What kind of gun is this?

What kind of gun is this?

(source dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2756847/amp/Who-goes-Samsung-reveals-robot-sentry-set-eye-North-Korea.html )

Attached: 1410803555627_wps_1_CHEONAN_REPUBLIC_OF_KOREA.jpg (634x415, 38K)

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a rifle

I just realized we're going to see mass protest put down in East Asia in our lifetime by robots with automatic weapons and household company logos splashed on the side.

> Samsung: Do Bigger Things
> It's HuaWei or the Highway
> Nintendo: Bitch Get Ready To Catch Them All

Samsung auto turret?

Is that a fucking Tec-9?

Kawasaki Heavy Industries body collection and street beatification swarm.

(seriously wth is that smg?)

Attached: 20190923_132851.jpg (350x195, 44K)

Swear to god it's a Tec-9

I don't believe you.


It's probably just a prop because bugpeople aren't allowed real firearms

Attached: A FUCKING MODEL.gif (500x219, 999K)

literally a tec 9 desu

With that crazy magazine?

That's a fucking Tec-9 holy shit lmao

maybe it's chambered in a heavily tapered cartridge

That's obviously not a tec 9

korean classic

Attached: david-joo-roof-korean-l.a.-riots-uprising-rodney-king-2-700x394.jpg (700x394, 43K)

take a look at the trigger, trigger guard, and the magazine well
clearly tec 9

OK. Now look at literally everything else.

yeah and?
it's literally a tec9 with a stock and a forend slapped on
and a curved magazine

They have been building them for 10 years now. They must defend from zergrush.


Found the video.
>C&C Mechanical Man increases in volume

some kid with a dell laptop made a entry robot on youtube back in 2006, this shit ain't hard it's just unpalatable

honest to god might be a Daewoo K7 considering it's SK, the only thing that makes it iffy is the trigger guard

It's cyberpunk as fuck.

>the only thing that makes it iffy is the trigger guard

Have you ever even seen a K7 before?

Attached: D164CD81-410F-4300-A026-F8A091B12DD0.jpg (1802x1391, 959K)

>he doesn't realize that pistol grip, stock and handguard can easily be replaced with something else

Also the view of the gun isn't optimal for figuring out what it is

Look at those screw holes you fucking children, its a cheap injection molded toy like you could buy from walmart.

looks like the franken-guns from MGS-V

is that thing autonomous ? israelis had robotic gun turrets on concrete walls for nearly a decade

Attached: BwgzdI8CQAAPMYh.jpg (600x450, 21K)

Pretty cool to be hummus