New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
Previous thread:
>that Offerman faggot
First for chiropractors aren't real doctors and chiropractic """procedures""" are a scam that does nothing at best and can actually injure you
Nth for fuck
Gun grabbers
5th for learn a trade and work with your hands so you can construct better homemade firearms
I'm a burger but I wanted to say hi :)
Hello fren!
Trades are a meme go to university if you want to make something of yourself
university is a meme unless you go stem / professional services based degrees
Just go to business college so you can run your own place and have no boss but yourself.
>worth anything
I hate this fucking country. Lots of fucking retarded tax cows making up a dogshit nation
we fucking told you over hyped naive retards to restrain your expectations. of course nothing was going to happen. he's still going to win.
I was never hyped, I was just hopeful that Canadians would actually think enough about his recent bullshit to oust him.
Of course, that's not happening. Which is super disappointing.
I'm convinced that people are sheep. Isn't there a quote like mobs are predictable, individuals are erratic?
cant wait for the big igloo
Lemmings. -GLR
What fun stuff can I do with a gun if I can't bring myself to kill an animal?
>him and his merry band of right wing retards get drone striked by the govt
GG retard
because that's how it works
>Droning downtown Vancouver
please do
Kill an animal.
What will tragic accidents will happen to your rifles if there is a gun buyback?
Well I only ever owned Rs, so I guess I'm turning them in
Maybe I should get some NRs
we only have 2 drones ones been broken for years the other got chopped up to put in the warmuseam
I lost mine in an unfortunate smelting accident, reduced to molten slag
if they're offering market value then i'm willing to sell all my chink crap back to them
Shoot targets at ultra long ranges
become familiar with the inner working of your rifle and it's proper maintenance
So after Trudeau wins, what can we do REALISTICALLY to make him rethink his shitty policies? Will we protest? I don't even have my PAL yet and I am down to just buying a gun case to bring to a protest. Not that I think that will do anything, but if enough people protest, maybe.
Jesus, how did you not see this coming?
>realistic outcome
>we've spoken to canadians
>canadians actually like guns
>our policy doesn't actually address gang violence
>we'll do nothing for the time being
>until the next incident of blackface
>I apologize
Put it this way:
If we give Trudeau a reason to not spend $600m on taking guns he actually doesn't care about (we all know he's just saying this for votes), then maybe he will listen.
I'm an engineer and I wish I went into the trades instead.
Man, McVeigh was a determined fellow. Just look at that visage. No hint of doubt in the belief that was he did was totally justified. May we all have that same determination in the years to come.
See, you say he's saying this just for votes, but he seems a bit more adamant about this than he has before. Which isn't a good look imo
if you have been paying attention you'd know blackface follow the beat of his own drum
raybould and for the sake of our global perception and sanctity of our legal system couldn't stop him what could?
mr 1000 faces will not be denied
Bloodied but unbowed user. Bloodied but unbowed.
What do you do "innawoods" exactly? I live in Nanaimo so there are lots of the aforementioned "woods." Just set up camp and run around shooting targets for fun?
also bring no-gun lib friends to change hearts and minds
>Bought a scope + some other non-gun stuff from SFRC because of sale
>They ask for my PAL because of "fraud" cases they've had with high-end scope purchases for first time customers
>Don't have my PAL yet
What do I do? I sent a message back explaining that I'm going for my courses next month and hope to get my PAL within a few months but I didn't think you'd need a PAL for a scope.
They haven't responded all day.
Any opinions about the Beretta 92fs? is it good option for a first handgun?
Just went out and took my restricted firearms course because of Liberal fuckery and i'm starting to look at handguns for the first time while I wait for my RPAL. Any other suggestions for good semi - auto's around the thousand dollar mark?
idk drivers license
Oy T97 user, here ya go
cant really go wrong with a 92fs
And here are the irons. They look a little different to the human eye than to a camera lens, but they're still alright. Not much for adjustment though. Just the front post elevation and windage like an AK sight post
Now get the FTU.
Tell them it's for an air rifle and you don't have apal.
Wtf scope did you buy that they are asking for Id?
They do rotate friend. Take the rear site post, and push the top forward enough to overcome the detent.
I'm honestly kinda tempted. I wanna take it out shooting first before I get that t97,ca upgrade
Set yourself on fire in front of Parliament. But you gotta stay still, makes for better photos.
No, carry handle is prettier. Plus it's nice to carry it with the handle
It's just a Vortex Viper 1-6x. They claim it's because they were having cases of fraud for high-end optics. I have no idea how that came to be but they didn't tell me about this until after I had already paid for it.
Call them and tell them to either cancel your order or piss off with the extra rules BS.
Did you figure out how to rotate your sight yet?
OH FUCK. I love the AK style sight. Amazing. Thank you friendo.
now that I figured that out I probably will keep it
if you want the FTU then get the t97 gen2 and get rid of your carrying handle one
>next year on /cangen/
Hey guys I just got my rpal and picked up this bad boy. Was a year of background checks and anual penis inspections but I finally got her.
NR cucks on suicide watch enjoy your long as recurves and crossbows faggot kek
If I can't get it resolved, then sure. I'm gonna wait to see how they respond first.But I'd like for this to go through because it's a 15% off sale, man.
Woah mine doesn't look like that, I have 3 holes of various sizes and a post
And no worries
haha enjoy only launching your stones at the CFO approved slingshot range. if you need me, ill be innawoods with my superior NR longbow
>I have 3 holes of various sizes
too bad you have to register and only bring it to the range it because its shorter then 26" in length, i can take mine innawoods!
Probably couldn't pass the rpal and your just upset.
You wish you could have sweet shit like me haha
Not funny.
Prohib fag coming through :^)
NR fags forever coping
These posts aren't even funny?
Molefaggot is that you?!?!tell me about the time you cc'd a slingshot in mcdonalds again and let me suck your cock some more
Hi Phil
our future isnt supposed to amuse you
Only got one duck this weekend. reaaaaaaaaaaal slow. any body else go? Stalked some bush with buddies bow hunting for deer and saw a couple doe.
Cutest chink (leaf)
I hate this one because it's the most realistic I've see so far.
ive got 2 extra dpm camo jackets but youll have to bring your own balaclava
Let's just hypothesize that Trudeau gets elected, passes a bill that will outlaws semi automatics and the day comes for the buybacks:
How much is this gonna cost to the government if we theorize that a solid chunk of gun owners will hand in their firearms?
more money than they want to spend. that's why their requirements for certain price ranges will be retarded and at most you'll get 33% of your retail price back.
They are estimating $600m because they are basing their numbers on about $2.4k per AR-15 alone, yet they are obviously going for way more than just AR-15s. It's such a stupid proposition.
>crazy determination
Next they'll come for the shotguns.
Cap this.
>nobody needs a assault shotgun with more than 3 rounds. What are you hunting children?!?!?!
Remember to vote CPC
PPC is well aware that they're spliting the vote and dont care.
Whoever this is, they’re retarded
Post pinky ring
The face of a principled man who loved his country more than it deserved.
lel I got a uni degree and I hated this shit so much I went into the trades
what do i buy for a big dab?
PTRD-41 and then you let me shoot it a couple times in exchange for a blowie no homo
so what if i am ive got my hunter safety
Sous l'œil de Dieu, près du fleuve géant,
Le Canadien grandit en espérant.
Il est né d'une race fière,
Béni fut son berceau.
Le ciel a marqué sa carrière
Dans ce monde nouveau.
Toujours guidé par sa lumière,
Il gardera l'honneur de son drapeau,
Il gardera l'honneur de son drapeau.
De son patron, précurseur du vrai Dieu,
Il porte au front l'auréole de feu.
Ennemi de la tyrannie
Mais plein de loyauté,
Il veut garder dans l'harmonie,
Sa fière liberté;
Et par l'effort de son génie,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité.
Amour sacré du trône et de l'autel,
Remplis nos cœurs de ton souffle immortel!
Parmi les races étrangères,
Notre guide est la loi :
Sachons être un peuple de frères,
Sous le joug de la foi.
Et répétons, comme nos pères,
Le cri vainqueur : "Pour le Christ et le roi!"
Le cri vainqueur : "Pour le Christ et le roi!"
Here fucker.
PPC was made by Mad Max to steal votes from Scheer and sink the CPC because he's salty about losing the Con leadership race, change my mind.
>thinking about ditching the 12ga and taking my .22 WMR CZ with irons to blap grouse this year
Is this retarded?
I just watched a Simo Hayha video and it made me want to go beastmode
Obviously nothing beats .22LR for value, but between 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm and 12ga, what provides the most fun per dollar?