How did women become so degenerate?
How did women become so degenerate?
Other urls found in this thread:
20th amendment and jews
school busing program to ensure no school was free from diversity
Women get defended by men over the internet
>implying they know what 10 inches is
>implying they can fit 10 inches
>implying they comprehend how rare 10 inches is
How can roasties possibly be this dumb?
Beep boop
[5] [H] [675]
Boop boop
Future unlock[s] past
Beep beep
Q++ + + + +
a man drew this you fucking mongoIoids
1) you could be lying or misinformed
2) it was probably her idea
3) it was definitely under her supervision
the point still stands. roasties are dumb for not understanding things.
Isn't that the 19th amendment?
Where is this from?
What does the president being inaugurated on January 20 have to do with women?
I don't give a shit about the whole blacked paranoia thing, but this picture is pretty pathetic if you think about it. Obviously she couldn't have written that on her own ass. Her boyfriend was so massively insecure that he said, "hey let me write on your ass about how big my dick is and how you only like dicks as big as mine, and write it as though it was your own thought even though you couldn't have written it on your own ass, so I can take a picture and put it on the internet." Either that or her boyfriend is a white guy with a small dick who wrote it and fapped to it to satisfy his cuck fetish.
Birth control followed by television and movies telling them its ok and cool to be a slut
>maybe a girl wrote it
>maybe a non-BF no wrote it
either-or fallacy shattered.
>ay baby gurl lemme rite sum sheit own yo ass reel qick
>is gon b reel coo
That's true. It could also have been written by the fucking pope. These are all possibilities.
>tramp stamp tattoo
She was trash anyway.
>you will never be fucked into submission by pope
I know. Why even live?
>My simplistic argument was BTFO
>Let me take refuge in absurdity
whatever floats your boat
For those of you who are blissfully ignorant, the symbol in her right leg is the 'Queen of Spades'.
A symbol commonly used to indicate she only fucks black men and cucks her white bf/ husband.
Mental retardation?
original as it gets
The pope was an example of another person who could have written on the girl's ass, but would have been unlikely enough to do so that the possibility could be disregarded beyond a reasonable level of doubt. This was an illustrative way of suggesting that, while all friendships are different and unique, it would be unlikely for someone other than a boyfriend or sexual partner (and I realize that I did not include the possibility of a non-romantic sexual partner - this was an oversight on my part) to have written on this girl's ass, as enacting a cuck fetish or a BBC fetish is an unusual activity to share between platonic friends. My error was in assuming that would be obvious to you.
Fuck, this is funny in an original way
We have a new meme!
Every time anyone does anything that could be regarded as degenerate, we can blame the 20th amendment.
Fucking minorities getting jobs with no work put in. REPEAL THE SECOND AMENDMENT
We stopped beating them.
Contraception and you know it.
Im not OP but YES DUDE.
Not many understand this though because they dont know what to research on their freetime when they actually wanna know why females today behave the way they do.
But yes. The real pill is the pill.
>The real pill is the pill.
Yup. Everything and I mean everything started going to shit around the 70's when the pill came out.
they are literally born that way, they are women
Stay mad, original dicklet.
It's from Dumpert.
it's probably a joke. She couldn't take a 10 inch cock it would rupture her lungs
she couldve fallen asleep? i dont know how you werent able to think of that
>have sex on the beach with a really beautiful roast on a summer fling
>it was all my dad's idea, pressure is really on to impress this girl and bring her back to our campsite as my girlfriend
>she complains about my inadequate penis size, asks if we can have an open relationship and ditches me for different men moments later
>barely see her for the rest of my stay
lol man penis enlargement surgery when I can't cope with this
>hey everyone watch me hurt a child haha im so funny
poor kid, wish he would get a brick and throw at the bitch after that
are you western people actually this degenerate? just have sex like that?
My white gf loves the brand Kate Spades
black guy here
should I be worried?
Yes, because you
-have a gf
-that gf is different race
-you are on r9k
un-ironically eat shit and die
I tripped over a white boy during my Elliot rodger phase, he was just looking at me like why the fuck did you do that , I'm sorry
Guys watch this
KEK that fat nigger is hilarious
>yt ppl
Because men let them and even encourage it
A few are, though they're outnumbered by those who haven't had sex at all.