Anyone else here abused by a sociopath?

anyone else here abused by a sociopath?
what do you do to cope with your empty life
I never got contacted again by them and we were friends for a long time. still scarred today rip

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>Am a sociopath
Abuses self

How do you abuse yourself? explain?

Get in lots of trouble
>hospital bills from several fights
>lots of charges on record
>Lots of drugs
U know the basic bad shiz

Sounds rough
do you know how I can cope with something that happened after i was thrown away by a sociopath? she berated me alot and gaslighted me. its hard to get over it because I haven't talked to anyone in 2 months. and talking reignites my trauma. i really thought she cared about me too

Can msg me on discord if u wanna talk, can give insight into her perspective I suppose and support a fellow user

insight to her perspective? what do you mean

Do u think she was actual sociopath or just roastie bitch?

Her behavior was sociopathic
it matched all the characteristics of one. not saying it to namecall but she actually was one. The gaslighting , lack of empathy for anyone and not being able to understand that her actions had accountability showed that something was wrong. and that she made close ones try to commit suicide a lot. And i've witnessed it unfortunately

well I'm the kind of person to use people n stuff so I can understand if that's what she was doing but idk if she was just being a bitch

Lol sounds like me, am working on that empathy thing tho

Ahh yeah, forum hipster gangbang. Shoulda killed me, motherfuckers.

I lived.

oof I wonder if youre her


haha nah am a guy

If you're the same guy from earlier thanks for providing some of your perspective

INFJs don't deserve this.

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tfw Im an infj

alright give discord

She was an infp and i was infj
i dont read too much into mbti anymore but we used to together? does this mean something

Yeah, I was abused by one for over a year. Isolated me from my only other friend, forced me to do special favors, told me special lies to manipulate me to do whatever they wanted- when I found out about their biggest lie I was dropped like a hot potato. Either nobody cared what they did to me or nobody believed me, either way it felt like everybody was on their side. Even my cousin chose them over me, even after hearing the full story. It sucked to see them living and happy in my hometown years later and hearing people talk highly about them like they aren't the most insane and evil person I've ever met. It's crazy how someone can look "perfect" to everybody else but actually be a terrible person on the inside. Not that I'm "good" because they are bad, it was my fault for being so blind to everything and thinking I was somebody special entrusted to help

They sound horrible
Im so sorry
for what happened. Nobody deserves this. the trauma lingers forever no matter what we do or how much help we get. Stories like this are enraging. My friend did that around me but to her ex boyfriend
she pushed him to almost commit suicide and it happened to me as well

I got mentally abused by trap propaganda so yeah probably

i constantly jump from one person to another
showing them affection and giving them hope then suddenly getting bored of them and stop talking to them
am i a sociopath?

Yes. Stop doing that.

I don't know it could be
but it sounds too broad and vague to tell.
A lot of people with bpd do that
they see you in black in white and over time they'll devalue you and treat you like youre bad. Which can traumatize people and summon an ego death.
Sociopaths do that too. they charm people and have no regard for the other persons well being and will drop them like flies later on. this also causes problems.

I knew a girl for about three months and we were dating and she tried to help me get over my past trauma and "love me when noone else would"
sweet little lies like that
she dumped me earlier today and was completely cold about it, no remorse
I'm not sure if she just wanted me to hate her or if she was a sociopath

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people like that are why i never trust anyone now
they fucking scare me
I hate people now to tell the truth. there's no point in living or talking to anyone when you know that they are a vanilla version of the people that have traumatized and abused us
its all worthless.
been abused by parents my whole life.
just turned 18 and didnt have a childhood
feels fucking bad

you realize you're still a fucking kid, right? try and sort your shit out. Start right now.

>Sort things out
like how? this phrase is pretty much a buzzword now too

Could also be BPD

Being under the abuse of a sociopath isn't all that bad. The fear should lift in a year or less. If it didn't then you have other issues.

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How do you know this? were you abused by one and do you have experience firsthand?

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Fuck. This sounds exactly like my former friend. My biggest fear is that she will traverse through life without ever taking responsibility for the way she acts.

I've abused.

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>being afraid of a sociopath

They're literally just fake poser douchebags, dude.

Who did you abuse
and what was it like

It was fun at first, then got boring.
I won't say who, would be mean to give out names in such a public board.

Well, it isn't really fear they experience, more like confusion from not knowing what to do and feeling trapped. Cause the sociopath/psychopath will have them believe that they are their only friend/parental figure/etc. and use that to make the person love the sociopath but at the same time the person clearly knows the sociopath abuses them mentally and maybe physically, depends on what circumstance. The person doesn't feel fear as I said, just confusion. Not knowing how to leave the pain behind.

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I see
sorry that memory lingers within you

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I can see where you're coming from with all that noise, but if some one could have the mental capacity to realize their situation they wouldn't really feel much aside from embarrassment/cringe.

Are you my ex girlfriend? Feels like you're talking about me.

>be with a girl for a long time and friends with her for longer
>she dumps me after 3 years because of my fucked up personality
>haven't spoke since the day we broke up
>I am 100 percent more damaged than her unless there's some wack shit going on I don't know about.