
You carry peper srpay right user? You know 80% of assaults are simple assaults, right? You wouldn't shoot some no guns faggot just for touching you, right user?

Attached: SABRERedPepperSpray-PoliceStrength-TacticalSerieswithLockingTop10-Foot3MRange20BurstsUpto5xOtherBran (500x500, 26K)

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I once shot a man for being black and breathing.

Tell me about the complex assault. i(assault)

This is a valid position.

Most people on here are hyper posers.

>I shot a man, just to watch him die

Ok Johnny.

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I don't think complex assault is an actual position. However aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon and assault with intent to commit bodily harm may be what you are asking about.


It would depend on how they touch me. Say they touch me on the shoulder, ok fine mr handsy go away now. Say they shove me I just ignore them and go someplace else. Say they touch my junk, well that's a game changer I'd take them into the back room and pump them full of cock.

I know you are; but what am I?

So now you tell me what you want explained

OP is the big gay

I would shoot a some no guns faggot just for being a no guns faggot.
Why do you think I'm on Jow Forums?


Why would you ever carry pepper spray? Some people have better resistance to capsaicin than others, and spraying them will just piss them off and turn the rape into a murder. Carry a gun, and if you want to go nonlethal, spray them with hydrolchoric acid or something.

I'm a NEET that doesnt go outside so I dont carry anything. Keking at all the poorfag wagies that think they're tuff because they carry a gun and larp about using it in self defense.

Kek at being a lame NEET who stays inside

Anyone who is or attempts to cause physical harm to me or my loved ones will be put down like my dog Digger, who I had and loved for 7 years, when he was attacking my goat and wouldn't let go. I'm 43 years old. I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to roll with something in the street. I don't want to struggle on the sidewalk.


Enjoy being a poorfaggot that's forced to go outside and forced to be around violent minorities and f*males

>80% of assaults are simple assault
>better carry pepper spray
Pick up some dumb bells and learn to fight faggot.

Trips don't lie

>I'm 43 years old

Die! fat useless boomer!! Hope a negro attacks you before you have a chance to pull out your boomer gun.

based and coonpilled

Pepper spray is better than nothing just like a pointed stick is better than nothing, but if your life is in danger a handgun is better 100% of the time.

>So you're saying you'd murder a guy just because he's taking your stuff from your house?

Why don't you take another nap user? You'll need the energy to jack off again later


let me guess you were born in the 2000s? because only they think a 43 year old would be a boomer.

You need both. Not one or the other.

Need to know which to pull and when.


Easy to know when to use pepper spray since the answer is never. Spray it inside and everyone including you is fucked. Spray it at someone who is in your face and you are fucked. Spray it at someone who is coming at you and you are fucked. Pepper spray does not stop a determined individual. Reason you hardly ever fucking see it used anymore by police.

Keep lurking newfaggot.


Oh user....

Pepper spray is for girls and faggots. Wait, it's not even for girls and faggots, because girls and faggots have pink taurus favela blasters in their crotch holsters and purses. Pepper spray is for spraying toilet paper in public restrooms (clear kind only).

Real men get charged with manslaughter and second degree murder for defending themselves against an assailant with a 12+ OAL fixed blade or pistol.

Attached: fatfuckers.png (500x522, 135K)

I think it does have its place but unfortunately you really have to hit yourself with it so you can use it properly because if you spray it you will prob get a minor hit. Pepper spray is good for giving you an extra couple seconds to get your gun/taser/knife out or running away.
t. carry pepper spray in my car and accidentally hit myself twice fucking around with it but it's for the best

I have the real pooper spray... A colostomy bag. I tie two used ones together with some paracord and totally dominate the hospice

You can always just kick their ass, like a man.

Just mix chalk with media for sandblasting (glass media if you can) and toss it in the eyes, better than this gay spray bullshit.

>You wouldn't shoot some no guns faggot just for touching you, right user?
wot like rape? yeh I would.
'rape is a kind of touching'



>This is a valid position.
no it is not pepper spary with do absolutely nothing to gypos in robbing your farm machinery at 3AM. You cosseted little urbanite chucklefuck. You just WANT special touching
'Being thumped in the temple and vegtabalised is a kind of touching'

get in a valid position while I touch you
pepper spray turns me on
so does cutting and gimp suits


I'm confident enough with my fists, but having spray looks pretty good in court. They're going to see if you precluded all other means of stopping the threat, you can't just go straight to gun unless there's an imminent threat to your life. Somebody about to punch you doesn't cut it. Someone about to shoot you, cut you, swing a bat at you, or attack you in a group does. At least in my state.

These cases are being reviewed with heavy scrutiny these days. The fact that Zimmerman even got tried should make your bootyhole pucker. More importantly it should make you look up and understand your state's self defense laws.


lol, you're fucked if you get pepper sprayed but also pepperspray doesn't work

Would it be legal to modify pepper spray to contain a acid as well? That way it melts the persons eyeballs out instead of temporarily stinging them?

It would be way more effective.

Not unless youre legally justified in using force that melts people's faces off.

Also any decent lawyer is going rip you apart for modifying pepper spray to do permanent damage and call it premeditation

This is really stupid and a lawyer will rip you apart for doing this and a jury would probably wonder why the fuck you did such a thing. If you want pepper spray with a little extra kick, they have pepper spray with tear gas and pepper spray mixed together, but it's debateable if this is a better option than regular old pepper spray.

ITT: people who never saw pepper spray in use let alone used it themselves. Also people that think all violent encounters are worth escalating into life and death situations, with all the risks and legal consequences involved.

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I carry because I want to kill someone

Lmao at Tyrone running into the wall

Nah I just use pocket sand

Based and pocketsandpilled

I don't recommend the pepper spray in OP's pic. The twist lock easily shifts into the spray position while you're carrying it and then starts leaking. Flip top is the way to go.

>that run into wall

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I used to teach martial arts in a very very small town. We were the only school around for miles, so we assisted in the local police self-defense courses (this was about 35 years ago, btw).
Part of the course involved getting pepper sprayed to understand it's effects. I got sprayed and it completely fucked me up -- i couldn't breathe, see, and i remember immediately falling reflexively to my knees.
All the officers in the course had to get sprayed.
About 1/3 would just say "yeah that stings a little, but i could still kill you if i wanted to". I still remember that when i think about using pepperspray against an attacker.

Also, cops called it "niggerspray" in the course.
I miss the 80s

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Once you initiate physical conflict, you've accepted that your right to live has been revoked until the conflict ends, however it ends.

My problem with pepper spray is that most of them don't seem to be designed with rapid use in mind. I don't like my odds of fishing a can out of my pocket, turning it around in my hand until the nozzle is pointed the right way, disabling it, and deploying. There are a few that seem to be better, but they all have issues.

Mace makes a couple pepper guns that are just gun-shaped. I can't argue with the ergonomics, but I'd rather not run the risk of it getting mistaken.
Kimber makes the Pepper Blaster which I think has the best ergonomics, but it's just two discrete shots, and I'm not betting on that. It's stream or nothing for me.
Finally there's the Ruger Tornado. Doesn't look anything like a gun, and it's designed to be deployed rapidly in a way that automatically places it in your hand, but it's got a gay ass alarm that goes off the second you unholster it.
Plus, none of those are Sabre Red or Fox Labs, which are the only brands I'm aware of with confirmed MC levels, and that's kind of a big deal.
Am I missing any, or are there solutions out there for ergonomics? I just don't see spray cans as being optimized for rapid deployment in a stressful situation.

>disabling it
Meant disabling the lock

In MA we have mandatory retreat. Even if we didn’t, best to just walk away and let the dipshits kill each other. If it escalates, react accordingly as long as you can articulate your actions. Also OC hurts like hell so I’d recommend it.

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I bought the small can of Sabre off of Amazon. Comes with a neat little clip meant to hook onto your pants' pocket and looks about as out of place as a knife clip or pocket holster clip. It's pretty easy to get to and with practice easier to aim than a firearm. If you plan on carrying it around you better be prepared to practice with either or.

Anyway, the reason I have one is because as much as I'd love to shoot someone, sometimes you just can't. I got harassed by some tweaker outside of a grocery parking lot and spotted him long before he approached and started bugging me. Solution? After telling him to, and refusing to, fuck off you just spray the junkie for his troubles and move on. Trust me, it's just as satisfying sometimes and works wonders.

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