Waifu Charts! Pick only 1!

This is post 1/3 two more will come with more options.

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This is post 2/3, one more will come.

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This is chart 3/3. Now PICK. YOUR. WAIFU!

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One traditional goth for me, please!

Olivia sounds cute but her inability to think for herself would get old fast. It's gotta be Taylor.

Or Tamara.

All of these are fucking trash

too much text too small font, I'll pick just for the title
stinky oddball neet, traditional goth or dog girl

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Victoria. Together we will be rent by the Furies for trespassing on the domain of the triple goddess.

Yandere is the best one. Christian would be very close if I believed in God, but I have too many big opinions. Opinions that yandere would love to absorb and not just pretend to listen to as I sperg out.

Bridget, and then I would become a murderous Vigilante by night so she had someone to chase while on duty.

Headless skater grill pls

The homeless hit my heart hard, would definitely try to be a father figure to her.
The yandere could be nice since I'm faithful, but I'm afraid she would just blindly say yes to anything I want.

The christian qt would be almost perfect if she can handle banter.

Tomboyish skater would be perfect. We're basically the same person, I've been skating for 15 years and I blaze da 420

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Yandere and Neet are the best choices, skater seems like a good bro so I might be down to it aswell
Goth is nice, too bad she's goth, I'm not into that shit makeup and fancy clothes of theirs

Everyone else, including third chart girls are either too difficult to handle or have some deal-breaking attributes

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Is there anything else does it need to be done

Oh gawd, it's a really hard choice between the NEET and the Yandere.

I would unironically love for the Wiccan to drain me dry, but I'm way to much of a tradcon for that shit to work out.

Split between the goth and the police girl. Actually I'm just going to go with the police girl.
Slut gets thrown into the trash.
SJW will inevitably cuck you with chad or slip soymilk into your ceral or something. Cannot be trusted.

Pure christian American, hands down.

I'm not following, are you asking if thereif we have any ideas for girls to add in the charts?

If horrible things to yandere includes anything sexual she's roastie trash

What ideas do you have in mind exactly?

I choose whore
Gimme da whore gf

This is the only one that probably would make me drop any of yours

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Patrician taste user

Pretty vague desu.


If I had to pick one I would pick Tracey.

Involuntary does not count user

Well. Yandere or goth for sure.

yes it does retard. there is no such thing as involuntary, the whole was asking for it putting herself in the situation and not biting her tongue off or something to kill herself before something happened.

>Stinky Oddball Neet
Makes terrible obscure jokes from some game I have never played; pretty much all she knows how to converse with. Uses autism bucks to steal from wagies. Tiny inferior pussy that smells from never bathing.

>Chad Tomboy Skater
Doesn't even have a head. Skates like nothing is wrong. Can't talk about anything due to a lack of a head, but knows people or can get you what you need. Won't start drama with anyone and can eat pizza by jamming it into the hole where her neck should be. Forget the hole between her legs, she has a giant one above her torso, and she will never complain about staring as she is all holes and tits.

>Hehe betcha that slut was just askin for it

You do realize that you sound like a stereotype right

>tfw no tomboy skater gf

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Why would anyone in their right mind pick whore? Unless they have a fetish, a clinically defined fetish, as in "I cannot achieve arousal/sexual release without this" fetish for cuckolding there is no reason for whore waifu to be on these charts. That said


And we're in a harem anime about running a local costume shop

Where is the option for a competent older woman?

This list fucking blows OP.

Maybe I need to make a fourth chart

Well obviously tracey is the supreme choice.

10 outta ten would watch

Shes a nice wife good choice user

ofc yandere

It's not described as cuckold fantasy, though, but a savior one. Sympathetically showing her what she's missed out on her whole life, and why sweet romance and faithful love is good, and what it feels like, taking care of her and showing her happiness. I understand the mindset, even though it's not my thing and I'd rather protect a girl's heart who's never been misused yet. Keep in mind that these are anime girls and idealized, and wouldn't cheat on you.

Well she's basically my sister so yeah.

Can I watch Cocoa fuck the dog?

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Yandere is a popular choice.

This guy truly gets it. 10/10. Bravo user.

But why?

Because she obviously wants a man who will love her even if she likes to take the knot.

But do you actually like Cocoa?

>Makes three charts
>When the best choice is literally the first choice in the first graph

Different people like different things.

Also, which girl from the first chart did you pick?

Obsessive possessive yandere of course. They are the only types I can be with because I am one. Normal people cant handle this level of clingyness and mental derangement. They always get scared off.

>tfw last gf left me after saying "I'm not a baby user! I can take care of myself!" when I was just trying to be useful and make her life easy


Her entire personality as described in the chart is based around her dog. What exactly am I supposed to like here?

Imagine having to spend more than 5 minutes with this pathetic helpless faggot.

I'm sorry to hear that user.

The dog?

>upbringing/backstory: fucked up shit
that's an automatic no
i guess i'm going with tomboy skater. pure christian american would be fine if she wasn't just a meme.
i'd rather kill myself than date half of these girls.
>abigail was diagnosed with high functioning autism at an early age. she grew out of it

Yandere waifu definitely. But maybe not if they tortured her sexually. did they break her hymen? If they did I might go with the Christian American waifu, but usually girls like that are huge whores.
what a pathetic existence we live

The dog. Duh. Your supposed to get rid of the girl somehow.

Would you still feel the same way if she was the Lacey Baker type and not the Lizzie Armonto type

Wait, so am I supposed to take the knot here?

I am what I am user. I've tried changing myself but It just makes me unhappy. I need someone that will accept this part of me and let me dote on them. I know its selfish and I know where they are coming from not wanting a relationship like that. But its what I need.

Yes user. That is exactly what you are supposed to do.

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Victoria is pretty close to my 'dream partner'. I'm similar to her, so that seems like a perfect match imo.

So you're a wiccan health nut?

Or you know, just date a quirky girl.

I'm not even memeing

Again, truly patrician taste. Few people can appreciate her.

I wonder if i can train Olivia to target niggers when she goes out to murder...

Yeah, I don't know how noone picks her. She's labeled "Whore" and people don't read into her paragraph or something, where it's stated that she clearly isn't one. Is this a reading comprehension problem maybe?

They're judging a book by it's cover. Common mistake for pretty much anyone on this website.

Funny how that happens on a board where everybody complains about EXACTLY that happening to them

I want the NEET. All I want in a partner is someone I can exist with. No need to go out of the way to "prove our love" for each other. Just me and them in the same room doing whatever it is we like to do even if its not the same thing. Sure sometimes we reach over and kiss or one will snuggle up close to the other while they do whatever but we are just both comfortable with each other and know we both love each other.

Would no one seriously pick Bridget just so that you could live a double life of being a Vigilante killer on the loose. In your daily life just butting heads with her but guiding her to always stand by truth and defense of the weak while by night you're on the run trying to evade her as you slaughter the wicked she vows to incarcerate?

Pure Christian American girl sounds like my dang cousins. She's probably what the rest of my family would want.

However, Police Justice girl Bridget is clearly the best. Sure, she's a stickler for rules and it says other people won't want to hang out with me, but nobody wants to spend time with me anyway. I, like the police, hate drags and all drug culture with a passion, and I never really commit any crimes on a day to day basis, none at all. I'm not a police officer myself, but like her I am a jackbooted hardass myself, and I appreciate someone else who actually respects the damn rules.

Worst girl is clearly wiccan hippie moron Victoria. I fucking hate those kinds of people. Whore Whitney is bad too, even worse if she whores for money, then she is scum and deserves to get her a stun gun shot into her genitalia, maybe more than once.

>as fun as being a whore has been, she feels it's time to get off of the cock-ciaster and settle down
Who has shit reading comprehension again?

I like the police girl too. She seems like a pretty nice girl. Rare to find people with such upstanding moral fiber.

That NEET is literally me, that's odd.
The only difference is I'm not a qt anime girl and mild details about my family.

Goth or Sk8ter grll. Any will do.

Not Wiccan, but I follow a Pagan practice and am a bit of a health nut.

Trad goth and sjw are pretty good, I don't like the others.
I'd prefer sjw just because it'd be fun to fraternize with the enemy, and it'd give me a chance to show my powerlevel.

I bet your still a qt3.14 3d grill

I'm ugly, and the unshowered part matches, so there's that too.
But thanks for believing in me.

user you are assuming that those traits are unattractive to me.

I see you are a man of taste, like myself.

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That's true, but I wouldn't let anyone touch me while I'm smelly so you're out of luck. Not that I'm going to let anyone touch me anyway.

See again your assuming that I am actively looking to touch you. I'm almost completely uninterested in physical relationships. I'm pretty much only looking for emotional ones.

Jenna and Taylor are the best ones, they're also pretty much two versions of the same kind of person.

I don't think that was an atypical assumption but you do what you want, user. Nothing will come of us talking so it doesn't really matter in the end.
Good luck on your search for an emotional relationship.

Pure girl or homeless girl, either one.
Now, when can I expect it to be delivered?

Which do you like more? The Goth or the Skater?

This actually is a somewhat difficult choice.

Yandere seems like the most appealing, but police girl really resonates with my sense of justice, but then I've also really wanted a goth gf.. fuck

But then if I think about it more critically, it'd be a pain trying to keep tabs on a girl who would literally kill someone who slighted me. Goth girl would probably have way more eclectic book/music taste than I, leaving me feeling pretty inadequate in the sense of being goth, police girl... idk. Not too into aryan girls.

This is shocking even myself, but I think I have to go with Police girl. I side with justice.


Abigail would be perfect if she wasn't stinky.

>no catgirl option

The yandere is crazy, the neet is stinky, the vegan is annoying, the whore and sjw need no explanation, the dog girl is an otherkin, the Christian gf is only submissive because she feels she must be, and the daredevil is, ironically, very boring and forgettable. That leaves Skater, Goth, Justice and Homeless. I appreciate the police gf's desire to purge violent criminals from society, but I also don't want to get scolded for pirating a tv show. While I like how appreciative the homeless girl would be for all the things I give her, I also am not her father. My instinct here is to protect, not to love as a partner. While I would really love the Skater's laid back demeanor and approach towards life, I'm not into skateboarding. That's it.

So, goth gf for me. We could be stoic, edgy retards together and watch horror movies. She could reccommend decent bands and novels for me to read. I could call her a stupid cunt while she calls me a faggot-lipped piece of shit, all completely in jest.
>will listen and won't talk over you
I'm sold. Where do I sign up? Also I hope she doesn't mind being submissive, and I don't just mean in the bedroom.

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>read description of waifu
>it just makes me want to cry

Tomboy. If you're gonna present me with a tomboy, you cannot possibly expect me to even look at the other options.
Goth because she's the closest analogue to tomboys, my tomboys, in the list.
Pure Christian American because it's just a feminine presenting tomboy.

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What have you done. You'll summon him.

Stinky Oddball Neet
Traditional Goth
Homeless Girl
If I could only pick 1 from the 3 charts, i'd easily pick the Traditional Goth.

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Those are some tig ol' biddies i'll tell you hwat.

will i ever fall in love Jow Forums?

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Dog girl so I can coax her into getting breeded for pornsite cashvwhile also having some side pussy from another qt

christian girl

That depends, are you a biological girl?