I cant say this publicly on social media so I'll say it here. I am going to kill myself if I remain a virgin past 25. I will hire a prostitute the day before ending my life so I won't die a virgin. I'm 22 now so at least 3 more years to go
I cant say this publicly on social media so I'll say it here. I am going to kill myself if I remain a virgin past 25...
>I cant say this publicly on social media so I'll say it here. I am going to kill myself if I remain a virgin past 25. I will hire a prostitute the day before ending my life so I won't die a virgin. I'm 22 now so at least 3 more years to go
I want you to think of what the meaning of death means and come back and tell me
Don't do that bro, get one of these instead, it's literally better in 99% of ways, and all you have to do to get it is make a one-time lump payment of a couple thousand dollars.
>shill shilling
What if u xant get it up
Stunning argument, friendo. Dare I ask if you have anything useful to contribute?
For medical or psychological reasons? If it's something like nerve damage you're probably fucked. Anything else can be fixed though.
can you film it before you an hero?
i had sex, its fun and shit but its over rated. dont kill yourself for little more than a meme
I will livestream it if it ends up happening. I will consider the advanced sexdoll though...
This user woke af.
Not op, but what's the meaning of death, I give up.
Consider it LONG and HARD
it's pretty much the nuclear option of the desperate man, but hey, that big red button exists for a reason.
I'm seriously considering one myself if I can work my way into my own place somehow, and I'm not even a virgin by a longshot, I'm just sick of the bullshit.
I'm also working my way out of my mom's place. I do help with rent. If I do plan on ending it, it has to be me being completely alone.
Those sexdolls have payment plans right?
Not a shill just trying to show OP his life isn't over just because some roasties reject him.
I mean look at this, LOOK AT IT, and tell me if you had this in your room you wouldn't choose life with a perpetual hardon over death?
There's a ton of companies that make them and some of them are bound to have financing options.
>Shills warrant being dignified with an actual argument
dont waste your money on a doll OP. you wont even come close to feel good, like you had sex. if anything, you might even feel like shit
ITT a poster tries to be a good guy and save a life by presenting a perfectly logical workaround but some faggot comes along who doesn't even have an argument besides "muh shills" and clearly just wants the OP to end it because he doesn't give a damn
To this worthless fuck calling me a shill, you're a shit tier human and should probably consider suicide yourself for the common good of the rest of the race.
>inb4 he calls me a jew or posts a jew meme
I'm a broke ass mofo with no connection to the sex doll industry, I don't even have one myself.
>fembots come in asking for a relationship
>incels bro's only want to lose their virginity
>one robo finally accepts to date fembot for real
>cunt don't wanna actually date no more
>robo goes back to being angry virgin
>femcunt goes back to crying
>traps keep shit posting
R9k in a nutshell
Thank you for your synopsis, I thought this was /vg/ but after that I will rethink my conclusion. Thank you.
>actually thinking OP will do it
>I am going to kill myself if I remain a virgin past 25. I will hire a prostitute the day before ending my life so I won't die a virgin.
but if you fuck a prostitute you won't be a virgin and have no reason to kill yourself anymore
If you must hire a prostitute, why not do so before 25 and live?
It wouldn't be the first time. The question is, would he rather spend his money on a KSG that he can use *sometimes* (or more likely once) or on something that he can drain his balls with every day in the privacy of his own home?
>thinking fucking a prostitute even counts for anything to begin with
If anything it will just lead to more shame.
Pretty much this, there is a solid logical fallacy in OP's plan.
op's ass is pretty dumb.
Sauce on pic pls. Don't kys you dumb virgin, you'll only be reincarnated as an even bigger virgin.
This is all i get from googlr
My nigga. I thought I was the only one who bumped that shit
Her tits are SO FUCKING CUTE I would pop kiss them for days. Goddamn its tits like this that drives good men to rape and/or suicide
Hire a hooker now imbecile.
>Wage cuck yourself then waste your cuck bucks on a doll