Current News on Reiko:

Current News on Reiko:
Two discord servers have been taken off the hunt for reiko, after a traitor warned Reiko about them. The traitor's Discord is Kirito#7722
Masked Squadron is having a complete and utter annihilation of members due to the traitor, and a Pedophile Hunting Team has disbanded due to this betrayal.
Masked Squadron Leader LordBakuraFX#4924 insists on continuing the operation. He seeks new recruits to take the traitors places.

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Take your meetups where they belong, normalfaggot

Not your personal army faggot, we got enough problems our own.

Cringe discord drama

Where are the Discord screenshots of Reiko?

Fuck off, its over and done with.

announcing a sage is a reportable offense, you trite little cocksleeve

Here you go faggot.

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>Hurr durr NYPA
Get off this board you underage cucks. You lot infested /b/ like little shits

posted on metokur's steam profile ~8:00 PM EST

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he is going to prison

I originally almost puked

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>ebin reiko meme

What is reiko?

A fgt who got popular

can you post proof of Reiko being shady on Discord?

Is that a boiled dead cat he's fucking?

it's an abstract kind of reiko

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who is reiko

Can someone give me a quick rundown? Origianigniangian

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>discord tranny fag convinces Jow Forums boys with no self esteem to post pics of themselves in girl clothes
>he then blackmails them to either take HRT or he will release photos to family
>rumour has it that's the reason the shotgun-face guy offed himself

Who knows if that's true or not. But he is 100% the person responsible for spamming Jow Forums with trap threads all day.

yeah, chris hansen fucked a 19-year-old when he was 40

also he sexbullied the living shit out of the decoys and no one's going to metoo him because he's tight with the cops

btw metokur used to be a goon (being a goon is not something you get better from) with a huge-ass post history of ridiculous career-ruining shit, as you might well expect from a 30-something man who spends his time making fun of deviantart

I say down with the faggot. I hope it ends in something horrible. Never liked faggots that doxxed people. Find it pathetic. Hope I'm here to witness the beautiful end.

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aren't you doxxing him though

reiko didn't do shit, he's just a fag with a bondage fetish. there's no trap psyops, there's people posting sissy shit because it annoys people like you

hehe this is going to be tasty

i'm serious
i post trap shit all the time and i don't use discord
if anything happens to this guy i'm probably gonna double down on it out of spite

hehe, have fun. Im just happy to see one of you shitters getting publicly flayed

you're too young to be on this website

underaged, get out little boy

See now the real question I have is how this even got started.
How did one chuckle fuck, regardless of if he did or didn't blackmail, get all these traps from Jow Forums in 1-2 discords?
I can't think of anything else besides the blackmail theory.

it didn't because it's fake

It didn't as in there never were large groups of traps lead by Reiko or?

who the fuck is Kirito#7722

seems spicy
what is this dirt on jim that you know about?

why is there an unironic discussion about these literally who people

reiko is, from what i have been able to tell, just a greasy kid with (if the screenshot is even correct) a bondage fetish
no, there were never large groups of traps doing anything, that makes no sense

it makes no sense because
1. why would you blackmail people into posting for you, it's a million times cheaper and easier to just set up a few VPN connections
2. the typical "why aren't you on HRT yet" thread is jokey and light, not like something a blackmailed person would write
3. the typical subby trap type wants someone to fuck them, they don't want to dominate anyone
4. this thing relies on a bunch of shit that would never happen, happening

it's bullshit

Sameionie faggaronie

he's ugly, has a chink wife, probably sexually inappropriate, made her give him a blowjob on air
heuristically he's a "creep", like everyone who's ever involved themselves in callout shit/right-wing callout shit/drama shit

Yeah that's what I figured
I suppose the real question then should be who keeps perpetuating this literal non-drama under the gise of protecting innocent robots from the Reiko boogeyman?
I'm guessing that Reiko may have upset an autist recently that was willing to spam the board

by the way, even if he did nothing wrong, he still did something wrong, because he had the gall to have a sex drive while being male and < 6/10

there's this vlad dude from way back, had real strong opinions about this. don't know if it's him, might be. there's also a literal xbox kid 2.0 who gets mad about this so

i like how we made the term "trap" and newfags are calling it an invasion. i hate it

He is evil not out of this world

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retarded dumbass

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ok so far you gave me one good one. We don't know how he truly looks like and his taste in women isn't really a big deal.

However his gf giving him a blowjob live on air? Now that's something. Do you have a link? It sounds hilarious.

I think there is more to it though, there has to be more degeneracy than that

why is drama on my board

>fucking white wolf name
credibility -80%

also this faggot writes like a fucking fanfiction, this is dogshit

Hi, can someone please give me a summary of everything that has happened so far? All I know is this gay guy on discord was getting guys to take hrt and had a fantasy about locking one in his room?

gay dude blackmails other fags
group is formed to try and doxx him
member of the group gets butthurt and tells the gay blackmailer that people are after them
hilarity ensues

Kirito here AMA.

i doubt he's blackmailed anyone
>take these pills that will turn you into a fag or we'll tell everyone you're a fag
that makes no sense

oh, and another thing: i have heard zilch about this guy before now. all the discord drama shit filters down here. tomoko? i know about her. ciara? i know about her. the other one whose name i can't remember? i know about her.

fucking NOTHING about this guy. not even an "i was catfished, help". NOTHING. today is literally the first i've heard about it. fucking nikki sixx logposters have more of a footprint.

about the only part of this i think is real is a) homely young guy posting a fantasy and b) the dox. in other words, an uggo is gonna get ruined for having sexual thoughts. as a robot, that shit annoys me.

this is great and all but i just got famous so lets focus on me #Kirito#7722

He is one of the bigger users on that server and indeed has turbo autism. His info might be false, though, so I'm not sure.
picrel - him

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okay i'm starting to like him now
i mean his mysticism could use some work and he has terminal logorrhea but i dig the sentiment

this guy's alright

No, you fuck off, sane people are having a discussion.
I'm Barack Obama, btw.
t. rannyfucker from reiko's server. This homo is 100% pathetic, I thought he was 16 before he told he's in his thirties.

you don't get to do the t. thing unless you're a finn

People are calling out Reiko without posting proof.

Better keep your ass in check or he might check you out and you wake up getting the Buffalo Bill treatment. Remember, it puts the lotion in the basket bitchboy

Reiko AKA Ryan Patrick King with a social security number of 405-47-5721?

"My ultimate fantasy is kidnapping a cute boy and locking him up in my basement. I will let him consume nothing but soylent, estrogen, and milk mixed with my semen. Every day when i catch him about to sleep in bed, i will enter his room, manhandle him into a chair, restrain him, and put him infront of a monitor showing terabytes of sissy hypno and trap porn. As the training progresses, it will get more advanced, and at the end he will also be locked up into a chasitity cage with vibrators up his ass, taped to his dick, and taped to his nipples. As he falls more and more for my psyop i will start to leave dildos and other sex toys around his room for him to play with. Near the end of his training i will remove all the toys from his room and leave makeup, shaving tools, and dresses in his room. I will deny him of any pleasure for one week straight and when he is completely lust filled i will descend into his room with nothing but a mask on." -reiko, 2017

Join to meet the devil.

What was it
Original content do. Not steal

>kills self over blackmail
my parents would be disappointed but still love me, nothing worth killing myself over

Do you not realize what shitposting is, newfag?

I think it was a cat...

That's hot, though. You can find that on literally any board, you can find worse than that dealing with women. You can find worse than that on fucking Are you Mary Whitehouse? Is this bible study?

I mean, fucking jesus. This is the board that popularized the blueberry fetish thing where the chick pulls a Violet Beauregard. Like, this is fucking TAME for here. He's not getting cut up or anything.

This sounds like obvious pasta-bait

>itt faggots scared about taking the pinkpill.

Just do it user. You'll feel much better when you're all plush and cute!

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That guys a fucking retard don't even bother listening to him.

He looks like the TF2 scout, this is the only picture of him. Guy makes fun of fetishes for video fodder, if the guys got a fetish its gotta be real fuckin benign or he's made fun of it already. It was some shit ass gamergate drunk stream where he fingered her on air, nothing was forced.

All he does is make videos about shit he finds funny, or rarely when some big event angers him.

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he's a goon
all goons are secretly fucked up, and how fucked they are is directly proprortional to how well they hide it.
that's like a rule of the internet

and everyone, specifically, who does the "I'm just making fun of it" thing, they fap to it (the "6TB of furry porn for ridicule purposes" rule).

Nah he talks about it in length in a YT video as well, unironically, on a fucking Minecraft letsplay no less

I miss playing Minecraft with Reiko.

Condemning someone for using SA in the early 2000's is retarded. That is where moot came from, where Jow Forums was founded, and where it was initially advertised.

Oh who am I kidding you're probably still in highschool.

oh man then I guess he fuckin loves everything under the sun then. he probably bought a fursuit with all that patreon money, and inflates himself with his foxtail buttplug weekly. Then he goes and pretends to be a kaiju with his GF, then pretends to vore her so he looks pregnant.

or you're just talking out your ass

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Yes? And? This place was founded by deviants. That's what it's FOR. Why are you trying to fuck over our people?

That is SUPER HOT~! I'd let him chain me up and turn me into a fuck toy~!

Noticing that a guy only ever talks about DeviantArt-tier fetishes to the point that he built his career on them after coming from a place that's famous for other people like that being shown to have been like that is basically failing a fucking spot check.

I'm starting to understand why gay/queers were burned in the past. They literally want to infect everyone with their mental illness. I don't believe they are capable of such a feat on a mass scale because normal people have limits and those they infect were already weak, but the malicious intent is clear. The tans/sissy cult is full of sociopathic degenerates.

>Jow Forums destroys the trap meme
>all the people who would've become traps and stayed within the bounds of Jow Forums ideology go full SJW prog democratfag instead

the lizards always win

Or you're retarded and didn't know about his prior series where he went over all the stupid shit on Tumblr, and this acts as a direct sequel where he goes over the stupid shit on DeviantArt.

He even references the older series on the first episode you raging tard.

Not being able to see the basic pattern where a guy shits on other people to make himself look better is social blindness.

>they can offer sex, which lures even more people into the prog circle

the lizards always fucking win. it's pointless to oppose them. CIA reptoids have a billion years of this shit on their resumes and you'll die a virgin

And, by the way, I don't have a problem with doing that shit recreationally, but this guy's got like a million subscribers.

You know what the final form of that shit is? What it looks like after it evolves into the thing its environment is setting it up to be? Gawker.

This asshole's running a Gawker blastoma, and I'm not having it.

kek he got doxed

Except he doesn't you stupid fuck, all he's ever referred to himself as is "a guy on the internet", and "a troll". He made videos to entertain himself, for more than a decade, continually discarding channels when he gained a large audience because he dislikes the spotlight. The only reason he's keeping the current channel up is a chronic illness that's preventing him from working, leading him to setup a patreon to have income; and he didn't even pitch the patreon like that because he didn't want pitybucks, its just shit people worked out from him mentioning the condition in passing on livestreams years prior.

You know absolutely fucking nothing and yet pass judgement on him based on bullshit assumptions.

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With love from Jow Forums

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Greasy fucker

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He ditches whenever he gets a large audience so that:
1- the people he's shat on forget about him
2- he doesn't piss off enough people under one name for them to start digging
3- the paper trail gets broken up by being sectioned off into a bunch of pseudonyms, which can then get linkrot, so no one can own him over shit that was acceptable "at one time"
4- people don't get tired of his shtick

My ass. He could review video games, like he did, he could do anything else, voiceover work, but he's doing this. He's a fucking goon to the bone, and of course you can turn this into an epic joke "hurr why do you care faggot who hurt you" but it's the fucking truth. His entire posting career is a red flag, and even if it wasn't, he's still a fag who profiteers off the mentally disabled. Fuck him. You'll give this rando internet fag shit over getting "weak-minded vulnerable Anons", oh my gosh, to dress up like girls-- which I'm pretty fucking sure has never happened-- but you won't give this guy or any of the other Chris-Chan-stalker faggots a single harsh word for exposing people to fucking internet mobbing. That's bullshit.

Yeah, I sure as shit hope none of those are sexual, because if they are, now he can go after us for posting revenge porn, in addition to the doxing, which is also fucking illegal.

i wouldn't call that a "trap" desu..

What are we doing lads?

I'd call it a teenager. Of course, this is human-swarm times, so "hey you're going after a teenager" is pretty much a non-starter.

Team Lord Bakura providing doxxing for trap killers

Ok i'm a total fucking newfag so i posted on the archive at first because i don't know how the site works but reposting i guess

please don't believe we're all like these degenerates. Traps are self-absorbed usually and i don't think we could get less of a shit about each other. Let alone trying to turn weak minded peope into errh.. "us".
Sorry this Reiko retard is painting a bad image of us. It's saddening and it makes me ashamed as well in a lot of ways. I hope you guys will make this cesspool of shit end in a way. i think i'm too much of a pussy to try to do anything reckless.

i guess you're right. It's just kind of pissing me off we're lumped in the same group as landwhales and trannies. Makes the whole stereotype look bad.

let's add death threats to the fucking mix just to make sure everyone gets fucking jailed

The Masked Squadron is unfazed by your threats

He literally did nothing wrong. I'm not going to let this website end up a #metoo shithole where you can get popped for posting erolit while male.