Tfw no-one in your friend group would miss you if you left

>tfw no-one in your friend group would miss you if you left
>tfw they hangout a lot without you
>tfw you're none of their favourites
>tfw it's exactly the same without you
>tfw they don't like you as much
Feels bad man

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this describes someone in my friend group and he's at least mildly aware of it and depressed about it but it's totally self inflicted because he's a compulsive liar and a piece of shit so I can't tell if I feel bad or not

You're probably boring af

stop talking about me PLEASE.

Leave that group immediately. Would rather be alone than be miserable with people who I hate.

Wtf re u talking about me?

god do i know this feel

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Yeah it's pretty depressing when you realize that literally no one is thinking about you, even when you're gone for weeks or months.

shame on you I don't even HAVE friends

this. but every now and again i play vidya with them

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are you in my one and only friend group?

sure hope neither of you fellas have a name that starts with C

If you mean your one and only irl friend group but you have a few online friend groups, then maybe

holy fuck me but my name starts with a k

Any you anons named Nik?

pls go to sleep, don't post about me here

this is honestly mainly me wanting to vent, but if that first post described you fellas well then maybe it's worth while for you reading it to hear why it pushes people away.

Being friends with a compulsive liar is fucking impossible. This guys lies constantly and it drives all of us to resent the fuck out of him. It's absolutely exhausting to try and call him on every little lie, and sometimes it's just not worth it because he lies CONSTANTLY about the stupidest shit, but we always notice when he's doing it. Do you know how frustrating it is to sit there while you know someone is lying straight to your face like you're some kind of fucking idiot, when they think you're believing their lie? we legitimately can't call him a liar every time, because it's CONSTANTLY, and because he spazzes out and cries about depression and basically what the OP post said, but he never stops no matter how many times we tell him it's a problem. For example today he was telling us all some tall tale about how he beat a developer in hearth stone at a match so the developer messaged him and was telling him how good he is and gave him $80 worth of card packs for free and was going to let him in a secret pre-launch beta of some upcoming patch or something. We're like "oh yeah....uh dude" and he just keeps fucking going and adding more and more to the story thinking he's got us fooled while we're all sitting here thinking "fuck this guy."

Maybe you guys aren't this bad, but if this describes you even a little then please try to work on this problem. No body likes a guy who compulsively lies, even if you think you've got people fooled you're probably pissing everyone off

Hmmm is This who i think it is? Or...

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I guess I embellish stories, and just make up retarded 'facts'

Kys didnt reply. -_-

>Not willingly isolating yourself from all other humans.
Heh, foolish mortal.

Probably a piece of shit due to being brushed off from other friend groups due to depression and not being liked. Its hard to comeback from not being liked because you need real conversation and experience to become liked. I am usually that kid.

Thank fuck I left this one group. Sucks seeing people meet up having a good time meanwhile you are stuck at home never able to hang out with people and make friends. Discord chats were cringy because of me but now I can focus on myself at my wagie job. Being a robot sucks but when you are an outcast among other outcasts then its amplified by a hundred. If anyone recognizes me then I am sorry I really wish things could have been different. -C

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"why" only matters to you. The "what" matters to everyone else. He is a compulsive liar and constantly lies directly to our faces on a daily basis. Fuck him, that's a terrible thing to do. His reasons why are his own problem to solve.

What things does he lie about? Any examples or stories?

>tfw your friends invite you along to shit and ask where you are but you don't care anymore and are driving them away

example in this post

>friend group
H-heh yeah, I totally haven't been completely alone for the past 7 years, leaving you tube and other streaming sites running for upwards of 14 hours a day simply so I don't feel the incredible loneliness creeping up on me.

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I left my friends behind me 3-4 years ago now. Not once did they try and contact me. So good riddance.

Dont u talk to people online or irl?

>friend recalls experiences they had with you and other friends
>mention you remember
>"oh you were there? i don't even remember haha"

This has happened so many times in my life it's become an inside joke

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I tried joining 3 different discords, but none of them stuck around, because while it was certainly nice talking to some people, there was nothing keeping us together because I'm an absolute poorfag and don't have multiplayer games. So eventually I was just lurking in the voice channel, listening to how others were gaming as I was replaying the same games that I played in 2009, not wanting to interrupt their flow and eventually I just didn't log into discord anymore.

I haven't talked with anyone IRL in this entire time, besides greeting and thanking the cashiers etc.

Whats it like having a "friend group"?

yep, pretty much. they don't even have the courtesy of admitting this - it is nothing but pity fest for that special kid.
think i'll leave soon enough, few things i abhor more than pity.

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this. if there's anything people crave above all, it is entertainment.

Did you pick up Crusader Kings II when it was free on steam? If so I'll play that with you, user.

Jotaro? desu desu desu

>stop hanging out with my friends because noone invites me to any stuff anymore
>my best buddy since preschool I've known all my life only occassionaly talks to me
>if I ever go out with him its with people he knows from who knows fuck where and I feel like an outcast
>dont stop by at the place he works at anymore and he hasnt initiated contact since


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When I went to college the friend group I joined was like this. At one point I mentioned to one that I felt left out. He tells everyone else in the group and there's like a couple days where everyone is overly nice it's super cringey and obviously fake and makes me feel worse so I basically cut contact with all of them after that lol.

This is too similar to what happened to me. Y u do this?

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