Is anyone else more interested in the psychology of women than the women themselves? They're such bizarre creatures

Is anyone else more interested in the psychology of women than the women themselves? They're such bizarre creatures.

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friendly reminder that all men should either kill themselves or transition

How are they bizarre? They're actually quite predictable.

>thinks of women as an "other" and "creature"
>wonders why he can't get a date with one

really mkes u think

Agreed. Im mpre fascinated by the way that men attempt to, and fail at predicting their actions. And how most men still find a way to excuse shitty things women do because they're women.



Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die, user.

I went on one date with a girl who looks like left. Wish it never happened.

I meant to say right.

Yes and it cost me many opportunities for getting a gf.
>girl shows interest
>unsure of what to do, respond robotically as per usual until she loses interest
>get home and research, learn what to look for for next time
>there is no next time
Repeat with literally any girl that even looks at me

What in god's name can be interesting about the psychology of women? They're simple-minded creatures. Don't act like you hadn't already figured them out by the time you were 7

That's what makes them so strange. They're so basic and weak minded compared to men despite being the same species.

>what does it mean if she says bless you if you sneeze, google?
>what does it mean when a girl doesnt cringe when I look at her?
>if she says hello with a slight smile
>if you look at her and she looks down but looks at you again and braps

i find it fascinating how they just accept every social norm as if that's the concrete pure truth of the universe and basically just echo their environment their entire lives without ever once having an original or critical thought

>calls women weak minded
>is on Jow Forums

Women want a man they can respect
And they can't respect men nowadays cause men now have cock cages
So now they want men they can fear to make up for it

>downplays Jow Forums
>on Jow Forums

leave normalfag

>They're so basic and weak minded compared to men

there are "men" here who cry themselves to sleep at night because they are a virgin lmao

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All women are different, all interactions with them are different. They are bizarre creatures.

>there are ""men"" who cry
Lmao, weak faggots.

All women have on their minds is your money and Chad's cock.
mystery solved.

lol stay mad roastie

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cringe, nice quote there boomer.

Fuu fuu fuu, yes... Women! Such interesting creatures! Just when you think you have them figured out... BOOM! They blindside you! Yes, but that's just the nature of women i suppose. One can never truly know what they will do next - unless of course - you have some kind of time machine, HA! Yes, it seems that the only way to figure out these pixies, would be to have some kind of super power. (Or maybe just a little bit of luck ;P)

No, no, no, that isn't right at all, and I know it! Women are quite easy to understand, at least for men like me that is! HA HA HA! Most men haven't a clue when it comes to women, but me, I've spent so much time observing them its like I'm an expert. Yes! An expert! A master manipulator of the fairer sex! Such complex little things they are to most, but to me, I can read them like a book! I pity those boorish fools who know so little, I must really say that I do. But we can't all be such masterminds, now can we? Surely there would be no fun in that! Yes, I sit on my perch observing and learning, while you naive men try your luck at a woman's hand, waiting for the proper moment to strike, then... BAM! I swoop in and take my prize with all the vigor and suave of a true ladies man! It's almost unfair, really, but what can I say? You either have it or you don't my dear friends, and I most certainly do!

Yes, women! How interesting, yet predictable for a man such as myself! They truly are a game to be played, and one I certainly love to play! And look how I rant! Yes, I could never tire of these bubbly beings!

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Women don't have the mental capacity to embrace the burden of life. Why would they cry themselves to sleep when they can just call Chad, complain about all the petty inconveniences she experienced along the way and have everything provided to her in utter accordance with her wishes?

Eh roasties they will never understand

Women are easier for me to talk to than men in most cases at least for me but the dudes I get on with are very similar personality. Women just like to fug like we do, but they're submissive.

Tak to girl
Bail at any sign of discomfort
Ignore eternally

I just like the way they look. I have no understanding or interest in the mechanics of their thought


Wow someone who isn't retarded

I started using a social media app for the first time in my life and I'm still trying to see the patterns. women tend to post a lot of self deprecating stuff that clearly isn't true, like "I'm so ugly" when she's actually really hot. Wonder what that means

u.jpg LOL

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along with things like "just can't cope right now, I'm falling to pieces", "I'm literally dying from studying"

It's nice that he won't make children, though. Get ready for generationChad.

I don't care all I want is to impregnate the bitch on the right

even as a female, i'd have to agree. the actions and responses of women i see are a lot easier to predict than men.

the roastie on the right looks so dumb. CUTE!

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We're all creatures you dumb shit. There's nothing wrong or right about being a creature, it's just a term for biological organism.