>So other people hurt me? That's their problem. Their character and actions are not mine. What is done to me is ordained by nature, and what I do by my own.
So other people hurt me? That's their problem. Their character and actions are not mine...
This is the worst meme on Jow Forums. Colossal waste of time, didn't teach me shit about being a man like it supposedly does for everyone else.
Checketh thine tripeths
Aurelius is short little meditations he wrote to himself, to remind and summarize stoic teachings to himself. Seneca and Epictetus make proper essays.
Is that Herodotus? Who are you quoting,)
>Who are you quoting,)
/ourguy/ Marky Mark.
Pretty much sums it up. Life is short, why waste it.
Life is meaningless. Why prolong it?
>Why prolong it?
Because I want to. Doesn't have to go further than that.
>Life is meaningless. Why prolong it?
Wow, what a sad sack you are?
Nothing you can do to prolong it, really. Might as well live.
So stoicism is just nihilism that's trying to find reasons to justify living?
Stoics believe that Nature is organized rationally, like a city, and human civilization is a mere imperfect copy. Humans are designed to be social and rational creatures. Fate controls everything, but we can control ourselves, and how we react to fate. Everything happens for a reason.
The force that controls fate is the Logos, which is a rational force that permeates all of nature around us. God is not divorced from nature, rather god is nature. Stoics are pantheists.
Thanks for the response, user. I wasn't planning on reading into it, but I might now.
Post more Marcus Aurelius quotes pls.
>tfw you stoic but don't have time to re-read Meditations
Epictetus, Epicurus and Democretus were atheists.
Cleanthes, Zeno, Chrysippus and Posidonius were not pantheists, they were naturalists.
Seneca and Marcus Aurelius never implied they were pantheists.
Sounds correct, stoicism is right again.
They were Roman, tho. Don't they all mention the gods in their book introductions? I think they must have entertained at least a metaphorical belief. The gods are all about fate.
I have read the greek philosophers in the original form. They dont mention gods, apart from epicurus, who posits an axiomatic refutation of the nature of divinity and democretus that speaks of the primordial elements that created the universe, which can be construed as supernatural.
The other stoics merely appoint divinity to nature, to the natural order of things.
Seneca was a polytheist, he revered the old greek, then roman gods. Marcus Aurelius only work is meditations, and he mentions gods periodically.
Marky Mark talks of pantheism a lot. He goes on about God, Logos, nature, etc.
>Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the structure of the web.
>-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, iv. 40
He talks of Cosmopolitianism many times, which for the stoics is a metaphysical concept. The cosmos is like a great city, and it is ruled by nature, not men. It's how he explains how he can accept his own death (Meditations, XII. 36)
He says the mythology of the Romans are baseless, but advocates stoic metaphysics.
>When he no longer provides what is necessary, he sounds the recall; he has thrown the door open and says to you "Go!" To where? To nothing that need cause you fear, but to that from which you came, to that which is friendly and akin to you, to the elements. What there was of fire in you will return to fire, what there was of earth to earth, what there was of air to air, what there was of water to water. There is no Hades, no Acheron, no Cocytos, no Pyriphlegethon, but everything is filled with gods and divine spirits. Whosoever has this to reflect upon, and beholds the sea, moon, and stars, and enjoys the earth and sea, is no more desolate than he is bereft of help.
>(Discourses iii.13)
Thanks. Haven't read all of those guys, was thinking mostly of Aurelius.
Nature gods, or nature devi it makes no matter mind to me.
>appoint divinity to nature
how can they do this and not see Pan, et. al as symbols of that?
Dieties are anthropocentric and carry human traits. Especially the greek gods, since they had vices, aptitudes and feuds. The stoics believed that nature itself, the laws of the universe were an all-encompassing godlike entity to be revered. They were more akin to today's atheists, than polytheists or even paganists.
Sound like esoteric buddhism to me.
Does Tragedy = not accepting your fate?
>hey were more akin to today's atheists,
Nature is rational, has a purpose, and the world has been organized in the most rational way possible so it's the best possible world? You have a soul? Sounds more like religious viewpoints.
He's like a father figure.
The universe is organized in the most rational way to support our existence, thusly it is the best way possible in our subjective prespective. We are in essence the universe experiencing itself.
There are may interpretations about the nature of the soul, and many schools of philosophy have tackled it. Stoic philosophy considers soul as one's essence of being, the collection of everything that comprises a person. Thus psyche and logos. Psyche is esoteric, inward and introverted, while logos is exoteric, extroverted and outward. The one is for taking in and the other is for expressing and reaching.
Hnnnng that's good quote. What he says is so true. Why doesn't everyone come to this conclusion? It's the only thing that makes sense, if you give it a minute's thought.
One thing to note about Marcus is that he was actually a commander in the field and a soldier who struck niggas down and wrote all of this while stationed for war.
He spent much of his reign fighting germans.
he has the power to arrest or kill anyone. His word is law. Yet he tries to avoid getting angry at anyone.