I don't know why I'm making a thread in just bored, go wild
Also does anyone know if pic related is true? Don't smoke either but just wondering
I don't know why I'm making a thread in just bored, go wild
This only happens if you're a nigger and only smoke blunts. Blunts are terrible for you regardless of what you put in them. Fuck niggers for popularizing that shit.
No, they're both pretty much equal. It's both akin to breathing in the burning plumes of a house fire.
Yea this just in: smoke inhalation is bad for you doesnt matter what kind of burning stuff you breath in.
What's the alternative to blunts when in public, such as the park? Unfortunately I can't blaze it at home because of the smell/parents.
I do own a vape but it doesn't hit anywhere close to a blunt and seems to take longer to feel the effects.
I smoke both so the effects cancel each other out. Be smart about this.
Cancer, not cancel.
Joints or a bowl. Literally anything is better than blunts. Do you know what blunt papers are made of? Straight up dried industrial resin from a tobacco leaf.
And fuck cumskins as well because that's what all white college kids smoke and they have less decency than black people they fucking smoking it while driving
Cigarette Filters aren't a fucking joke.
Oh I see, I had mistaken blunts for joints. I smoke joints all the time.
>implying niggers don't smoke blunts and drive
>implying niggers don't smoke blunts literally walking around in public surrounded by people
>implying niggers dont smoke blunts inside malls and bathrooms
>implying niggers dont smoke blunts right outside high school and elementary schools
>implying niggers dont film themselves walking into a convenience store still smoking a blunt as a challenge
O i am laffin coon
My cancer has cancer. The doctor said its fatal. Very sad.
>Doesn't hit anywhere close
>Takes longer
What the fuck kind of vape do you own?
flowermate aura, have to suck it on it for ages and feel it like 10 minutes later. Sometimes theres vapor sometimes not. Its unpredictable.
The fact that this simple statement causes butt cheeks to tighten is sad.
>Wtf burning things and inhaling them is bad, you lie!
I heard that weed burnt at a much higher temperature than tobacco, hence why a joint is worse than a cig pound for pound.
Well if you're smoking as much when smoking marijuana as you are when smoking tobacco it would be true. Thing is you're only going to be smoking one joint vs. smoking a whole carton of cigarettes. Marijuana is better for the lungs because its not smoked close to as in mass.
I have my oil pen, no more tar in my lungs plus it's much stronger and kicks in almost instantly.
You can grab a joint by the cherry but not a cigarette. All the chemicals and additives make tobacco burn hotter.
I can always feel it for days when I smoke a cigarette.
t. bong smoker
if you smoke one cig, it turns a white filter completely brown all the way through.
it takes my bong months to get brown and the bong water takes like a week to get a little tan, not even dark brown and that's smoking multiple bowls a day.
just use your brain and your eyeballs and listen to your body and you can feel they aren't the same.
Since with tobacco you breathe out most of the smoke almost right away, whereas it's a deliberate point to hold the smoke with marijuana consumption.
The dose of carcinogens consumed is much higher, assuming you smoke equal amounts at equal intervals.
>bong water takes like a week to get a little tan
wait, so you don't pour it right away?
That's disgusting.
Stop lying, marinara harms lungs more because no filter is used.
Literally just you replying to so ummm nah
It's true about the blunt stuff. An unfiltered blunt will deposit more tar than a filtered cigarette. What most people don't know is you can put filters on joints and it gets you high the same. It's a lot better to smoke it from a bong or a vape though. If you do that the tar is almost nonexistant.
In about 10-15 years, it will come out that vaping is just as bad if not worse than smoking. Water vapor diffuses much more readily in the lungs than smoke, thus the solvents in the vape liquid or chemicals in the bud will cause more damage than normal smoke. This is especially true for the liquid, avoid that shit at all costs.
t. medfag
Cannabis contains no tar. Any tar ingested while smoking cannabis is from a tobacco product used as vehicle. The only part of the cannabis plant that contains tar (trace amounts) is the hemp leaves, which are not smoked. OP pic related is propaganda likely from a high school DARE leaflet. It is a lie and a relic of the war on drugs campaign, which was simply a scheme to allocate funds to police forces and the incarceration system.
This should be common knowledge by everyone for at least 20 years now, holy fuck.
>Cigarette filters are designed to protect your lungs
Nah bruh, the water filters out all the harmful shit when I use my bong.
I even smoke ciggies out of it.
I think weed is bad for you psychologically based on personal experience and observation, it tends to make you lazy, simple, and unable to deal with yourself but it isnt some horrible thing. I think alcohol and tobacco (not including regular cigarettes, i mean things like pipes and cigars) are a lot easier to use in moderation, they have built in mechanisms that prevent you from doing a lot without being seriously determined (stomach pains, taste, hangovers, worn out mouth and throat), they dont get you buzzed for as long and dont radically change how you think and act unless you get ridiculously drunk. Weed is something you can do all day and not worry about it, and thats dangerous.
As for lung risks its more a matter of quantity, few people are smoking enough weed that it competes with smoking a pack a day of cigarettes but it is a concern if youre a serious pothead (you could always just get a vaporizer anyway).
>Cannabis contains no tar.
Cite your source, because this is such bullshit I'm gagging while typing this. Also, have your source be a peer reviewed paper, not some "dude, weed lamo" website.
Same with you too. Hell, normal did a study about bongs which showed the exact opposite effect, or at least that bongs increased the amount of tar inhaled.
>smoking weed
kys yourselves
>Cannabis contains no tar
Absolutely wrong.
Anything once-alive you set on fire contains "tar". It's important to note that "tar" in this context refers to the chemical residue created in the burning of the plant matter.
I love Quentin comics, they toe the fine line between satire and radical propaganda extremely well.
The key difference is that mj tar only paralyzes the cillia it comes into contact with and becomes mobile when heated. Cigs kill cillia and their tar never leaves your lung.
Yeah its true if you use bongs and water pipes. Also there are a dozen ways you can get thc/cbd into your system without combustion. Vaping herb is my personal favorite as it is controlled and the by product is reusable but there also dabbing, vaping concentrates and eating it. I think patches are on their way as well. Don't let DUDE WEED guys mislead you.
Cigarettes are filtered. Marijuana is not.
See this pic? This is the tar that pot smokers have to clean out of their bowls to keep the air flow moving smoothly through them. This is what gets inhaled into your lungs.
Why don't weed smokers clean their shit properly?
Like, after every use? And why m do they reuse their bong water? I mean, you wouldn't use the water in a hookah multiple times, would you?
Just take edibles.
>lasts longer
>doesn't hurt your lungs
>easier to conceal
You're not smoking your cigarettes properly if you're immediately blowing out the smoke.
because you dont drink the water, all it is for is to cool the smoke
weed is for fags and so are cigs
stop smoking and live healthy you retards
Non-lowlifes do dump their bongs every time, if only because no one wants to accidentally knock it over and spill putrid bong water everywhere. Also, resin is a huge bitch to clean 90% of the time and when you're high it's the last thing you want to do. Personally I use a small one-hitter and have to clean it every couple of days because it clogs so easily, but it's not a big deal to clear. And besides, using a silver screen will block most of the resin from entering the pipe itself and makes it much easier-- again, this is something that all non-degenerates use.
>living healthy
No thanks user
Interesting idea but no thanks
>Also does anyone know if pic related is true
There's a lot of missing details, such as how often one smokes and their method of inhalation. Cigarettes have industrial foam filters, while tons of stoners roll joints with shitty homemade filter (or no filter at all) or smoke from a pipe. Whereas using a vaporizer would deposit no tar in your lungs whatsoever, as you do not burn the plant matter.
I'm not against weed but the "it's just a plant dude" guys who smoke all day every day and claim there's no damage of any kind are absolutely delusional.
Buy a pax 2 or 3. Very gigh quality, efficient. Like 5x efficient as a joint. Save lota of money on weed. Highly recommended
Or the crafty or mighty vape those are pretty wxpensive but there even more efficient and like no draw resistance
What this guy said I take a couple hits of some brass knuckles or other off brand dap cartridge and Im higher than a kite, 98% thc
>living healthy
Choose one mate
>Following the mainstream and doing what everyone else does and DUDE WEED LMAO
Im not gonna spell it out for you. You have low IQ. I have no proof of having higher IQ than you, but this is low IQ behaviour. You dont have to be an artist to tell what color the sky is. Probably a side effect of normiehood.
>Live healthy
>Entire world is polluted with carcinogenic shit and hormones
I'm going to get cancer and die anyway so I may as well get high
I just use dab pens. high af with no consequences
Weed doesn't contain tar lmao
Tar refers to the fluid, highly viscous side products created when burning organic matter, not actual tar.
No matter what you set on fire, it will probably get you some tar.
maybe just give up your drug addiction hippy.
You dont belong here. I hope you suffer a huge family loss you anime loving faggot nigger bitch
high quality vape/wax
hits me harder than a gravity bong ever could
>it takes my bong months to get brown and the bong water takes like a week to get a little tan, not even dark brown and that's smoking multiple bowls a day.
Have you ever actually cleaned a bong?
Reminds me of my friend who used to heat up his dab rig and use the metal scoop to scrape out the leftover wax and hit them.
hmm, good to know. So what's the black goop i have to clean out of my bowl every few weeks?
bruh, thats just RESIN bro, do you even smoke?
It was intended as a joke of how the world is going to shit, mate. I don't give a shit about drugs
>i am better than you i swear i am yes i am
>please god i am better than this person
TFW When you only eat delicious edibles and get high out of your mind.
Vape concentrates
Don't vape weed like a retarded faggot, vape concentrates and get rekt
what does your question even have to do with my statement, kek.
even if i had never cleaned one before, my point still stands.
Fuck you and your shitty fucking racebait you troglodyte
probably mold. Youre sick user