>mfw finally going to quit smoking weed every day
Mfw finally going to quit smoking weed every day
Good job
I am proud
Good luck OP, i'm trying to stop for one year at least. Godspeed.
>weed affects you this much
You probably should quit altogether. For me it would be like saying 'i'm going to stop drinking sprite every day'. It shouldn't be such a big deal, you pussy. But obviously it has become that way because you're a pussy.
Idk I think it's great when I'm with people but when I use it by myself it turns me into a lazy piece of shit (even more than I already am) and I just sit around feeling even worse. I'm gonna treat it more like liquor than I have been.
It's worth it. You don't realize how little fun you're having until you quit.
it only makes you feel bad when you try to ignore problems in your life, just deal with said problems
sorry i was harsh before, but that's kinda what i was getting at
alcohol is far worse
woah get a load of this big tough guy
gosh you're so cool user telling people off like this
I did that 2 weeks ago and things got so bad and meaningless I started lurking Jow Forums again. I hope you'll have a better time.
Same here, user. We can get through this.
you know if you have depression you feel bad all the time.
and fixing problems isnt going to make you feel better right ?
I swore off porn and masturbation last night. We're not all gonna make it, but the strongest will.
Grats OP
I takes some time to notice the effects but as evidenced by the one raging fag itt its an addiction like any other that takes a toll on your life
Frying your dopamine systems and being constantly couchlocked aren't good for progressing in life
If you have to, cut out friends who push you to smoke or are constantly high
>muh relativism
The hallmark of an absolute faggot. Heroin is worse than crack ergo crack is OK.
Hate that the most about stoners, perpetual denial of their addiction.
i recently came to this decision too
it's probably going to be easier considering I've pushed away all my everyday smoker friends.....
Its 100% worth it m8, good luck to you.
The old adage is it takes 3 weeks to form a habit but the first month or two is kind of rough as you learn to lose the crutch, after that its pretty smooth sailing
Thanks, bro.
>woah get a load of this big small guy
>gosh you're so gay user telling people off like this
I just finished vaping a bag of Chem Sister, really fire sativa. Filling a bag now with some Gelato (indica) before bed. I also get high before jiu-jitsu because I'm not a massive faggot.
Guys look it's nate diaz
I think the key with all addictions is keeping it "before bed"
I still drink, but work through a few pints in an hour or so to put me out
The problem with substance abuse is doing it during the day or for prolonged periods of time
IE blazing before work, immediately after work is on par with drinking at those times, and doing both for hours during the evening instead of other pursuits is deleterious
Told myself thatnumeroustimes Weed is a fucking cancer. Just makes u a zombie
Wish i quit 10 years ago
Now whenever i quit it gets really bad after a while
Psychotic epides ranging from extreme anger to sadness, paranoia and fear
wouldn't marijuana make psychosis worse/more frequent? wouldn't stopping make it better, no matter when you did it?
I remember doing that once, don't miss it a single bit.