Why don't you settle for an objective 3/10?

Why don't you settle for an objective 3/10?

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because im 6/10 so why would I do that?

because i already settled for a 5/10

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I tried and she rejected me

>Implying I didn't already
pic related, my gf. She's a 4/10 on a good day, but I'm content with what I've got. There's nothing wrong with settling.

Neither of these girls are 3/10. Stop being delusional

okay well then maybe you'll just have to settle for a 2/10

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The one in the background is about 2/10

>objective 3/10?

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The chick in the OP claimed she is 3/10, cried about being an incel, made a bunch of videos about inceldom, people found out, started showering her with attention, and she unironically deleted everything and went AWOL.

I'd rather be alone forever than be together with an ugly, or worse, fatty.

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Anyone have her videos?

i'd say she's 2/10, completely unfuckable but at least not disfigured

guess what? you're goin to be alone forever

If that is a 2/10, then I would gladly eat 2/10 pussy every day forever.

2/10 my ass. this is 7/10 and my new waifu.

God I wish I could settle for a fat bitch. I have one that I ignore in my texts that I met on okcupid who I could fuck. She sends me tit pics sometimes but jesus christ it makes me nauseous to think about being with someone like that. But at least now I understand how pretty girls feel about my ugly ass.

Life's a bitch, gents.

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They're gone forever.

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That's an objective 410 on the pounds scale

Why did she do that? :(

4O keks

Because I've had girls who were solid 8.5s attempt to court me. I'm just too autistic to reciprocate their feelings.

Because they won't settle for me. I'm too autistic to keep a relationship going.

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I'll probably have to settle for a 5/10 gf like pic related

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