Do you get neetbux or how do you pay for stuff?

Do you get neetbux or how do you pay for stuff?

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Work part time as my dad's restaurant, and my parents pay all of the bills

At * spelling errors will be the death of me

Part-time job while I live with grandparents who pay all bills and food. Have some spending money and social interaction while also having lots of time for video games and anime. Pretty good setup

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sounds comfy how many hours do you work?

what job?

I'm going to my neetbux interview tomorrow
Wish me luck guys

working at a gas station

mommy gf
pretty comfy

i have a jerb and live with my parents.

How do I get neetbux? What you gonna say?

dont lie to us user we know better than that

>How do you pay stuff?

Rich parents - They give me ~8,000 euros a year. Plus they gave me an apartment 6 years ago. Sounds like the dream but I'm still a depressed. I have a bachelor in economics but Ive never used it


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Work full time as a assistant manager at a popular fast food chain. The one with latest famous meme.

Number 15

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8000euros a year isnt even that much wtf thats 667euros a month

I rent out 2 rooms in my apartment and that covers the costs of the apartment + 200 euros a month that I save up. The 8000 euros are just for food + shit I buy

Invested in a very profitable energy company when I was 14 and now I have enough money to do literally whatever I want. It's weird being 21 and knowing that I'll never have to work or worry about money ever again desu. I can buy anything I want yet I feel empty.

if you gimme some money ill be your friend

i just wait here every day hoping to die
things never get better
ive stopped caring to try
nobody cares
nobody believes me
everyone else gets everything handed to them
suicide attempts arent even enough anymore

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sweet dubdubs bro

is this yours? if so how have you not killed yourself yet?

>gender identity disorder

kys faggot

I get like o 1200euroneet bux pm
Rent is like 560
Working full time means i earn a bit more in return for busting my ass 40h a week 10-11 months every year so ive given up for the last 2 years
They totally forgot about me too. Never got a call or a letter telling me i had to apply for stuff first 4 months
Since then i got to be an alchoholic.. learned to cook and put hundreds of hours playing vidya

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Pretend to be yourself .. a suicidal trainwreck

Working as a pharmacist at Walgreens, getting that sweet-ass six figure salary.

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