Can you heal a psychopath with love?

Can you heal a psychopath with love?

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no. it's a mental illness, right?
(nice bird pics)

>implying its a bad thing
Normalfag retards just cannot stand the fact that some people are just born different than them

Nah, they're disgusted with it, I believe

Hey /psychopath/, can you recommend me some songs with really loud distorted guitar along with emotional melody to it? Something like Creep.

unless we develop medicine that injects empathy into your brain, no

there is no cure, they literally don't understand.

psychopath not sociopath
Psychopathy is a bad thing. Sociopaths not so much

My point still stands. Some people are just born different.

You can't heal them persay, just give them another side where they feel like a person, it won't keep outside of the person they share love with. A good example for this is the Iceman's relationship with his wife and kids while also working as a sadistic hitman.

Psychopaths just lack empathy and most emotion so they don't realize how others feel
Sociopaths do, they just don't care

They're the same thing. It's all Antisocial Personality Disorder.

>please understand im different but no harm to you ;_;
Fuck off faggot. I'd put a bullet in your skull if you tried pulling that faggot shit

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They are exactly the same illness in different frames of activity. The only difference is that a sociopath will use the social/political/financial/interpersonal/etc. world more as a tool than a psychpath would, who would act more on immediate environmental factors to manipulate and ge what they want. Think of a sociopath as a psychopath in a suit, although while it is fitting don't take that analogy too literally.

Pretty true but I think you reversed psychopath and sociopath, all the research I've done on the subject says psychopath is born with it and plans it out more and sociopath develops it and is more impulsive

Im not a psychopath. Just because i defend certain people doesnt mean im one of them retard. Kill yourself you fucking normalfag

Also to answer OP's question I believe it is possible to "cure" a sociopath, but psychopaths are born that way and their prefrontal cortex is barely active, meaning I find it unlikely to be possible to "cure" a psychopath

Psychopaths and Sociopaths usually have it too deeply ingrained into their mind and they can't be ''''''normal''''' whatever that means.
Usually people with these traits have had them for several decades before it's even discovered and at that point you cant really undo it

The prefrontal cortex is important in decision making and risk analysis, it's probably the most active part of a psychopath's brain. It is instead the limbic system that is lacking, the parts of the brain integrating emotion.

We have no drugs that can activate those parts of the brain, only enhance existing emotional competence but psychopaths lack it to begin with. Only "cure" I see is cognitive behavioral therapy, they must learn when emotion should be felt and how it should be expressed since it doesn't come naturally.

That is true in the details but I still think it's th other way around, in that a sociopath is more aware of the fact that he is different and uses it while a psychopath lives entierly in the now in a sense. Like a sociopath may desire a CEO position for the power while a psychopath is fine as a as station attendant so long as he can go get drunk an beat the shit out of someone on the weekend.

"In particular, the ventromedial and anterior cingulate sectors of PFC are theorized to mediate a number of social and affective decision-making functions that appear to be disrupted in psychopathy." (
"The study found that ASPD+P offenders displayed significantly reduced grey matter volumes in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex" (
May be true, never thought about it that way before

I stand corrected. Is my image of psychopaths unable to experience emotion wrong? I have always imagined it impossible for them to feel remorse or a sense of duty. Is it only their decision making that is distorted and causes their behaviour?

No, that is still a definite symptom, but I believe that the prefrontal cortex affects more of how they will do anything to get a higher position / more power. Although I'm not the best person to ask, I'm just an user that wondered about psychopathy and was once going to do an experiment to replicate the effects of psychopathy so I needed to find out what parts of the brain where affected

That's exactly what they want you to think. Then they'll break you down. You are probably INFJ

>was once going to do an experiment to replicate the effects of psychopathy
greentext please

you cant heal a born psychopath they have no soul

but most people are trained during the school years by bullying to become one , so that damage can be healed , if you can find something that goes past their Ego defense wall to get to their real self

No, but if you feed them enough LSD and torture them a little they'll start to feel empathy

It was more my smart friend at the time but he made me do the research on what parts of the brain to disable and whatnot, basically it was based on this bit of research he found on disabling parts of the brain for short periods of time using electricity (I'm not good at electric stuff but he was) it basically required a high volatage that would intercept your neurons (I forget how, this was about 2 years ago and I was just looking into psychopaths brains) and stop them from firing, the downside was it was extremely dangerous and it only worked for a short amount of time. Sorry for not actually greentexting but I'm shitty at them and felt like I could get the point across faster (which looking back at it I probably didn't)

No but it could probably help them a little right?

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Wait were you gonna insert electrodes into someone's brain? How did you plan to do that without killing the subject?

Probably mostly luck idk we never got far into the project before we realized it was probably a little too much work just to be a psychopath for a few minutes

No, it's a neurological disorder.

How do you know if you're a sociopath? Is it something some one would gradually come to realize over time?

Sometimes I worry.

i'd say no. i dated a guy with a lot of psychopathic traits and those never improved in our relationship. psychopathy is innate and not something that can be healed.

You could just open someone's skull and stimulate randomly. The brain will attempt to interpret the incorrect information rationally, I know I would have a lot of fun with it. And then die of encephalitis because an infection is inevitable, but they have doctors for that. Maybe you should reboot your project^^

My understanding of psychopathy is that it's a toddler who learned how to talk and wipe his ass. They can't really plan ahead, and they can't put themselves in anyone else's frame of mind. They're always stuck in the present. This can empower them to be brazen which can lead to a sort of success, for a while. They're not master planners or anything.

Eh, I think he's working on his muon project he always wanted to do, he probably wouldn't stop that for this

Psychopaths are demons and the only cure for them is death.