India air force is the best

india air force is superior to all
our beautiful su30mki strike fear into amerifat f15 and typhoon
hal tejas make paki scurry for fear like pest
the impresive mig29k make f18 and Su33 tremble in fear
generous france give us rafales out of fear that we anialate them
hal amca is awesom 6 generaton fighter that strike fear into amerifat
lockhed is so fearful of us that they improve f16 into f21
f22 and f35 and blow chines pig j20 into underworld
may the ever merciful bodhisattva guan yin be kind to thos who cross the India air force

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Other urls found in this thread:

Durka durka durka durka durka durka durka I shit in the durka street durka durka durka indja numba durka wan durka durka durka durka

tunak tunak
tunak tunak
tunak tunak tunanananan

>gets shot down by Paki MiG-21s
What did OP mean by this?

>have american, russian, french, and domestic fighters in inventory

Why the fuck does india do this?

Don’t you have a street to be shitting in, Ranjeet?

dont you hav artery bypass to attend amerifat

overcompessating for their less than an inch penises

I miss the old days of Jow Forums, when internet was only a rich mans privilege in shitty india

Jesus Christ. I thought vatniks were bad but the fucking Paijeets found the board. What's next? Pakis saying the JF-17 is a seventh gen?

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How to know if your country is growing stronger: constant threads hating on it

This explains the obsessive threads against china, india, and russia, cause westerners are being outpaced by asia as they have been for most of history. When europe has a decaying economy and laughable military, and the only powerful western country at this point is the US, a sense of being alone to combat the east is a scary thought indeed, and it manifests itself here quite well

Honestly the pajeet shit posting is the best.


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Conduct yourself with some self respect. Embarassing level of discourse.

The Su-30MKI has a color palette of
"Bloody piss Orange"
"Burnt infant ash Grey"
"HIV laden semen White"
And "Diarrhea shit Green"

Attached: RVzHOtQ.jpg (2000x1356, 228K)

Okay Sinoboo

US and eastern europe have much higher AIDS rates than india or china. Mostly cause white men are homos who like to fuck each other in the butt so god struck you down with AIDS for being faggots.

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Nigger did you really just say that the United States would trust the F-22 and F-35 to a bunch of 4th world street shitters with a collective IQ somewhere in the negatives

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Them fighting words coming from the people who use gutter oil to fry street fast food.

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Harder to catch AIDS when you die of MRSA first from swimming in your "holy rivers"

>the singer got busted for human trafficking

Attached: Indians.png (999x915, 1.12M)

The average Indian newborn looks like this

Attached: 03-baby-born-with-harlequin-ichthyosis.jpg (615x461, 32K)

does any of those line actually work? Like even just once? Why do they keep using them?

They're determined, I'll give 'em that.

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you amerifats and rusan drunks don't know tru power of the india military. Our carrier are better than the jereld ford and the kuzenetsof combined. our arjun tank maeks Abram and T-90 tremble in fear. our amca that is now fliing wit iaf make all other stelth plaens look like baby toy

Attached: hal-amca.jpg (690x368, 52K)

Very pilled red and basement.

Excuse me, must go to designated shitting street.

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>OP is a that thinks India has the F-22 and F-35
Why am I not surprised?

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>may the ever merciful bodhisattva guan yin be kind to thos who cross the India air force
Reaching levels of bait that was that wasn't even theorized

user I think this guy might be unironic. Looked it up and that durka durka "God" is the Hindu god of mercy

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Pakistan is gooder than India and we are real number 1

Attached: IAF-Su-30MKI-Kill-mark-spotted-on-PAF-JF-17.jpg (720x380, 66K)

To be fair, he's super fucking stupid and it's hard to keep up with flying circus's list of aircraft operated.

This. I don’t care about either country involved in the Indo-Pak flame war, so I can just enjoy the banter.

You say that, but Pakistan can destroy amerimutt carrier with 1 jf-17 THUNDER

Nigger, are you serious?

shut up porki su30mki shoot down 200 jf17 and piss on graves of pilots

Nice lie hindu cow. I go eat hamburger and steak made of holy cow

Only here to watch the flame war

You street shitters are missing out. Prime Rib is absolutely divine with a coating of melted butter, dried garlic, and (((kosher))) salt.

Gotta love plane threads, when it isn't a vatnik shilling for the Su-57, it's this shit. Absolutely fucking disgusting

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More so a bait war.

Attached: Not even bait.png (500x501, 80K)


Your air Force is a logistical nightmare, go worship a cut of prime rib

Yuor f35 is so shitty that mig15 will kill it

I’m going to eat some medium rare prime rib and no street shitter can fucking stop me

the Indian Air Force is shittier than the streets of Mumbai, cry harder to your cut of prime rib


Does it hurt to see this?
Hell yeah, brother.
>pic related, was my birthday dinner a couple of months ago

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I liv in mumbai there is no poop on it road. now go shit in bucket in trump tower

We eat our cows and shit in toilets. We can’t be worse than cattle worshipping, street shitting, New Delhi telemarketer faggots.

fuggin based tunak poster

Sure you do, quit waisting your money at a internet cafe and go back to your job as tech support


america has homogays and hiv. i hav toilet as well and rivers are clean. now go inject with prostitute hiv to your anus

what is this?
F-22 will be collecting dust in 10 years bruh.

Of course not, this is just entertainment.

Show us one picture of one of your “clean rivers” shit for brains

The F-22's official service life is until 2030+ though I'm definitely sad that it isn't in production still, imagine a 22 with the same avionics as an F-35

>imagine a 22 with the same avionics as an F-35
there will be software incompatibility, there's like 10 years difference.

here it is. see perfetly clean. unlike ameriburger river

Attached: Ganga (1).jpg (660x440, 132K)

Friendly remainder
You are posting in Bait thread.

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>thinks “clean” river means no trash in it
>Doesn’t think of pollution from boats

boat do not pollute ganges river becaus it is holy and protected by gods. just like gods bless indian air force. does christian god bless river and air force?

user, those are row boats
Major cause of pollution in any river are industrial effluents and sewage.

>seething Chink shills

Are those sterlings?
Those still exist?

>durka durka "God" is the Hindu god of mercy

Well Jow Forumsomrades, since it is already on page 1, I'll as well as post some pics regarding pajeet forces. I need to increase my collection so feel free to Jow Forumsontribute.

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Yeah right, your durka durka (((""""""gods""""""))) protect the Ganges river with the bubonic plague while God literally cures people of leprosy

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This is now Pakistan forces thread

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Wonder what the fagjeet will say next to cope with being BTFO'd

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Eat shit Pajeet

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shut it porki. You are inbred shitbucket that has no butifal holy rivers. no true gods. no su30mki. no f22. not even toilets

>Americans pretending to be Chinese pretending to be Indians

uh, user...
>Unexploded Russian 220 mm "Uragan" rocket next to Ukrainian military truck.
Did they destroyed their own infrastructure?

>Pretending to be Russians pretending to be Pakistanis pretending to be Jews pretending to be Nazis pretending to be normies

the Absolute state of Jow Forums !

This is pure fucking irony

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>rivers are clean
if by clean you mean full of dead bodies, then sure, they are pretty clean by sewer standards. Don't you have a nigger tier funeral pier to jump on?

What is nigger?


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>What is nigger?
cheeky cunt

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I'll take the Indian military more seriously when they stop losing to pakis.

Poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo in the loo

We no need to poop in toilets becaus gods protect us from poop