I did a mental disorder test thing...

I did a mental disorder test thing. Wanna know what your guys' results are and your opinions on your results and others results.

This is by no means an actual declaration of your mental state and if you want the truth you should see a professional.


I think I should be higher in schizoid and schizotypal since I often have delusions and other odd schizoid type experiences. The rest is pretty accurate.

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Fuck this faggy, self-diagnostic personality-test tier shit.

t. Antisocial Paranoid

>10 questions in
>yes to everything so far

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just took it, r8 my results

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fucking normie
fuck you

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Wow lad. You pretty fucked up. And I felt bad about mine.

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Yikes I thought freaks like you were just taking the piss but you're actually worthless humans.

Holy shit.

yet I have a gf. fuck you idiot.

That will break up with you when she gets sick of how tardy you are.

i took this exact quiz a while ago and got very high in every category except 4 of them. 2 were just high and the other two were moderate. don't remember which ones though

Do you have a real life disorder?

i answered this as honestly as possible and honestly didn't think it would be bad.. am i kill?

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>tfw parents keep telling me to be normal

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At least with all your cons you aren't narcissistic about them and don't think you're special


this is already in the works, idiot.

not that i know of, but i did have a mental breakdown a year ago just never told anyone and it sorted itself out after a couple of months

i don't like to bother anyone, i just want to be normal

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You decide if you're in good mental shape or not

Took this awhile ago, I don't know what to think about the results

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>You decide if you're in good mental shape or not
actually factually incorrect
do you know the power society has?

Tfw healthiest person that visits r9k

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here, just retook it. this thing holds no water i feel fine.

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mentally stable boi :)

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Dependent disorder.

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>we livN a Sociyertty

Society only has power if you let it, if you think you're in good mental condition then you're in good mental condition, who cares what other people think if you feel good.

The only time you should listen is if it directly affects your physical health.

Look at he's fine as far as I'm concerned.

ANd if im doomed may the wound help my mother be blessed for many moons

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Father killed himself, no friends or a job and felt different from others my entire life but could never identify why.
I don't think I have any mental illnesses or problems though.

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Just wanna remind you what a real 30+ robot virgin looks like.

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I DAB on mental illness.

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the law, employers, everyone. are you retarded?

Fuck is yall getting very high for?

Am I gonna be okay?

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hmm ok

Me, im an actual robot. Who would have thought.

I'm just very not mentally well.

how is nutcase different from "GET HELP" ? just curious.

pls don't try to gaslight me, i seriously can't handle that shit i gaslight myself enough.

childhood trauma, bad experiences with people, particularly women, etc etc

what about OP b0ssss????

who here /distant father/ haha

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Something between get help and normieshit

I'm btw
Just retook it because I wanted to see if I changed since then, here's new results

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Wew didnt think it'd be this bad

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did this a week ago, doesn't look that bad

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F-fun, right?

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haha... ha... ha :(

you and i are very similar

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Guys, is this a bad thing?

Attached: personalitydisorder.png (542x424, 54K)

About right actually. DisorderResultParanoidPersonalityModerateSchizoidPersonalityModerateSchizotypalPersonalityHighAntisocialPersonalityModerateBorderlinePersonalityHighHistrionicPersonalityHighNarcissisticPersonalityHighAvoidantPersonalityVery HighDependentPersonalityVery HighObsessive-CompulsivePersonalityModerateTake the Personality Disorder Test --
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>tfw results have changed since I last done this years ago

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i'm avoidant according to my therapist though i don't know. paranoid and dependant also sound familiar but it's probably not nearly pronounced enough in me to actually be considered a disorder.

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no you aren't retard, I am. my results were shit enough without you faking them.

oh fuck I'm a dumbass. That is you and not me. my bad, laddy.

>am i kill?
no. depending on what time in your life you take this test it can vary heavily.
i'm and this is the second time i took that test. the first i was high on almost everything but my depression was also way worse.

>A professional
>Oh boy this guy doesnt post on facebook 24/7 and dislikes shallow women who have no interests except their own looks
>He must be an autist


Everyone else seems pretty normal, feels bad man

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Huh? I don't know why you would want to pretend to be me, I literally have it and the uncropped version in my gallery

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Also this

if you have any form of base knowledge of these tests you already know what the result is gonna be by which answer you're clicking so these kind of tests are really for utter retards that dont understand that clicking on "durr do u like being around other people - no" is gonna give you an anti-social result

whats even the point of these tests? You cant figure it out yourself?

Don't worry about it. Also didn't see this until after I posted

please don't reply to me

I started this test as a meme here months ago. It's pure fantasy tier ivory tower crap. Zero validity. How funny is it that people took the bait as hard as with MBTI. You guys want some phrenology too?

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is there any hope for my fellow robots??

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Questions hit close to home

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Look guys im fucked, can i get attention

Attached: 20180412_120333.jpg (1080x866, 299K)

Disorder | Rating

ParanoidPersonality | High
SchizoidPersonality | High
SchizotypalPersonality | High
AntisocialPersonality | Moderate
BorderlinePersonality | Low
HistrionicPersonality | Moderate
NarcissisticPersonality | Moderate
AvoidantPersonality | High
DependentPersonality | Low
Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality | Moderate

Not that robotic but still fuck my life

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-12-13-14-43.png (800x480, 146K)

DisorderResultParanoidPersonalityHighSchizoidPersonalityModerateSchizotypalPersonalityModerateAntisocialPersonalityModerateBorderlinePersonalityHighHistrionicPersonalityModerateNarcissisticPersonalityModerateAvoidantPersonalityVery HighDependentPersonalityHighObsessive-CompulsivePersonalityHighTake the Personality Disorder Test --
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>question implies I've had relationships to break up from

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i got a very high did i win??

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Welp bois looks like Im the most stable here

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damn i guess im schizoid

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Well i did these some time ago and im quite "functioning" member if society
Being paranoic and so isnt that problematic for a woman
Man have it worse for sure

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this is normal to be honest

Attached: quite normal.png (1680x1050, 514K)

hey i finally scored high on a test guys!

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idk maybe i have problems

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that one is bullshit dont take it seriously

>not even narcissistic
yeah, whatever.

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Dont worry I am with you brothet

Apart from Schizoid, pretty much what I expected

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I feel like shit 99% of the time. I just want someone that wants me or even shows a fraction of interest. Should I just give up?

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Same brother, I know the feeling

i dont think that this is correct /:
im p sure im not schizoid but schizotypal i may be

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Normies OUT. If you score anything lower than moderate on more than half of these, you do not belong.

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anyone else #welladjusted?

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Here user, see what you think.

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All of this might finally set me free

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i did this test like 2 years ago and didn't think it could get any worse. RIP

Attached: oh dear.png (491x384, 37K)

Well i guess ill gtfo

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tell me your secret how do you DO this how can i feel not shit like you

Diagnosed with Avoidant with Borderline traits. Either I'm a special case or this test is retarded lole

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You use Opera. You're not normal

the schizotypal result is the only one that surprised me.

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Not him, but Opera is a better option over Brave and other ad block browsers. Does things efficiently and doesn't trigger anti adblock scripts.

im not really surprised

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how fucked am I? Maybe killing myself wasnt a bad idea after all

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huh look at that

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Began exercising.
Got pretty good at it.
Gave me something to actually care about, wanted to improve in and made me happy.

It just kinda snowballed from tying my shoes and thinking to myself "fuck it ill try something new"


are you my fucking shadow or something?

If you're using Android, get Adguard or some other ad-blocking app. Blocks ads in all apps as well, not just the browser.

You have to bother some people to find the ones that will put up with your bullshit. Eventually, you'll find someone that genuinely loves your stupid shit.
But you gotta try. And when you first start trying, you're gonna bother a lot of people.