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When did distributing science become illegal?

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Is it illegal to have bomb making instructions?
Has it finally become illegal to know things?

its called possession, and distribution with intent

possession of information? intent of distributing information?

You're so fucking retarded I'm not even going explain how you're wrong.

So, what you’re saying is jews.

It is illegal, and its going to stay that way because no one is going to do anything about it. You can get as angry as you want and claim its as wrong as it is, but nothing's changing. Get over it

It's not. At least not for civilians. It might be a crime for mil personnel, I'm not sure. OP is a retard and didn't link the article so I have no details to go off of.

It should be illegal to have a negative iq that way the cops could come legally kill you.

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It's literally not illegal for a US citizen to posses or to distribute materials telling you how to make a bomb. Terroristic threats, conspiracy to commit terroistic acts, and constructive possesion of materials to make illegal explosives ARE crimes, but just having literature that tells you how to make explosives is not, and has never been, illegal.

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i bet those bombmaking instructions could be cleverly disguised as minecraft instructions

those are drug laws you literal mouth breathing retard. they'll probably charge him with conspiracy of some sort.

It is not illegal to own books on how to make things. You fucking faggot.

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Ok, but where's the instructions?

making explosives for non-business purposes is legal at the federal level. read the ATF orange book. this topic is covered explicitly in the FAQ section of the latest publication. it might be illegal on the state level, however.

possession of certain materials constitutes (legally speaking) intent. Are you trying to tell me if you were found with such things, it wouldnt affect or justify an investigation? Youve spent too much time on Jow Forums if you think that normies would defend owning this sort of info. im not saying its right per se, but this is the world we live in. Also this shit needs to fucking stop. Say whatever you want about everything else ive said, but this unwarranted livid anal spewing is not needed as every response to everything. Youre lowering the level of dialogue in what is already one of the worst places on the internet. Vitriol is standard, but these days, theres no discussion, just pure shit.

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read my post you dumb fuck

fuck phones

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Possesion does not dictate intent, you fucking idiot. Intent is entirely reliant on the perpetrator's state of mind at the time of the incident. This is first year law school shit.

When you link it to a presidential candidate who has security monitoring all forms of threats.

Possession of information is not illegal, which is what the anons were refering to.

Now possession of large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, modified cellphones, and information how to make ANFO could constitute intent.

Just having a copy of the Anarchists Cookbook on your shelf, would never consitute intent.

>Are you trying to tell me if you were found with such things, it wouldnt affect or justify an investigation
Hey retard, there's something called "totality of the circumstances". Yes, if you walk into a Tractor Supply with a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook under your arm and ask to buy 1,000 pounds of fertilizer the police can probably present that to a judge as suitable probably cause to get a search warrant for your car or house. The point is that possessing bomb making literature IN OF ITSELF is not illegal NOR is it enough probable cause on its own for search or seizure.

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As others have said it’s not illegal, but also this kind of shitty attitude is what let’s the federal government just keep creeping further into your rights.

are you saying "yeah i downloaded those for educational purposee, can i go now?" wont fucking hold water. besides, the prosecution doesnt need very much to convince a jury that a literal fucking terrorist should get the chair. its not about what you can prove. if a case is high profile such as a terrorism, the narrative is already there, youre fucked. no judge is NOT going to convict you because theres some technicality. public pressure and what not

Reminder to the mental midgets ITT that armed forces personnel are subject to military codes of justice which are much stricter than civilian laws in many cases

Oh, you're a troll.

What the fuck are you even saying?
>its not about what you can prove

and that distributing such information in the same breathe with a potential new commanding officer(potus candidate) is a pretty stupid move

probable cause is literally anything an officer wants it to mean. If they want in, theyre coming in.
>i thought i heard someone calling for help
thats all they need. all these legal technicalities dont matter to someone who thinks they are acting for the greater good.

>implying the legal system actually works anymore

When you are a member of the US Army apparently.
> Spc. Jarrett William Smith, 24, was arrested Saturday and charged with one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction. He was serving at the time of his arrest as an infantryman with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, at Fort Riley, Kansas.

>t. psued
Probable Cause is a legal term of art and has the well accepted definition of a burden of proof being greater than a reasonable suspicion.

its not about proving intent. its about the heinousness of the crime that creates public outcry. if theyve got you dead to rights, and theyre feeling the weight, all these magic legal rules go out the window, and some obscure precedent is brought in to justify it

>hurr durr it doesn't matter
>nothing matters
>just give up and die

Comments like this are why you need a license to practice law.

Dude, cut him some slack. Judging by his near complete lack of capitalization and apostrophes, he's likely angry as hell.

no judge or cop has ever done anything legally dodgy to get a conviction? never? not when theyre up for reelection? or the crime is personal? i didnt know that you were omnipotent. i better step out of this one because i am so obviously outwitted. bye

Military personnel do not sign their rights away, distributing chemistry/ practical building information is perfectly legal

>Military personnel do not sign their rights away
You sure about that? When was the last time you got thrown in prison for not showing up on work come Monday morning?


From "you're universally screwed" to "someone at some point has done something unethical to screw someone else legally?"

Go take a walk; clear your head.

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>When asked how to make a bomb that would eliminate an unnamed politician in Texas, Smith gave more instructions that the FBI bomb technician said would in fact result in a viable explosive device, according to the documents
Ah, there it is. So it's not that he was arrested for distributing information on how to make bombs, he was arrested for distributing information on how to make bombs IN ORDER TO KILL a politician. Conspiracy to murder. Case closed boys.

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Google "appellate courts".

>distributing bomb-making instructions on social media
>on social media
get the fuck off social media, retards. they fucking hate you and will gladly report people like us to the feds.

That was his main mistake, and he likely posted about how people need to "do something" which is why it's going to bite him in the ass.
All of the anons in here freaking out saying "hurr durr is it suddenly illegal to POSSESS files?!" are being idiots. It's posting files on platforms that hate your guts and saying political shit at the same time. People want you dead, but locked up will work for now.

Holy shit.
He got arrested for being an internet blowhard and being a dumbass.
Posting here probably puts you on a list.
Posting on Facebook is basically putting lube on your asshole and firing confetti into the air while playing Nirvana's "Rape Me," and shaking your naked buttcheeks at the FBI.

An agent asked him how to kill a politican with a bomb and he gave an accurate detailed answer. That's why he got arrested.

Thanks. OP is a fag for not providing an archive link when he clearly took the pic.
I wasn't gonna look it up and read it on my own atm

>Conspiracy to murder.
Guys, it's in the article. It's not conapiracy to commit murder.
> Spc. Jarrett William Smith, 24, was arrested Saturday and charged with one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.
> one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.

Don't be telling tales about explosives online if you're in the service.

Yeah hes massively retarded. He'll probably get away with a pretty light sentence tho as the actual threat portion is a stretch and it was the FBI agent who actually stated the plan.

I dunno.
What's conspiracy net you, these days?

im not disagreeing that the stakes are high but something like 98% of cases get plead out and I think theres enough ambiguity here with him not even once saying something like "I'm going to do X" or "Let's do Y" or having any actual explosives that they will just make a deal rather than risk a not guilty or hung jury

The agent asked him who they should blow up and he answered with as much specificity as saying his mother-in-law. Meanwhile, the distribution charge is a slam dunk, plus I wouldn't be suprised if the .mils they had criminal statutes just related to white supremacy at this point.

Oh right, it's a court martial and not a regular court. Yeah, I'm guessing he's boned.

The implementation of the Patriot Act.
The only people who fought against it was our public library system, which would not cease distribution or disclose information on who was checking out books like the Anarchist Cookbook etc, etc.
Thank a librarian today!

i disagree with your interpretation, just saying beto's name doesnt suddenly make it terrorism. I didnt read anything in the article that showed he answered affirmatively to participating in any plot.
>white supremacy shit in the UCMJ
its there but it has specific requirements which have to met such as having an offical membership or distributing literature on base. Its more lenient than you would think. The article doesnt mention him being charged under the UCMJ

This. Nothing wrong with distribution of information, problem is the way you use said information.

Its not a court martial, thats for UCMJ crimes and theres no bail

(p) Distribution of Information Relating to Explosives,
Destructive Devices, and Weapons of Mass Destruction. -
(1) Definitions. - In this subsection -
(A) the term "destructive device" has the same meaning as in
section 921(a)(4);
(B) the term "explosive" has the same meaning as in section
844(j); and
(C) the term "weapon of mass destruction" has the same
meaning as in section 2332a(c)(2).
(2) Prohibition. - It shall be unlawful for any person -
(A) to teach or demonstrate the making or use of an
explosive, a destructive device, or a weapon of mass
destruction, or to distribute by any means information
pertaining to, in whole or in part, the manufacture or use of
an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass
destruction, with the intent that the teaching, demonstration,
or information be used for, or in furtherance of, an activity
that constitutes a Federal crime of violence; or
(B) to teach or demonstrate to any person the making or use
of an explosive, a destructive device, or a weapon of mass
destruction, or to distribute to any person, by any means,
information pertaining to, in whole or in part, the manufacture
or use of an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass
destruction, knowing that such person intends to use the
teaching, demonstration, or information for, or in furtherance
of, an activity that constitutes a Federal crime of violence.

tl;dr distribution of information and even instruction on how to create explosives and WMD's is legal UNTIL you are dumb enough to say this training is for the use of a crime

Who's next to get v&?? Some autist needs to crunch the stats on how likely it is.
Inb4 hurrdurr I'm a good boy
You post on here, you're a "potentially violent, heavily armed political extremist", without exception, should they want you to be one.

But I’ve seen people post explosive guides here? Are you telling me if I had downloaded it that would be illegal? I thought we can legally make bombs on our own property as long as we don’t store them or take them off of said property

Pay attention, dickhead. explains it succinctly.

There's a difference between having a bomb lab in a shed with those instructions and telling the world at large that this is how you make a bomb.
Someone that falls into a tweaker stereotype reading a paper on how to make meth and sharing it with his friends isn't demonstrating intent anymore than a militia type telling everyone you make the good TATP by distilling down the hydrogen peroxide to as little water content at your air pressure as possible is.
Is it a red flag worth keeping tabs on maybe? Sure, but it shouldn't pass any legal threshold beyond at most getting a warrant issued much less a felony conviction.

Nice talmudic logic there rabbi.

Do you have some more pilpul to entertain us with when you’re still on the clock raking in shekels?

Based librarytarians

>conflates rights with contractual duties

You are a special kinda tard

>antifa, Hollywood, hippies and other leftists: "Conservatives, white people, and the sitting president of the United States needs to be raped and murdered!!! Fuck them I will shoot and blow them up myself!!! Kill every single man woman and child!!!"
>The entirety of the government:
>Literally one soldier: this one specific literally who of minimal notoriety needs to be dealt with because he is a traitor to the country I serve"

Guys. C'mon.

We all know this site and others like it are fully infiltrated, have been for a long time. The real question is, what do we do now?


Its not that hard, dont trust anyone.

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Why is this a crime? They took an oath to defend America and the constitution from all threats foreign and DOMESTIC. How is Beta not committing treason?

>doing Gods work
Id give him a promotion. Least I could do

Some information in the military is considered classified. Now, whether or not it's public knowledge is irrelevant typically. If he distributed information that is considered classified, he's gonna have a bad time

I dont trust you.

>Are you trying to tell me if you were found with such things, it wouldnt affect or justify an investigation?
How has this not been answered already? Obviously yes, it wouldn'tvwarrant an investigation you orwellian kike.

Brother, I can violate any contract under the sun you can cook up, and at best, you get my house, maybe garnish my wages. You aren't getting me tossed in prison.

I mean, if you're in breach and the Sherrif gets a writ to seize your property for restitution and you refuse you will be arrested and go to jail for interfering with a court order.

I think that has more to do with crossing the State's authority than the contract, but sure,I'll say I was wrong and violating criminal law counts as violating a contract.

It still doesn't change that enlisting counts as signing away rights, or whatever you want to call it. You and I are protected by the 1st if we share instructions on manufacturing explosives, while an E4 gets charged. Off the top of my head, adultery remains a civil matter for civilians, while officers can face criminal charges, correct?

Catch 22. You talk, you get listed. You don't talk, you're waiving away your rights to free speech and association.

>Are you telling me if I had downloaded it that would be illegal?
no, it's only illegal for the person distributing the information, and only under certain circumstances. see Receiving and saving the information is perfectly legal.

>When did distributing science become illegal?
>implying the legislative, executive, judicial branches and huge swaths of the public have any more respect for amendment #1 as they do for all the others

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Pretty much. All you have to do is not describe them in detail.

My idea would involve longer range rifle attacks on people, in vein of the DC sniper methods..

That's totally legal speech right there, unless someone's got some case law that proves me wrong, because I'd love to hear it.

Hahahahahaha! Are you really this fucking stupid? The US executive bureaucracy has always been right-wing, you fucking idiot. Look at the US history of South American interventionism and FBI programs like COINTELPRO and come back when you realize how fucking wrong you are.

Also, get the fuck off my board you stupid fucking newfags. This shit is politic garbage of the highest grade. Have some fucking self-respect, goddamnit!

It isn't.

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>28. Who needs a Federal explosives license or permit?
All persons who wish to transport, ship, cause to be transported, or receive explosive materials must first obtain a Federal explosives license or permit. Certain exemptions apply. [18 U.S.C. 842(b); 18 U.S.C. 845; 27 CFR 555.26(a), 27 CFR 555.141]

>37. When is a manufacturer’s license required?
A manufacturer’s license is required by persons engaged in the business of manufacturing explosive materials for sale, distribution, or for their own business use. For example, persons engaged in the business of providing a blasting service using explosives of their own manufacture would be required to have a manufacturer’s license. Persons who manufacture explosives for their personal, non-business use are not required to have a manufacturer’s license. However, no person may ship, transport, cause to be transported, or receive explosive materials unless such person holds a license or permit. [27 CFR 555.11: definition of “manufacturer”, 555.41(b)] A separate manufacturer’s license is not required by a licensed manufacturer for the purpose of on-site manufacture, for example, mixing binary explosives or making blasting agents at a quarry or other job site. It is not necessary for a licensed manufacturer to also obtain a dealer’s license to engage in business on his or her licensed premises as a dealer in explosive materials (see also Question 52 and 53) [27 CFR 555.11: definition of “manufacturer”, 555.41(b)(2)]

for you ultra dense niggers.

This, CIA has supported conservative governments as well as armed and funded right wing paramilitaries all across LatAm and almost certainly continues to do so to this very day.

End your miserable excuse of a life, newshit.

Ok guys. You've improved over the last couple of months. So. Good job on the whole. This piece specifically? It almost looks organic. However. Given the amount of funding you receive your shitposting is just not funny. Yes simple derision can deflect most criticisms but this looks like it was done by a 12 year old. And in that case it stops working especially with such bad supporting comment. See me with revisions.

It's no Illegal to make explosives for personal use.


Fighting the good fight, clearly. Really gotta kneel at the alter of political shitposter threads to show everyone just how fucking based you are. Fuck off back to whatever hellhole you crawled out of, because this shit right here? This isn't fucking Jow Forums.

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No things were found. He's distribution of bomb making materials amounted to telling a glowie how to, incorrectly, make a bomb using household items.

I read the court docs on this case. The FBI informant asked Smith for ideas on a target in Texas. Smith said something to the effect of "other than Beto, I can't think of anyone." Smith did not say "I'm going to bomb Beto." His comments are circumspect enough that I could see a lawyer arguing a decent case for entrapment and if Smith wasn't actually gathering the materials to carry out the bombing, I don't see that specific charge landing anywhere.

You're correct. He didn't say "I'm gonna bomb Beto". The FBI informant asked him to recommend a target in Texas, to which replied "other than Beto, I don't know anyone" worth killing. He may have stated Beto's name specifically, but the suggestion itself is circumspect enough as to be argued it was a flippant but unserious remark. Dudes probably boned by UCMJ standards and his military career is probably fucked, but I don't know that there's enough there to hit him with a real crime. The FBIs bomb technician said most of the bomb making ideas he listed wouldn't even work either. Unless they're holding back some juicy details (unlikely in a court complaint hoping to win an indictment), I would be a bit surprised if there's enough to convict him. Thus far, Smith is guilty of being tarded and telling an FBI informant about bomb making on Facebook.

Shouldn't that be sedition then?

These men are real patriots.
Helping the citizens in the light of encroaching tyranny.

I have 2 chemistry textbooks and electronics for dummies that contain enough information to make many effective explosive devices.
Is it illegal to own them?