What's the point of even posting here?
Do you feel like all your posting here is inconsequential?
Other urls found in this thread:
Inconsequential thread
mommys little irish whore
Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general is nothing more than a distraction, really. But a pleasant one.
I really want to fuck Eliza in the ass. Anyone else know this feel?
I know thia feel very well
She looks like the kind of girl who really enjoys anal play. You just know when you see them.
Yeah, but is it worth getting charged with rape when she decides she's no longer into you and files a police report?
that's why i post here, i can abuse you fucked up faggots as much as i want and it doesn't matter.
She wouldn't do that, might even take advantage of the fact you're an emotionally sheltered robot but not report you for no reason.
Ok, sierra, whatever you say.
Ciara is not a bad person.
I'm not trying to argue with you. It's so boring. In fact, other than the recent trap spam loldrama, Ciara "Hitler" Horan is all you faggots want to talk about.
Does every thread have to be a trap or Ciara thread?
would it be worth it to have a ciara gf ?
wew lad.
Ever since I've started school I've been browsing less and less and losing interest very rapidly
hey guys
guess what. ciara said i could take her out to dinner. how do i do this ?
I cum here to cope i have no friends
Only if she was a little bit less fucked up psychologically and lost weight.
it's not her fault she's crazy, her dad used to beat her until she had concussions
agree about the weight, tho. she needs to lose about 20 lb. of fat and gain 10 lb of muscle. she's gotten really skinnyfat.
I actually like skinnyfat, but now she's approaching chubby territory
do you think she'll keep gaining and get really fat within a year?
that happens to a lot of drug users when they stop using. food becomes their drug.
I hope not. She needs to stop now while it's just a little bit of chub and even makes her look cute. Once she actually becomes fat it will be very hard for her to lose weight again.
it's probably a lost cause. you can get a pretty good sense of what a girl is going to look like down the road just by looking at her mom.
have you seen ciara's mom? she's like miss piggy from sesame street. and her chin is covered in zits. now we know where ciara got the acne genes from.
I like pretending to be a girl and also to make people kill themselves. Only thing that gets me up in the morning really
ciara is probably sleeping right now.
only i can save her from her own fatness.
it will actually make you worse if you keep at it
i want proof of this and proof of this
I hope this whore is getting beat on the daily
I would love to beat her
Your posts are only consequential to the extent that you are wasting time and consuming ideas and images that are typical of a toxic echo chamber.
So, on the world stage spending time here is completely inconsequential. But for your own personal expierence, depending on how much time you are here, it means everything
To rid myself of the abyssal feeling which life brings.
Everything is inconsequential, it doesn't matter for shit, but if I can waste my time on this site, that's a good enough of a reason to go here.
Her body is getting destroyed from all those drugs. I wish she would just rest, stay away from the internet for one day and get sleep.
PLEASE you dumb whore
>Her body is getting destroyed from all those drugs. I wish she would just rest, stay away from the internet for one day and get sleep.
lol cuck
Why does she pick her god damn nose so much?
8 more days until Ciara kino!
It's a trend with these BPD imageboard girls
see: marky
to kill time between lovely big wanks
>it's not her fault she's crazy, her dad used to beat her until she had concussions
Is that true? Her file made reference to a childhood concussion.
However, she's never talked about this. You'd think she'd be whining endlessly about this right?
You get your social interaction without all of the usual constraints and pressures of doing it with people who know you.
That's genuinely all this is. You're all just coward normies.
This is an odd comment to make.
CuriousCat no longer loads for me. Is it working for anyone else?
I wonder if I've been IP banned.
>Is that true? Her file made reference to a childhood concussion.
its there, its just coded as an accidental concussion from hitting her head on a car trunk. she's covering for her dad, probably because she loves him while simultaneously being terrified of him.
his abuse of her is why she has a dysfunctional obsession with cutting herself. she's learned to fetishize pain and abuse.
Nobody gives a shit about you irl. The internet is even more ephemeral.
Why would you be banned for?
>she's covering for her dad,
That's a lot of speculation.
No clue. I've just been banned from so many sites I'm used to it and half expect it these days.
But they have this big statement on their site about how they're opposed to internet bullying and all of that. If I asked a question someone deemed offensive, maybe that would count as abuse. Who knows?
>8 more days until Ciara kino!
I wish i could fuck her she has a nice body and would probably let you do whatever like put it in her ass
it doesn't load for me either.
who is the guy ciara keeps talking about she is in love with.
its like this one secret guy and its getting annoying.
who is it.
Its me im really badass and sexy
no i am getting really upset about it. i dmed ciara. and she told me about one guy that she likes. but i dont know if thats the same guy. why are girls like this. they all do this. it seems like you never know who they are talking about. or they like a different guy everyday.
They like to toy with guys emotions. Just get used to it junior
It's over
She looks perfect in this picture. Legit got me hard imagining making out with her and feeling her boobs
This place is an organism unto itself, and it is powerful and of interest.
Public Ciara statements are how she wants to be seen. She sounds smart, and normal.
Chat Ciara is real Ciara. She's a hyper-sexual, amoral, sociopathic, hyper-slut.
An inconsequential organism
This thread isn't about ciara. Its about the futility of it all
her dad threw a rice cooker at her head
That image makes me laugh. That's Ciara and her dad in frog form. Chin acnew and all!
i wonder what she said or did to make him so upset.
>She looks perfect in this picture
That's because she's covering her face
But its cute the way she does the peace sign
Ciara's face is the best part.
>This thread isn't about ciara.
it is now.
Blank - authentic.
Smile - fake. Inauthentic.
i agree with that. i love her face. and her eyes are the best.
Hardly. Whether you believe it or not, exposure to this place affects people. And things do bleed out. It's watched for that very reason.
Stop derailing my thread.
>mfw user thinks this is derailing the thread
But why does it FEEL like its not important?
The top half, maybe
Her facial expression looks different now that shes eating , her brain is finally getting those nutrients
It doesn't matter. There are good people here and bad people. I've made connections to people that you'd never in a million years make with somebody in real life, because you don't go out on a limb and say something like you can here. You can't share your deepest thoughts in real life, with anyone. Maybe normies do it, but I can't. But here you can. And sometimes someone else feels the same way, and those little moments where I say something and some user says "Dude I know exactly what you mean" are why places like Jow Forums are worth it
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. And that's okay. I love you anons.
you should of not used ciara in the op.
>Public Ciara statements are how she wants to be seen. She sounds smart, and normal.
>Chat Ciara is real Ciara. She's a hyper-sexual, amoral, sociopathic, hyper-slut.
This. So much this. When people are chatting, they're just literally thinking out loud. When they write a public statement on their blog or whatever, they're doing PR. With that said, I give the rotten little whore all the credit in the world for being great at what she does. Granted, it's like shooting fish in a barrel but she really does know exactly what to say to her pathetic fanbase to get them to part with their cash. Even when she downplays the shitty things she's done, she finds a way to just tell people the version of the truth they want to hear: "Yeah, I've done heroin but not in a while. Come on, lay off me. I scammed some people but I'm sorry. It wasn't me, it was the drugs making me do bad stuff. Yada, yada, yada."
The interesting thing is that when she's in chat mode, aka being her true self, she openly admits to crafting an online persona on Jow Forums and even admits that she finds it exhausting to maintain. Pic related. Hell, entire Imgur album related.
PS: I found this by Googling "Ciara Horan, Delaware County, Pennsylvania." Kek.
>That chat
"She has a superiority complex but treats herself like shit. She thinks she's better than everyone but hates herself."
Does she realize how hard she's projecting here? Probably not. I doubt she's that self aware.
Feed your attention whores somewhere else.
Those connections are fake. Just pixels on a screen
Then i would gotten 0 replies because this god forsaken place doesnt care
toby is the guy that killed himself because he could not get ciara.
>Those connections are fake. Just pixels on a screen
are you sure i am not interdimensionally connecting with other peoples minds ?
Really? It's mind blowing to think of someone killing himself over a 2/10 skank with a heroin addiction. I just can't imagine killing yourself over a stupid bitch like Ciara. There's over 3 billion women in the world and most of them don't have the personal hygiene of a homeless wrestler or the face of an inbred Spaniard like Charles II.
I wonder what would have happened if he actually got her? He'd probably have killed himself anyway once he found out how unstable she is (and after she cheated on him with five different guys, which she laughs about doing to her boyfriend Jake in that same chat log). I really do wonder if she has borderline personality disorder or if she's just an actual psychopath.
thats not a good thing :(( >.< jdjjkemx
didn't that cunt slept with that faggot sam hyde? she deserves everything bad comming to her
>inbred Spaniard
I dont believe in that interdemensional stuff. Were supposed to engage with people irl
Shes a narcistic sociopath like school shooters but since shes a girl she just toys with people instead of shoot them
just look up that toby guy there is alot of pictures of him. i think he was really close to ciara at one point. and i think he accidentally killed himself.
cause she told me when he got banned from a ciara chat room. he accidentally cut himself too deep and died.
yea i think you are right about this. good thinking user. and fuck her. shes retarded. someone should just beat her.
>Dark hair
>Grey eyes
>Long face
How I imagined Lyanna Stark
Well, now we know where she got the idea of accusing people of rape for leverage over them.
>inbred Spaniard
Kek. Actually, that guy is a lot better looking than the heroin whore covered in zits. At least he's not either fat as fuck, as she currently is, or 83 lb.
>i think he accidentally killed himself.
>cause she told me when he got banned from a ciara chat room. he accidentally cut himself too deep and died.
TOP FUCKING KEK! That honestly makes me laugh out loud. Wow, talk about natural selection in effect.
Say, you're part of her chat circle of what? Why would she tell you, user?
She already got raped for stealing but obviously she is still up to the same old shit
Are you retarded? She's borderline anorexic
Only her face is pudgy
Not anymore, she's gained a lot of weight. You don't know what anorexic looks like
tfw somebody sent me her nudes and I didn't know who she was until recently
I wish I still had them and I hope they weren't illegal
Was she "raped" by more than person? I thought the story she was going with was she hung out with an older guy who she thought was her friend and he got her drunk and raped her. When you say she was raped for stealing, it almost conjures imagery of some guy cornering her in and then giving her the old in and out for justice.
I don't really believe anyone raped her, though. She already admitted to plotting to use that as a ploy in this chat log >She's borderline anorexic
>Only her face is pudgy
Maybe back in 2015 that was true. Now she's a fat pig. Must be all the Boost she's chugging. In her defense, she comes from a fat family and part of weight is genetic.
None of us are going to discover a new math proof or write down a symphony for the ages. So nothing we do really has a point behind its own end.
prove it virgins
Impossible if you're personally responsible for half of the meme vocabulary. git gud fampai
>Say, you're part of her chat circle of what? Why would she tell you, user?
no i am not part of any of her inner circle things.
she just knows me because i message her alot. and sometimes she tells me things i ask about. also i am nice to her. so this is why she usually trusts me to tell me things i ask about.
Lol dumbass learn ableton