This bitch rejected me for being asian
she barely got to america a few months ago too wtf
This bitch rejected me for being asian
she barely got to america a few months ago too wtf
Is she from Guangzhou (a city in China)?
holy shit not original
>holy shit not original
how is this not original
Only reason to go to a country is to fuck the locals
how can rice boys even compete
better go back to guangzhou to finish your 500 word essay due in a week
>holding a light saber
>tranny looks like (s)he could be your father
fucking kek. She got BLEACHED
>also, not original
Wtf she's cute you homo
You lucked out, it looks like a crimson chinned tranny
She's the girl of my ducking dreams
Maybe its not because your Asian, maybe its because your an unattractive loser
>forehead dent
>doodoo eye
>mouth breather (extra protein from fly eating)
>mong chin
>hoop earrings
Shit taste to the max.
Now you know how it feels with qt white girls that are brainwashed by anime turning down her fellow Mayo's for slit eyes op.
What causes a forehead dent anyway
Not to sound rude, but you could probably do much better
Thats a thing? I've never heard of that happening before
>she barely got to america a few months ago too wtf
Based FOB girl, knows whar she wants
Dude I'm sorry man... i know how bad it feels to see a white bitch who won't fuck white dudes... its fucking awful
Ever seen finding Nemo?
This. I lifted 4 years for one white bitch and she dates a spic
Literally never happens, keep dreaming
>lifted 4 years for one white bitch
>for one [...] bitch
>for [...] bitch
you fucking sicken me bro, go clean your room and sort yourself out.
Does it matter? White "robots" have the ability to get any type of female they desire. Just watch how nonwhite "fembots" just jump at the chance when one of you speak to them
we don't want your other shitty races' women, we want good wholesome white women. but they don't make them like they used to, now they're all fucking uppity and retarded.
This. White people have no idea how much privelege they have
Might be true in US, not true in places like UK
>make them
Who makes them?
its a figure of speech nigger
women used to be subdued and proper, but now days they're all uppity and whorish
>I wish we were still in the 50s I would have a beautiful nuclear family with a woman who wouldnt cuck me
Might be true in UK, not true in places like US