ITT: We discuss sex and virgins so let me start.
I've recently lost my virginity not to a hooker or random stacy and i can say that it WAS NOT overrated. If anything it was out of this world. But if u do it with some random whore ofc its going to be overrated.
The other thing that triggers me is how people say "If i dont fuck until 25 ill kms.." Like are u fking retarded? If you sit on your ass all day and dont put any effort what u do expect? A random stacy to come and let some autist fuck her?
Virgins and sex
I'm waiting for marriage. Had a couple gfs but they turned out to be retarded normies.
I agree. About a year or so ago I had anonymous hookup sex, and it was alright. I did it a few more times with the same person, but nothing more than sex. I wasn't expecting it to change my life or anything, but some of the sex obsessed spergs might lose their shit if they finally banged and they were still the same sad person as before.
Yep.. I really hope the people who say that sex will fix them are joking because it really doesnt fix shit.. It feels nice and u feel like a human but wont fix ur grades body pc car or anything
>sex is bad mmmmkay
Literally why?
Yeah, the self-defeating/blaming is the worst thing to read about on this board. They don't realize that sex is just one thing that their condition is stopping from achieving, and instead of trying to fix their condition and reaping rewards like sex and relationships, they blame the lack of sex for their condition.
I mean, it's r9k, so it's not like I expect anything different, but some people could really use some introspection.
How can anyone not have sex after 15 lmao easiest shit ever especially in high school
The problem is that while indeed lack of introspection is one of the root problems of Jow Forums, they at the same time are delusional and believe the opposite. One of the memes that keeps being pushed here is "robots are more self-aware than stupid normies".
>it's current year, be degenerate
Every day we stray further from god.
I can't approach women worth a shit. I'm awkward, lazy, and introverted. Somehow, in spite of having had sex, I don't feel like I really have much prowess at seduction. I must be attractive, at least, or women wouldn't select me actively.
I can't imagine what insecurity I'd feel if I hadn't even gotten the validation of losing my virginity. I worry all the time about whether I'm a fit mate or not. That's gotta go up to 11 if you're a virgin.
>being denied the #1 human imperative for 25+ years
Must be easy to stay motivated when you have sex waiting for you at home every day.
Well yeah, most people think they are above average. r9k does have an unusual sex-obsessed form of self-defeating though. Like having sex automatically changes you into a better person, so once you have sex, you become a better person who is even more likely to have sex, so over the years more and more sex happens and you become an even better, more liked person. So robots who never had sex in high school feel like they got left behind, and then they blame their ineptitude and inherent awkwardness on women. Extremely generalized, of course.
I feel similarly. I'm pretty insecure about my feelings, so I never approach people romantically, and have only had hookup fucks.
Who is denying it? That's right, you, and only you.
On some basic, unconscious, primal level, sex is saying, "I think more people like you ought to exist." It is validation.
So now you think you can lecture others. Some people are just dregs. They aren't even losers. Because even losers are somebodies. I'm a nobody. Invisible. All I want is to fall in love and be a father. But not everybody is the same. Not everybody is capable of life's fundamentals. And that's something you need to understand. Get off your high-horse.
How do you expect someone to fall in love with you when nobody knows you exist?
i want to have sex AND love, but for whatever reason they are rarely available as a package. it's not that there is no effort on my part, but that the ware i seek is out of stock.
I'm trying. At first, I felt optimistic. But I've run out of steam.
I haven't had sex in almost two years, it really isn't that great. Focusing on sex as the end-all-be-all won't help you at all. You know what would happen if you did finally band? It wouldn't motivate you at all, so you would move your target to something else you think you can't get so you can justify being unmotivated.
I feel for you, I really do, and as shitty and unhelpful as it sounds, change has to come from within. No one else is gonna motivate you. No manic pixie dream girl is going to come into your life and fix everything that's wrong, because that's stupid and not based in reality.
Sure, but there are other forms of validation, some that are much more effective than sex.
op is a fucking faggot as always
And user is a trap virgin like always
What have you tried so far? Keep going, don't give up so easily.
just made love w/ oneitis for the first time
this is the best
not even the whole dick in vag part of it
you guys should try it out
>he comes to r9k to boast about losing his virginity
why i see this pic everywhere stalkers