>People actually have sex
Like, how the fuck does it even work, you put your penis into the girl hole all smelly and gross and viscid and that's supposed to be pleasant and then you just awkardly move while not hurting her and then she is filled with your disgusting fluid and likes it herself
What the fuck, I can't believe this is actually a thing this is probably a santa claus tier ruse for people who didnt have gfs
People actually have sex
Have you never watched pornography?
Trannies have adopted other tactics. Unsurprisingly, they aren't good.
When I think about getting a girlfriend, sex usually doesn't even come to my mind because all I want is to do cute stuff like holding hands and cuddling in bed.
It's gross, but it feels good, so people do it.
The vile nature allows you to disassociate yourself fairly easily and get trapped in a sea of ecstasy, which is the point. Otherwise it'd be a boring task. I can imagine this is why old couples need something to spice up their sex lives, since they can't just think about other people after a certain point. Eventually, it becomes too slow and unfun to get lost in a sexual trance. At least, that's what I think is the case. Much like beating your meat to the same video every day, it eventually stops working as well.
No, it also will never convince me it is actually a thing, Santa videos exist too
Because probably sex never existed, it's just a ruse to make people like us more depressed, think about it, they try to promote this practice which would give you extreme physical plesure just because you have a girlfriend, sounds as legit as people giving you money
>When I think about getting a girlfriend, sex usually doesn't even come to my mind because all I want is to do cute stuff like holding hands and cuddling in bed.
You haven't experienced sex with them, yet, so your mind doesn't even see it as an option. As soon as you expect it, you'll be doing that shit in a parking lot just to get your fix.
You don't need to understand. If you don't think sex is appealing you won't understand why people intuitively like it.
It is not a big deal though. Just don't have sex.
I still don't think I'd ever care much about having sex with my partner.
Companionship is by far the most important thing in a relationship so sexual intercourse isn't really necessary to achieve this status.
I don't care what you think, doll. You're to serve hunters.
>Companionship is by far the most important thing in a relationship
Although this is true, you'll find people tend to pick partners to fulfill sexual desire, not companionship.
You can similarly deconstruct eating as gnashing your calcified bony portrusions against the charred bits of animal carcass and dead plants and shit, but when it happens naturally you don't really think about it.
This proves you're emotionally stunted. Cuddling and holding hands is a child's perception of what a relationship is
>Santa videos exist too
Videos of the real Santa Claus, as in the supernatural being, don't exist user. I hate to break it too you
And how can you prove to me people having sex are actually feeling the pleasure and it's not just cinematic tricks?
"Sex" can be falsified just as "Santa's" videos
Touch your genitals and try to make them feel good.
If you can't do this, you're broken and just need to trust people for their word on this.
I agree OP
This is better
I also feel good pissing, doesn't mean it's natural to piss in a vagina
I'm well aware of that. Girls would quickly get bored of me for not attending their demands so I'll probably never be in any long term relationship
And why does it have to be that way? Why can't two people be happy together by demonstrating affection and caring for each other?
Sex is overrated, my dude.
I used to think like you, but it is demonstrated if you dont have sex before the third time you sleep with a girl, intimacy goes to shit and you both will unconsciously friendzone the other
sex is satanic
sex is 2 parts of one trying to push into the other but they still wont become one
the pleasure is there to coax the lost into creating more broken creatures to be enslaved by the ARChons who run this reality
>I also feel good pissing, doesn't mean it's natural to piss in a vagina
It's natural to pee and your body makes you feel good for relieving yourself. You know it doesn't feel good to pee in a vagina instinctively, which shows you do have instincts still.
Try to understand that your subconscious mind is not going to tell you exactly what you want, but sway you with pleasure/pain to guide you to the most favorable outcome it wants you to reach.
Much like how you crave different foods, your mind craves different experiences, some naturally-ingrained, some learned. This is probably why some have fetishes, it's just a crossing of eroticism with otherwise normal or mundanely non-sexual things.
>the pleasure is there to coax the lost into creating more broken creatures to be enslaved by the ARChons who run this reality
AHAHAHA oh wow, conspiracy theorist, get this drivel off of my board.
those with ears will hear
As a person who has had sex I can tell you that it is real
Never have i read something so virgin tier.
It's on-par with saying you're asexual to seem cool around your female tumblrite friends while you constantly try to get them to fuck you in subtle, beta bitchboi ways. I've seen it time and time again. Kids never change.
Sure you did pal
dude, DUUUUUDE it's overrated !_!
>Santa videos are a thing too
Actually laughed out loud.
Our brain has a psychological mechanism that prevents you from being grossed out while you are aroused and having sex / getting into it.
t. khv but studied psych
>I did this at fourteen probably until sixteen and couldn't figure out why it didn't work as a retarded teenager
>this was many years before tumblr
Teens have autism