Did the officer lose because his gun wasn't as powerful as the veteran's rifle?
Did the officer lose because his gun wasn't as powerful as the veteran's rifle?
One of the only videos I've seen where the officer died from too much restraint. I'm sure they still show this at every academy in the country as well.
he lost because he let the other guy grab a gun and couldnt land a hit on him when he finally decided it was time to shoot. It had nothing to do with terminal performance or firepower but entirely had to do with passiveness, poor training, and responses.
They have. For decades. It's the main reason cops pump 6 magazines into anyone who scratches their ass.
He lost when he decided to serve the state instead of the people.
He lost because he didn't dump entire mag into him when he grabbed the gun
He lost because he was too prideful. He would rather try to shoot someone who was going to let him live in the back than leave them alone and stay alive because he couldn't handle not being the one in charge. A lot of cops are like that.
Fuck him.
He actually did hit him it was just non lethal
but user... the state is the people.
(Smirks in Deep State)
The state no longer represents the people. It represents the corporation. The government has stepped outside its authority. The United States has already fallen.
He lost his life because he pleaded for his life like a bitch, and the shooter had at least enough humility to spare him after his reload, then the cop tried to shoot him again, and got his ass blown away.
boomers ackhully believe this.
He lost because, when its time to shoot... Shoot!
Don't talk.
The shooter unironically did nothing wrong, the man was being harrased, which escalated to assault by state gestapo
The veteran probably killed before. It sounds cliche but 'will to fight' is probably the most powerful weapon a soldier has and is a real deciding factor in battle.
Dinkheller lost because he sucked at fighting.
Yes because clearly the murderer was in the right here. He was protesting tyranny by being absolutely insane and killing that cop right? Cop should’ve lit him up as soon as he grabbed the gun.
You are literally on the same mental tier as a ghetto pseudo lawyer citing sovereign citizen garbage.
Everybody brings up that he waited way too long and let the other guy escalate to violence, but the real reason he lost is that he opened the encounter with a disrespectful tone when he was talking to the one in a million wrong person to try that with. He pulled the guy over for speeding. This isn't some boohoo shit where everybody is deserving of respect, but you can avoid a lot of problems in life if you're charismatic and appealing. In a lot of cases it doesn't really matter and you'll be fine even if you aren't, because all that'll happen is some petty bureaucrat slow walks you or some dickweed bags your groceries wrong, but once in a lifetime you're going to meet someone who is unhinged and absolutely ready to kill you if the encounter is not gracious and polite. Be polite.
Honestly this is a big part of it. Dude snapped right back into his training, wasted the cop like it was 1969.
There is some truth to this. The job seems to attract two types of people. The ones with a power trip and a disrespectful demanding and rude tone towards everyone they encounter once they have the uniform on, and ones that just want to serve their neighborhood. Met far more of the former than the latter, but have had encounters where the officer was personable and didn't start off by trying to be the biggest badass that gets to treat a person like shit. I honestly believe they prefer the officers to act like the former to exert dominance over their jurisdictional territory, despite the fact it breeds contempt for them more and more as time goes on.
I don't know what is worse at this point. The underage B&s on Jow Forums saying police are evil and anytime a officer gets hurt they say the assailant did dun do nutting wrong because he was being harassed by the tyrannical road pirates. Or the 13 percenters who claim the same thing. There is like 700,000 police officers in the US and like 30,000 departments each with different levels of training and funding. Lets see all the boot licker comments now.
Hating on cops is leftist shit. I may not like them harassing me for broken tail light. But if your job is putting your life on the line everyday and dealing with retards 24/7; you have my respect.
I don't want to deal with that shit.
t. cop
Now post the chart for wife beating by law enforcement.
>t. i watch netflix the post
It's high just like that of firefights, military, coast guard and even shit like rig workers and EMTs. Any high stress job, especially those were you can not talk about emotions for fear of reprisal, leads to heighten levels of agitation and anger.
the cop deserved that.
It's ok to kill the children of police officers.
>putting your life on the line and dealing with retards
Yeah user, that’s why they have monthly quotas of tickets to give out. That’s why they’re a state monopoly on extortionist violence. I feel bad for the cop in this video, but to blindly paint over the vast majority of power tripping, constitutional violating bootlicking cops is a big mistake. You swear an oath to the constitution, YOU UPHOLD IT.
>But if your job is putting your life on the line everyday
Cops have the safest blue collar job in the world by a large margin. And despite this all they do is bitch and moan about "officer safety." Fuck off back to bootlicker town.
So just don’t worry about someone who walks around with a gun and absolute power with uncontrollable anger. Shut up bootlicker
>newnigger discovers a decade old video
Of course the cop did not deserve to die. But let's not pretend that if the cop had simply shown some respect and decency to the general public, the people he was hired to protect, that he wouldn't have walked out of there alive.
>that’s why they have monthly quotas of tickets to give out
Got any actual proof of that?
>That’s why they’re a state monopoly on extortionist violence.
That was actually a direct quote from antifa.
>vast majority
Refer to
As well the should.
S.C.s are too dumb to live.
>Got any actual proof of that?
lmao @ zoomers.
Most departments do since the late 90s. It's open source common knowledge public domain. Even the departmetns who claim they don't have usually only renamed their quotas.
But, back to the thread theme. In short, a superior weapon, skills, and attitude won him the firefight.
>state monopoly on extortionist violence
That's the kind of things lolbertarians have been saying for years. The anarcho-commies hve picked up on it. Especially now as they use private property arguments to excuse social media platforms when they suppress their political opponents.
>break a law
>police do their job
current state of Jow Forums
I have friends who are old and new cops who have been forced to write speeding tickets while going through training, and told the department needs to bring in a certain amount of revenue a month nigger.
As for state monopoly on extortionist violence, didn’t know that was an Antifa quote but boy they’re right. What do cops mostly do kiddo? They dick around in overpaid taxpayer cars and give out more traffic violations than anything else. Being forced to pay a victimless crime fine is extortion, Do you know what the word extortion means bootlicker?
So no proof? Sounds good Mr. user!
Constitution is the Law
Those screams
>prove to me the sky is blue faggot! do it now! and prove trump is president too!
grow up.
man this video fucked me up. i just watched it for the first time. i dont know what it is, i think it might be the audio. ive watched a lot of shit on liveleak and bestgore but this one got to me the most. son of a bitch man, if this video isn't proof that you need a full auto glock with 100 rd drum MINIMUM for self defense then I Dont know what it is
>They dick around in overpaid taxpayer cars
pic related too much funding
so you provide no proof of what you're saying and now you resort to stawman and redirecting.
It’s fucked up because the cop gave him so many chances, but could you imagine being a Nam vet, having your country turn their back on you, and then you’re going to have this chubby cop boss you around? Idk man I wish the guy didn’t get killed but it almost seemed inevitable
Jesus he let him rummage through the car for an eternity
Lol cherry-picking bootlicking nigger. Squad cars for state police are 150k EACH where I live. Kys faggot
You still don’t know what Extortion is?
there's a good video my GF(male) recommended me about knife attacks and cops. i think it's supposed to be some semi-serious satire or a serious video that seems satirical...i forget...anyways it's supposed to be really good and I wanted to link it to you guys. it shows why even with something which is seemingly benign (like a dude with a knife from 5 feet away) needs to be eradicated instantly with as many gun shots as possible
>where I live
Fuck user I didn't know where you live is where everyone lives! Holy fuck damn you got me good user with all this name calling now! You really sure do know how to argue a point! Can I join your leftist antifa group to learn from the people you learned from?!
>lock your doors, load your guns and get a biting, barking dog
>load your guns
So does Kentucky just have based Sheriffs because what the fuck.
It is worth noting the officer who was killed had recently been reprimanded for drawing his firearm earlier than the powers that be decided afterwords was appropriate in that situation.
is that true? jesus christ lmao, what a shitshow
Clearly when the supreme court rules that you have no legal obligation to protect the citizens you claim to protect and serve then...well you are nothing more than a revenue collector. If you have a desire to serve still after finding that out the world still needs heroes. And I am sure the heros at the fire department are still looking.
There was a death because the state wanted to take money from a man because he went faster than the posted limit. A limit that was set decades ago when vehicles and the roads were not even close to what they are now. Think about that.
maybe try not to cherry pick when you call someone else out for cherry picking
I’d say it’s moreso his restraint, the other man’s experience, and the fact that a rifle is easier to get on target.
Fuck off. Vietnam vets are filled with whiny boomer faggots. No one owes them a fucking thing. The vet was clearly unhinged from the start and the cop did nothing disrespectful to him. He should’ve slammed that faggot to the ground and wedged a knee into the back of his neck the second he got in his face. I was stunned he let that POS back in the car and painstakingly retrieve the rifle. No situational control.
I’m sure this crazy vet was merely speeding and not driving under the influence of multiple substances. I’m sure his driving was totally not erratic like his behavior. I had a boomer nam vet hit my car while drunk and on Xanax. I made sure to box him in and laughed when cops slapped cuffs on
This, their baby killers.
>every LEO in the America quits
>no police
>not law enforcement
Now what? Because the din dos, thugs, druggies, homeless, and finnafoos now have nothing holding them back. What will you do when they want your boy butt?
One man army? Try to channel the inner autism of Jow Forums and get a group going.
The system isn't perfect but without it we are all fucked.
Sure is under age in here.
>Now what? Because the din dos, thugs, druggies, homeless, and finnafoos now have nothing holding them back. What will you do when they want your boy butt?
I will shoot at them.
With a gun.
This is a board about weapons.
People here will shoot at them with guns.
>din do tries to fuck with you
>you shoot them
>insert your dominance all over that shit
>din dos cus' come back with 10 others
>they molotov your house
>burn you out
>rape your boy butt
How did you see this going?
>because fuck neighbors
All of them sold their lots to be used in some shitty mass farm, he was right to stick it through.
The police are not legally obligated to protect you now. Can you not read?
Nobody is fucked. Plenty of backwoods, dirt roads still exist that dont ever see a police car and they get on just fine
Was it Giuliani who proposed the police just stop answering calls until some antifun law was passed? I wish they'd fucking done it, gun ownership in NY would've skyrocketed.
Crime would have dropped like a rock once the citizens started shooting criminals and the only thing showing up was an ambulance.
Ever laugh when you see a handful of police running down a street geared up and some old lady goes walking past them in a moo moo with her groceries?
Something isn't right.
I'm not even talking about police really, I am just saying in this scenario regardless of police presence, I will shoot at the naughty people who mean me harm
The party IS the proletariot. To oppose the party is to oppose the wellness, will, and spirit of the people.
Dindus are urban creatures and pretty much stay there. Very few will leave their neighborhoods. After rioting where they loot the chinks and the pakis they'll murder each other in large numbers.
By that time suburban and rural whites will have neighbored-up and incursions into their territories will be handled.
Whites excel at organized violence. After thousands of years of large-scale warfare it's not only their culture, they're bred for it.
>he actually believes everything would be fine without law enforcement
Those places out in BFE are fine because everyone knows everyone and everyone tends to get along. The population is small and the community is tight nit. Most larger cities are already a fucking powder keg. Being able to run someone over on the sidewalk and just keep on driving because no one saw your face and no one will put the effort into tracking you down doesn't sound like a good time to me. Before you say no one would do shit like that just look at what site you're on now. The only thing holding most people back is the fear of law.
Laws are punitive not preventive. If they were preventative we wouldn't have prisons full of repeat offenders.
People in general are good. A few people are just fucked and shouldn't exist. And in case you haven't noticed people talk a lot of shit, but that's all it is.
Defending the cops ceased to be justified when they began to happily enforce laws which served no purpose except to abridge freedoms.
you have so little knowledge of human nature and social structure that it is mildly concerning. i lived in a large city for 14 years and i could chart on a map the territories gangs fought over.. it wasn't just in the city either they branched out into native territory and tried to fuck with native pride groups. imagine gangs being so fucking mad that they go into the fucking res to try and pettel drugs and whores.
Careful with that edge kid
The fact remains that all governments authority is given via the constitution. If the government fails to follow those guidelines at the most basic face value as they are written the document no longer is law. If the document is not law then no branch of the government has any legal authority.
Cant have it both ways. The second the government started to regulate firearms they were in violation of the second amendment. The government does not have that authority because the right exists expressly for the people to be able to protect themselves from the government.
>People in general are good
Please go outside and into the community. The vast majority of people are good because they are socially rewarded for being good. There are very few genuine good people out there and it's sad. When it comes down to it humans are tribal and they will do heinous shit to other tribes.
A cop could get shot at by someone committing a burglary in progress, smoke him, and half of Jow Forums would still complain that cops are brutal thugs that want to snatch up all the funs. Maybe some do, but I can tell you there are a LOT in the LE community who have the same respect for 2A as Jow Forums and are worried about an overreaching government.
There is no reward for being good and honest. The rewards that exist are for being dishonest and selfish. Good exists because it is internally rewarding.
I've seen a lot of this country. People who live in extreme circumstances tend to respond likewise. In other words if you treat citizens like prisoners eventually they will act like them. And that is exactly what is happening in this country. Why is Mexico fucked? Greedy ass government bred greedy ass cartels. The general public is fine. But you cant live in a war zone and not be affected. They would have been better off without the multiple governments meddling.
>Good exists because it is internally rewarding
Good exists because if you're an asshole to the cashier who is taking too long and you have someone where to be you will be publicly shamed. If you're an asshole to the waitress because she got your order wrong you will be publicly shamed. If you don't pick up your dogs shit you will be publicly shamed. Like I said people are good because it is socially rewarding. Being a ruthless cutthroat can be good in the monetary sense, but you public image can be fucked. Most people do good things to get good standing.
No you won't. Not 9 times out of 10. You live in some fantasy land. Those exact behaviors are repeated because the few confrontations one might experience are worth navigating for some people because the rewards from the negative behavior are greater.
You pick up shit because you wouldn't want to step in shit. You feel better because of it. You dont go psychopath on the waitress because you wouldn't want it done to you. It's the oldest "rule" in human nature. It can be found in the new testament. It can be found in books before the new testament. Homer's works to he exact. It can be found in religions that predate homes works. The "golden rule" is just basic human nature.
You really want for people to need a shepherd, (the police) but they do not. They will form their own protection in its absence. Then that too will become some twisted version that needs to be cut. Because it is also human nature to want to control.
If human beings were like you painted them we would be extinct. It is the few that have caused the most problems and almost always under the blanket of a government and for some "greater good".
Just because you are a sociopath that doesn't care about anyone but himself doesn't mean everyone else is the same. The reason a species as weak as humans has made it on top is because of cooperation and taking care of each other. The issue with the world is that people with sociopathic tendencies are the ones that climb to the top of the ladder because most other people don't want to be there or to do what it takes to get there, which gives us shitty governments/corporations ruling the world.
This guy gets it.
Your probably the psychopath. Perhaps try being nice just to be nice and you will change the world.
You won't convince anyone of anything here because they're all libertarians, meaning they're retards.
this just wouldnt happen today... if you run up towards a cop when they tell you not to, you will be shot. end of story.
If you think the state is the people with the amount of lobbyists on the hill and money poured into campaigns by corporations you are hopelessly lost. When was the last election when you went "shit, that guy right there is the best choice in the country for president" if you answered anything but never you are batshit crazy.
nuh-uh, its kill or be killed. thats what my drunk dad told me. u telling me my daddy was wrong? fuck you ya commie. "every man for himself" is the american way. i am god!!!!
>en was the last election when you went "shit, that guy right there is the best choice in the country for president"
Unironically Bernie
before that it was Ron Paul (just because i liked his foreign policy)
>Perhaps try being nice just to be nice and you will change the world.
no. everything outside my body is an illusion. im never going to be nice to an illusion. you're not even real.
One of the YouTube commentators makes an interesting point, shockingly. Cops are trained to be defensive, military are trained to go on the offensive
there are people who actually think this.
This hurts. I've seen it, won't click. Bad day. Cops and Veterans both lost that day. This wasn't about guns. It's about bad legal practice.
illusions can kill you though, so it isn't of much consequence that they aren't real.