No joke, would any femanon take my virginity if i paid them $1000?

no joke, would any femanon take my virginity if i paid them $1000?

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eff that, ill pay 2 grand femanons

You could get a really hot hooker that fills more of your fetishes for just 400

Are either of you cute?

No joke, would OP stop being such a faggot if i paid him 1000$?

You can get a sexy escort for $300 an hour.

>Thirsty whore or a man with bitchtits.

if it were convenient i would

Why would you care?
You're getting paid

>can i get paid for fucking chad?
I don't think they'd be paying if they were.

If they are, they wouldn't have to pay me. I'm turning 25 this year and I don't want to become a 25 year old virgin. I'm ready to just get it over with.

why get rid of the one thing that gives you any value? once you have sex, you aren't worth shit if you're a woman.

>once you have sex, you aren't worth shit if you're a woman.
Literally no one thinks that way except autists on r9k, and their opinions don't matter to women.

lmao you deserve to be a robot

Location and race?

I can send you pics to ascertain if I am chad enough, provided we are close.

Reminder that these posts are always fake if they dont post location

Because I don't care anymore, it's starting to get weird that I haven't had sex yet
USA (west coast) and Latina

I'm not that cute and different coast

What about if I pay for your plane ticket and your meals over here?

Way too far, sorry user.

Honestly, I'm not very cute either.
I'm scared of flying. I had to go to Dallas for work and I cried almost the whole time on the plane, both ways.

They usually are.

Would any femanon take my non-virginity for a slice of pizza, a six pack and some cunnilingus?

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What if I just fly to you then?

Try Jow Forums I have a feeling there are more rustbelts there. Also why are offering fembots never euros?

Where you at? Im white, look like garbage and have negative tits.
At least im not fat

we in T U C S O N phamalamadingdong

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West coast Latino here. I've been called cute and even handsome by attractive women on occasion.

How cute are YOU?

That could work, I suppose. I don't live near an airport and can't drive though.

>Jow Forums
Aren't they mostly into white girls?

Not very, I'm painfully average looking.

offer still stands

White Latina? If yes what city

for that amount of money you could get 2 top tier high-class escorts in a 3some to take your virginity

Uber is probably more trustworthy than sex offers on the internet

When do you need to lose your virginity by?

Which original city do you live in originally?

I want to lose my virginity too
Post contact?

I'm not sure how cute I am, I could probably send a picture. Im west coast as well, and Latino. Maybe we could go on a date as well, seems really nice, I've never had a gf.

>average looking slut demands nothing less than a good looking guy

Fuck i hate women

I bet you'd do the same fucking incel

Halloween is my birthday

Just outside of Olympia in Washington

Tranny neckbeard gets off to the idea of thirsty robots lusting after him

This is the type of thread that causes daterape and murder

Okay that could work
I could be your birthday present ;)

Well i'm not ugly so it doesn't matter

How old are you? I should have asked this sooner, I don't think I would feel comfortable with someone way younger than me.

>well I'm not ugly so it doesn't matter
You're on Jow Forums