Blackbot suffering

>be a blackbot
>least desirable males on the planet
>no other race would even consider being with you
>black females either go for giga nigga Tyrone or whites
>if you dont frequent urban black culture you will be completely ostracized from your own race
>people will not sit next to you on the bus
>people will not walk on the same sidewalk as you
>people are sometimes afraid to look you in the eyes
>a lot of people would rather you not exist in general and only tolerate your existence
>black femanons on this very fucking board want nothing to do with you

Existence is nothing but an uphill battle. And the hill is starting to get slippery

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Pajeet males are several steps below you dont worry.

You're a nigger and always will be

I feel for you blackbot. I wouldnt wish your life on my worst enemy.
Not all hope is lost though, you can still find a whitewashed black girlfriend.

Are you sure. In that race ratings thread we had Indian was almost always above black. And at least some of them can fall back on arranged marriage
I am aware

We know that brainlet it was already obvious

>black femanons on this very fucking board want nothing to do with you
While all of the other complaints green texted are legit grievances, have you SEEN the fucked up chicks who post on Jow Forums? If the nignogs are anything like the white chicks, never fucking or even meeting one is a godsend.

At least blacks are generally relatively stronger than lets say, asians. More muscle, bigger, taller,.. Try being a manlet asian you self hating nigger

That is the problem though. The white washed black girls usually only go for whites.

I'd you guys weren't such cunts, maybe we would like you more

I wish i was as terrifying as you darkness

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Trust me user, no-one but the chads are doing well these days. Girls aren't interested in anything but being jizzed on

If you can find a way to offer depravity to females in a covert way, you'll get pussy

Do not ever consider a relationship with a female nowadays regardless. The modern female is a complete piece of shit

>Take roids
>Get fit and angry
>Fuck bitches till you can't anymore

This is as close as you can get to winning in modern society

Bulshit, some white girls would consider you for the genes alone, mixed children tend to be cute.
Maybe your ust too shy or fat or ugly, creepy, etc. Dress nice, get a little fit, try to behave like a normalfag, it' help. Maybe get a normalfag dog, it'll help you make contact.

fellow blackbot here, i gave up on relationships a long time ago and now have a sort of empty feeling that is calming, i like it.

shut the fuck up, don't talk about things you know nothing about. we've lived this life far longer than you, we know what white women want and don't want out of us.

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You're having problems OP? I'm a blackbot here (khhv btw) and am surprisingly enjoying life so far. Who gives an absolute fuck about seeking approval from people on the streets. You can always try ldr dating or if you're in uni, don't look homeless and eventually someone will talk to you.

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Blacks are the easier to get muscles, go Jow Forums and bang bitches.

Do you at least have a big penis?

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Black boys are cute. They have rough skin on the palm of their hands though.

t. gay white boy

Well, yes.


I just woke up next to my blackbot bf. We're going to a farmer's market and playing vidya together today. He's reading the latest chapter of "Berserk" while I drink my coffee. We met on an "ideal gf" thread three years ago and we've been living happily together for a year now. Plus he even has pretty severe keloidal scarring.
So don't give up hope. He almost did too.

>has 7inch dick
>easier to get muscle mass

go complain on jewbook, well until it's online.

This is why we need ethnostates

Black bots are naturally strong so you can gain chadhood, at least your not asian otherwise you would be doomed to be beta

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Why not get some face tattoos and be a rapper? You don't even have to be good at making music these days, mumble some bullshit over a trap beat

you are a fucking genius user

Ethnostates will FAIL brainlet

Idiot liberal detected, why don't appeal to inevitability without evidence some more

Shut up. Have you forgotten the meme that white girls love black dick? Use the meme to empower you and make it reality

black bullz can't be robots

>tfw slav studying in america
>0 white chicks give a fuck
>black chicks all over me
Negro women belong to Slavic men.

You fucking stupid nigger, you replied to the same post twice in one reply with two contradictory responses. You confirm every low IQ stereotype associated with your race. Get lynched, nignog.

I feel you man, I'm a blackbot to, and life isn't easy.

>be 18 skelly blackbot
>class is shit
>have only two friends (both normies)
>a Chad and a closet faggot
>no gf
>even the closet faggot have one
>fuck me
>the only black guy in my class is a full faggot
>I live a normie life in school, pretending that I like normie shit
>don't know any robots near me
>have no hopes
>I'm going to be a kissless virgin forever, if I don't change

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gtfo out already poltard

Try being a black manlet you self hating gook

Every black person except me, fucking 5 inches

you're originallu retarded OP

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What the fuck are blacks even doing on Jow Forums? Every single person on this website hates you.

The same reason you are user.

Pic very related

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>black females either go for giga nigga Tyrone or whites

Yeah right. Black girls love black men and are the most loyal to their race. Just admit you don't like them. You could get a black gf today

Try to act like a white guy and you'll be more valuable to black girls (ya know, since even niggers hate niggers).

While it is true that they are the most loyal to their race, they are also some of the pickiest women in the planet (at least in North America) if you are not a 6ft big dick Jow Forums Tyrone with a well paying job then good luck

Based on personal experience, the ones who have a >95 IQ are desperate to move up. They're just sick of debit cards and the stench of cigs.

Only Jow Forumstards though. This site feeds my mind with a constant flow of New stimuli, it is addicting and sometimes fun