Wood AR

Hey anons, what are your thoughts on ARs with wooden furniture?

Attached: Lucid-AR-15-Wood-Rifle-Furniture-Sets (1).jpg (600x398, 79K)

It's beautiful. I plan to get some for a future build.

A female like that, how do I acquire one?

Looks pretty Jow Forumsomfy.

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Rural areas in the southwest. It's how I got my fiancee who's a tomboy and a damn good shot

Disgusting. You're a worthless piece of shit.

I did not know the G3 had wooden furniture and now I have an odd erection

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Great idea whoever invented tgese, you can chop some part to make firewood for the boogaloo

I wanted to get wood on my AR10 for a long time, but the NCR meme and being somewhat contrarian made me rethink it. Also it’s harder to find online than AR15 wood, I suppose it could just be hand crafted but idk if it would be even and idk how to fit it

Such a based rifle.

I just beat my dick so fucking hard at this

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>ok fallout fag

They're pretty but you can't get them for gas piston ARs. I wish you could.

Please don't remind about that franchise's continuing existence

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Nigga r u stoopid

I love it.

The requirements for one of that quality must be heavy, how did you fare?

>oh no! he said it! the N word
N-new vegas?

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Well it was hard to find her and her dad is a turboboomer that thought I wanted to rape her

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I see, where do you recommend i search specifically?

Go to Arizona and then stick to the rural towns like Payson

So long as it's Cuban or Survivalist Rifle style it's pretty based.

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ARs never had wood so forcing wood on them is gay and jealouspilled.

Want wood, get a rifle that it's native to.

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Okay faggot

>No argument
cry harder resinboi

>detachable carryhandle
>A2 sights
I bet you don't even patrol the Mojave.

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Be chad and share her with like 4 other chads and maybe one brad.

Wood is an inferior building material, especially for rifles with gas systems. You can do it for the aesthetics, but it's kind of like gold-plating the gun. Just looks gaudy to anyone who knows anything.

>not a side charger
Makes me wish for a nuclear winter

That is a CETME

Plus you can't even put proper rails on it.

Bro, why isn't your gun covered in tacti-cool cheese graters? It looks so gaudy. It doesn't even have a punisher skull painted on it.

Attached: tacti-cool.jpg (618x412, 49K)

>complains about people adapting an inherently modular design
No u

That's just a result of limitations of Bethesda's dogshit engine though.

Absolutely beautiful

Is anyone making wood furniture that looks A! all I see is retarded designs

I liked them. Then The New Vegas references stopped being amusing, started making me incredibly angry, then started making me feel despair.

You don't understand what that means.

Love that shit