Yes goyim, fight for Israel and we will pay for HRT!
Yes goyim, fight for Israel and we will pay for HRT!
damn where can I find a cute boy like this?
was ZOG right all along?
if this is the jews' end game i'll rebuild their temple for free. that's what they want, right? i'll tear it down if they want that
HRT isn't that expensive, it's actually really cheap in most countries.
She's probably on spiro and progynova too so super cheap.
Damn thats a cute trap major fucking props
Bravo! Bravo!
shit lads I don't even like traps
>cant get into the military if you have a mental illness
>let traps into the military
what did they mean by this?
Gender dysphoria isn't classified as a mental illness.
Thought trump banned trannies from the military
she has nice tits.
and do the other army people rape her ?
Seconded. Where can I convert?
Dat boipussi be leakan more than the f35 budget
damn reiko has ascended
>redditor tranny fighting a war for israel and oil
liberalism summed up
They always told me Satan would be attractive...
But that's a girl
No, they were never right and they still aren't. That guy is able to take good pictures but in real life it would be obvious that it's a man and you'd have to be gay to be turned on by him.
Jesus it's hot
Russia must be shitting themselves.
this """boy""" is prettier than my ex-oneitis
Too bqs they'll probably kill themselves
a-am i gay if i want to t-tap dat ass?
>ruining a cute feminine penis by leaving an open wound in it's place