 3's cannot accept flux brace.
But it's labeled not a stock
>Checkmate ATF
when the fuck did they release a gen 3 version?
I have been checking their website weekly and it's sold out? The fuck
Which one do I ODST-ify?
Reading comprehension, what is it?
He was talking about gen 3 glocks numbskull. They're "sold out," meaning there's high demand. It says right on the site that there's a x-week lead time
>tilting lock pistol
>giant silencer
>FYI, also they dont have a letter for the brace so yea
And they'll never get one either since the ATF said they aren't issuing letters anymore.
>Flux Defense brace for YC-9 when
Damn, if only nielsen devices existed.
>No reason not to.
9mm is still cheaper, higher capacity, and the easiest/quickest to follow up shots with.
I kinda like their new one for the SIG a bit better, since it's got an elevated, fixed mount for the optic. The B&T system also looks good.
>tfw no CP styled Kel Tec PDW in .17 WSM