One chance at life

>one chance at life
>born trans

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post pics you dumb sissy slut

you're choosing to be trans idiot

No one is born trans. ever

>people thinking you can choose to not have gender dysmorphia

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send boipussy faggot

>Once chance at existence
>Born into a 3d dimensional plane.

Be my trap or boi gf

bruh who would choose to suffer like this. it'd be nice if i could just be a normal guy without a fucked up brain

ik that feel user, sometimes i trick myself into beleiving i want to be a guy but it doesnt last long

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Please explain why anyone would choose this then.

It's over Reiko just stop it.

I'm not reiko, user. Unlike them I don't wish this misery on anyone.

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Does anyone have the picture of that trap that was in the argument on r9gay or whatever? The screencap where she pissed in his mouth.

Man that dude made one fucking ugly chick.

god i fucking hate Jow Forums
that board fucking killed us and moot was right to scrap it

I am tempted to post a pic of Adam Jensen.

That was the reference i was going for, yes

>Patients with Body integrity identity disorder feel like one of their limbs is alien and desperately want it amputated
>Amputating the limb does sort of fix the issue
>Doctors categorically do not give in to their patients' desires and actually try to treat the problem: to assuage the disorder instead of merely treating the symptom

Now please explain to me how letting people with your mental disorder transition is ethical.

transitioning is still the best option. you can't cure gender dysphoria or ever become a cis woman but well maybe transitioning will make you functional enough to not be in a mental ward most of your time.

Why don't trans people just change their gender instead of their body?

Gender is a social construct not tied to sex, right?

So what does it matter, just change your gender back to match your body, idiot

Are you medically trans?

>will make you functional enough to not be in a mental ward most of your time.
Yea for few years before realisation of fucking up and then committing suicide.

You're better off in a mental ward anyway. They exist for a good reason.

I would have an heroed already otherwise so at least its bought me some time


Gender isn't a social construct though

t. tranny

better than nothing right?
why should I be there? the people I know are ok with me and if I would go to a mental ward they would just send me away.

Then tell me how i can choose to be normal because ive tried my hardest already


> born trans
So you had HRT inserted through the umbilical cord?

Obvious bait but trans is if you have gender dysphoria not if youve transitioned

When did r9k become fucking tumblr

Hardly. The natural state is having your body's assigned sex (genitals) aligned with that of your minds inherent identity. Like for example, if you're normal you will have a penis while also thinking of yourself as a man. This is what gender really is. Not some wishy washy Tumblr fashion accessory. This is why there are only two genders.

1 in every 1000 infants are born with some kind of fucked up gender ambiguous genitalia, intersex shit, or some kind of mis matched chromosomes. This is easily identifiable. Probably due to exposure to incorrect amounts of hormones in the womb or something, who knows. So it's reasonable to expect a certain amount of infants are born with a fucked sense of their own identity as well. The inherent switch in the brain to say which direction to go.

Go read about David Reimer.

no one is born delusional (though some are born with a propensity for them). the vast majority of "trans" people have various other mental disorders and irrational beliefs, which is clear proof that it is in fact a delusion, and should not be encouraged by society. especially for children, calling a child "trans" and encouraging their delusions will fuck them up for life, and that is exactly the plan of the (((psychologists))) who promote this shit

Some people are born with mental illnesses. What can you do?

Could literally be 1000000x worse. I've had people commit suicide soon after talking with me. So, *headpats* Just knoe, I don't feel your pain because you have none. Your life is to easy and your problems are easy mode. Easy mode for me, hard mode for you *scoffs* TRY BEING SCHIZOPHRENIC HEARING VOICES 24/7 AND TAKING MEDICATION THAT CHEMICALLY CASTRATES YOU. Losing yourself into your own insanity, forced to live a life of solitude for multiple reasons, just existing to die. Be thankful, 1st worldie, that's what they're gonna call you m8. Oy m8 l, it's first worldie m8. Roll out the red carpet and give'r ur undivided attention m8.

>Born trans
you should kys

Oh boy you win the suffering Olympics, congratulations. You sound like an obnoxious prick.

you just looked at way too much fucking porn you idiots

Rofl and you sound like a whiny faggot using this place as your blog. My last post was a joke, but you are just a whore seeking the attention you think you deserve. 1st worldie generation faggot.

The only thing your entitled to is mental torture for being insecure and stuck up. What a bad combination.

>one chance at life
>born a tranny robot infp


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I'm asexual and I have never watched porn

Good. Don't breed and join the 40%

you're not born a certain mbti personality you fucking moron

You pure soul, i wanna hug you!

>3d dimensional
>third dimensional dimensional
You deserve any unhappiness you have.

btfo samson you filthy undereducated slut

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You're never born trans.

You're born one of two genders.

Or you're a retard with extra chromosomes.


This thread sucks. Too many nerds. Where's the tranny dick?

>the vast majority of "trans" people have various other mental disorders and irrational beliefs, which is clear proof
basing on what? some words you wrote on the internet are a clear proof? sorces, give some medical articles or something

Just start smoking ice and fucking every dude on grindr and then congratulations, you're now a trans person.

you mean a hiv bearer

> was born mentally ill

Seems worse than nothing somehow actuslly

how? how is doing stuff you want and living for some years worse than nothing?

I thought all trans were sex obsessed objects.

No. I'm a virgin and afraid of having sex. People are terrifying and violent.

According to Jow Forums. This place if the worst place to spend your time. It makes depression worse. People suggested you go to a mental ward, this is the mental ward.

trans people dont want to be trans, they want to be the gender they think they were born with. It's better for trans people to not change anything in their body because surgeries and HRT will not magically turn you into a female. I'd rather be stuck in a man's body all my life than have a mutated version of both genders in 1 body

the first two lines of your post are full of bullshit, i didn't bother to read further

if you think trans people want to be transgender then you're really retarded

hrt hits libido pretty bad. a lot of trannies are whores because society isn't very kind to them employment-wise

it has nothing to do with my post

It's not just employment wise. My friend just got back from vacation and she left a tranny stranded on the road who had car trouble at 3 in the morning. Called the cops and went on her way. Didn't even ask to help. Tranny =crazy for a lot of ppl

being some inbetween thing is better than having a mans body. I know it's not perfect but that's the best you can get when you are trans. either you transition and try to live like that or kys right off the bat.

I'm exagerrating.. it was 3 am afterall.. still irritated me on how she handled it.

I'm not depressed. I just don't like people.


All of you dickheads need to wake up and realise that you being fucked in the head is because of your choice to watch degenerate pron everyday

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"3d" is not "3rd"
you played yourself

wow nice brain u have there

If youre not depressed, why even transition?

you're not born trans, you fucking freak

Watch your fucking mouth before I curb stomp you and let my tranny friend fuck your dead body.

>tfw you want to be a girl but know you can't so you decide to get Jow Forums so you can make the girls jealous and be smug that the girl in you gets to larp as a guy in a fit guys body and get full access to a male physique while they are stuck as fucking faggot females

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Are you really trans or just the 'I want to do/wear what girls do/wear' kind of trans? If second, just do it.

Tfw when you read a run on sentence

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Me and my gf are planning on cutting off my dick and using the skin as a wedding ring.

I was depressed before, but now I'm not. I feel like everyone on Jow Forums lacks critical thinking skills or something.. I was unhappy about aspects of myself, I changed them, now I am happy with myself. It's that simple.

The "3" in "3d" stands for "3rd." Or hell, even if it is just "three" in some contexts, it still doesn't make sense here, because of the double use of "dimensional."

talk to them about this, because most of us hate you

sage and report anons