
Oh look I made another thread, who's surprised edition

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Second for make rape legal

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lol at that space marine edit

also bring back hangings, just for you

The jew in carlitos way is based as fuck

the rare 'failed robot':
>karl pilkington
>rich evans
are there any others lads?

>no compression on the OP image
how come?

This is grim and you can totally understand the little brother, imagine trying and struggling to be a man when you're so obviously low T and your genetically gifted crimson chin older brother just decides he's a woman and castrates himself jesus

Whatever happened to 2:2 law user?

He still post here?

Is this a stupid idea for a tinder bio
(I don't even care about it working tbqh)

In a dark place and want someone to drag me out

>virtual riot
>John wayne gacey
>Bill Gates

fucking hell even deanos are falling for the transgender gimmick

Might attract drag queens and traps lad.

It makes you seem pathetic if that's what you want

What does it matter to you lad?

I think I might know him irl, graduated like 3 years ago and still doesn't have a job and is living with his parents?

How did he/you post this without going over the file limit?
>thread confirmed for GCHQ data collection scam

Is the mumsi tard here today? Keks were to be had the last time

I would be disgusted too if my brother came home like that. Also Jeremy's starting to look a bit older these days.

Gay. Put something short and sweet like 'floats most boats'

How about
"when does the narwhal wax?"

>>virtual riot
in what way are normie djs robots?
>>John wayne gacey
in what can he be described as succeeding despite being a robot?
>Bill Gates
just being geeky doesn't really make you a robot

>thread confirmed for GCHQ data collection scam
Nah you're being paranoid lad, GCHQ has bigger fish to fry than stinky neets. Continue posting, citizen.

>in what way are normie djs robots?

I thought maybe it would attract dumb roasties like "ahhh what's wrong i know like depression is like really horrible"

I don't visit Jow Forums often but the threads about abos are fucking hilarious

Oi oi we still need 4 posts to kill the last thread. Anyone want to help please?
It's lonely doing it on my own

>graduated like 3 years ago
Don't think so. Think it was more like a few months ago

Good to know law students are coming out satisfied though lol

maybe if you're really attractive but otherwise I doubt that would happen

ooh I love a nice bit of willy I do

i hope you brits like your government

if my government you mean myself and by like you mean hate then yes

Ok lads scratch that. How about this for a bio

I'm a fucking lonely autist and I want to eat your arse

Don't say autist because people will be offended

That's too headon, minus the eat ass part

Right old thread is killed, back with you mugs now
How's everyone doing today?

Get rid of fucking and that's a good line

Who here excited to watch Liverpool beat Roma?

How about
"I'm a bad boy who does good things. I don't filter myself and i don't give a fuck what you think. You can try and change me but it won't work. i'm hard core, baby."

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"will do near enough anything for a shag, no fatties though"

looks like you are an autist who will never make it

>"I'm a bad boy who does good things. I don't filter myself and i don't give a fuck what you think. You can try and change me but you won't be the first to fail."

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just put a fucking meme, not some depressing shit

why would you want to eat someones arse

No you need to make it sound you're really depressed and stuff

he doesn't, he''s just an attention seeking fag

I've got a tiny dick and I'm on here to get a chick

he might want to dont speak on his behalf
i like this

oof you know what, just forget i said anything

>"My uncle says I'm a bad boy who does good things. I don't filter myself and i don't give a fuck what you think. You can try and molest me but you won't be the first"

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see the SCEA lad well and truly whipped up the last thread! fucking owned it

90% of the fag posters here haven't even seen a woman naked in person, let alone being close to her ass. I can guarantee you he wont eat ass

yeah go with that

I mean this one whoops misclip

>meeting grills on tinder
Unless you are 8/10+ you will get nowhere. Just go to a nightclub, get drunk, and go home with a chubby one

>found a second whore house here in Shrewsbury

Is it better to go with the more professional but expensive place vs the cheaper place where the whores are doing it out of desperation?

I go cheaper because I know the whores don't enjoy doing it as much as the higher class place

depends on whether you want to fuck the happiness out of someone forever

Gotta be a 10/10 chad for that these days.

how does one just "find" a whorehouse?

drive towards your mums house with no detours

For fucking chubby girls in clubs? Nah, I have done it a few times and I am 6/10 at best. No one pays attention to them, so if you do it is actually pretty easy

>Unless you are 8/10+ you will get nowhere

What if you're an 1/10 dwarf tho?

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jokes on you my mum livs in a flat

because it's less than 2 mb?

I hate children, they are playing football right outside the house and making such a fucking racket

Lay out some bait and get a hide then wait for some whores to come out of their dens
Then you tag them with a microchip and re-release them into the wild
Hopefully they'll fly back to their roost to feed their young and you can track them

I actually really love kids. I love it when they cry and throw tantrums it makes me happy for some reason.

she lives in a flat? that's funny because she loves my semi and im always detached

different user here but one of my favourite pass times is watching ex-girlfriends and girls in generaly crying on youtube, there are some good ones too

rumour has it the FAT WEEGIE advertising bender - BritNormie likes kids too.

Know that feel, I have kids come and spend their lunch breaks right outside mine. Spend the whole time screaming and stuff.
Eventually I couldn't deal with it anymore, I came out and asked if they'd move. Wasn't confrontational, just honest. Said I spend a lot of time in the house and the noise was causing me a lot of trouble, said they weren't doing anything wrong but I'd really appreciate it if they'd find somewhere else to hang out.
They were actually really understanding and cool, they had no idea they were winding anyone up and gladly went elsewhere.
Do you think you could ask the kids outside yours to find somewhere else to play? Be polite obviously.

>always detached
didnt really get that tbf

Good point, plus they might be more humble around ugly losers like me.

It might be more pleasurable to make the girl miserable by calling her the estates bicycle, I just don't want Keith to kick my ass.

By being around trades people and factory workers for a few hours, you learn so much about the underbelly of the town in doing so.

ignore this anonjust go outside and spray a fire extinguisher at them

Can you get a "no ball games" sign put up?

I'm jealous of BritNormie. He's living the dream.

I don't really like people crying in general but when kids and babies cry I love it

Oi lads looks like we've got ourselves a nonce, lets kick his teeth in!

jealous of a fat paedo?

Didn't that midget get given some crayons and a coloring book at a restaurant recently?

Speaking of based BritNormie vocaroo.com/i/s0Qfp9wNIFcu

fuck off you repressed nonce

I'm jealous because he has a creative job, works for himself, travels the world, seems to have a stable and happy relationship. Meanwhile I'm working shifts in a factory.

Since when was he a "fat paedo"?

Lemon trees are good for that youtube.com/watch?v=_Ijihli14Wk

It's just pubes trying to deflect the attention lad, for some reason he REALLY hates britnormie.

It's been so long since I've seen this video, thanks for reminding me about it. I should have thought about posting this when I made my shitpost, good thinking

i dont mind them being there, they dont really have anywhere to go but the football is what annoys me, they have broken the fence and they hit cars. Also the thud of the foot ball is just annoying when you have to hear it for 2 or 3 hours


What a crock of SHIT. I can actually hear gravy pulsing through the fat, bastard, paedo's veins.

>I'm jealous because he has a creative job, works for himself, travels the world, seems to have a stable and happy relationship. Meanwhile I'm working shifts in a factory.

LOL making money from 'writing'. Penny a page? He's a fucking fat, dole bitch.

Fucking hell pubes lad chillout, why so mad?

He works for advertising agencies lad. There's serious money in that game.

how about, lonely artist looking for a muse, has to be open to the idea of me eating her anuse

britnormie is a nice lad ont' sly

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Tell them that maybe lad, I don't know. If they're breaking things and causing havoc you have a good reason for doing so and like I said kids can be more understanding that we realise. Might be difficult if they have no where else to hang out though.

>He's a fucking fat, dole bitch.

Aren't you literally fat and on bennies?

if kids were hanging around by my house i think i might start electrifying some stuff near where they congregate, wire it up to the mains i mean

sorry, did a last min post for a yank visitor in the last thread and forgot to sage. my bad
other than that, doing ok, slept in by 3 hours though. had planned to get up early to get used to getting up early for my weekend shift. start at 05:50 this weekend. been going to bed around 06:00-07:00 this week.not ideal but meh, daytime's shit right?

Ninety-seventh for remove mould.

we need to dox pubes.

There's not even any point in doxing him. He's already revealed all of the sad, laughable bits about his life.