White women are ho

>white women are ho...

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This is what huwhites look like.

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I heard she likes to hit the sauce a bit heavy, wouldnt mind a bit hows your father

Imagine being so fucking gay you'ld turn down a legit 5/10. I mean she isn't super fucking hot but she isn't fucking disgusting ethier you know? Like ide fuck Lena Dunham but then she'd change her mind after the deed and Sue me because I """(((raped)))""" her.

>legit 5/10
you mean legit 3.67/10

Do you think the boy got fired?

If you think this is ugly, you aren't a robot. Any robot would do anything to have a girl like that be their gf

Why cant you say white women are hoes?

the white slut probably complained... so yeah pretty likely.

>hes so disgusted

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every single time I see that kid's face I can't help but laughing out loud

the look of pure disgust on his face is hilarious

>I come to this country, all the way from El Salvador, for THIS?

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c'mon guys she's cute. not hot but attractive in an awkward way. like she might be fun to hang out with

She's 7/10 on the outside, she just fucked up and wore mooseknuckle tights.
The fact that she's a clear roastie is what knocks that down to 5.

Your comment is a bit redundant.

she's jewish tho

Nah she's fucking disgusting

-rrible. Ftfy

>moose knuckle
Thought you could slip that one by, huh.

Damn, and this is with make-up and stuff

Nah. A 3 is pic related.

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She's a 3 on a scale of 1 to 3

whyte boys on suicide watch

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>giving her a 3
Well you're a faggot so it makes sense

>wearing all black
>tranny bangs hiding forehead dent
>poopoo eye
>nonexistent upper lip
>hiding man hands
>turtle neck hiding beefy neck
>razor sharp chin

Most white women look a TON better than Moretz, and a huge number of black girls look like Leslie Jones

I wish it weren't true, but that's just fact.

The features that MOST white girls have like small noses, long hair, light skin are feminine and attractive.

The features that MOST of us have like large noses, coarse, nappy hair, and dark skin are very masculine and hideous.

>and a huge number of black girls look like Leslie Jones
When they hit the wall, yeah. But I've seen plenty of attractive young black girls.

>nappy hair
I don't mind it and I like when a girl can "pull it off" I prefer that over wearing wigs/weaves

>dark skin
This is sexy

>very masculine
I like this too about blacks. They kinda remind of strong Aryan, Nazi women but with black skin. If you look at Nazi propaganda a lot of those women looked masculine as well but nobody seems to mind

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someone post the pasta

you've got it wrong, black women have softer facial features and curvier bodies, plus there is a link between dark skin and estrogen

white women have sharper, more masculine facial features (square jaws)

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post pic right now I guarantee you are a cutie

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>white women are ho...


it's obviously bright as fuck outside and he's squinting at the creepy photographer trying to figure out if he's about to lose his job or some shit. obviously.

Nice cope, chloe

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Post pics cutie pie

You have no idea what a robot is, do you.