All these good looking guys can slap a girl's ass, choke her, and cum on her face...

All these good looking guys can slap a girl's ass, choke her, and cum on her face. But if an ugly guy says hi to her it's creepy and she needs years of counseling to recover from the trauma. What's up with that?

Attached: free at last.jpg (899x888, 151K)

You already know what's up with that you cheeky little cunt.

It's called living in your own bubble reinforced by an echo chamber of bitter virgins and not going outside to see reality.

If your only exposure to ugly people is in Hollywood movies, it's very easy to tell yourself "the only thing holding him back is a haircut and some confidence".

But OP is almoust right.

ugly people are ugly.

Like the woman in the top right. Classic downie

I wish it were acceptable to treat women the same way they treat men, but no, feminism isn't about equality, it's about female dominance, and in this new world ugly guys like us will be exterminated while all women, no matter how ugly or fat will be able to get with the chad of their dreams, because women can afford to have high standards while men can't

hahahahaha stay mad virgin

no you are the one living in the bubble. The whole meme is that it applies to many women, not all of them. You see examples over and over here and in your own life and you still refuse to acknowledge it. The logic is very simple and obvious: If you are pretty then people will love you much much more than the usual ugly loners. You dont see no disabled retarded female acting retarded and got praise for that, do you? but if a sexy lady do it, the tide turns immediately. Dumb thots whoring themselves out while eating and still got money for it bro

True. Like if this chick (pic related) was a racist cannibal murderer, I'd still fuck her. But that's also why I'm not bothered by Jeremy Meeks etc. It's just the way the world is.

Attached: A5b2AmL_d.jpg (640x640, 33K)

The world treats all women equally whether they're fat, short, or ugly. Men on the other hand. If you're not a Chad you don't exist.

lol you are retarded. Pretty bitches will fucking demolish the ugly ones as much as they can and the males with their hard cocks will do the same thing to get to their "hearts" as soon as possible

There aren't enough racist cannibal murderer women out there user. That is my type actually and pretty much the biggest reason I am alone.

If you are an ugly female and you make a Tinder you will have 200 matches. Men in your local area begging to hang out with you and shower you with riches. It doesn't matter how fat and ugly you are. Women live life on easy mode. You get to search through hundreds of matches looking for "true love". Meanwhile millions of men are dying virgins.

Attached: lonely.jpg (960x444, 53K)

And that's why your grandma is going to be the next big Hollywood star with her pick of the chads, is it?

>being this delusional

Fixed it for you user to be far more accurate.

Attached: Fixed.jpg (960x444, 103K)

Its only true in some cases. In my experience its very different. Ugly females will either be ignored or just plain out bullied to submission by both prettier males and females. Then as they grow they will have to settle for someone just as ugly and pathetic as them or maybe even have to rely on arranged marriage. Its sad really, some people are just very cruel

If she puts herself out there and pursues a career she could literally be a star in 2 weeks.

>be a 5/10 male
>want to date a 5/10 female
>can't because she goes for 6 and 7s
>only 3/10s want to date me
its fucked because our culture encourages women to date up, while men are forced to lower their standards to fit women's needs, and if I don't want to date a hideous, fat woman? then i'm fucked and might as well just not exist and kill myself

This, practically every boyfriend I've seen appears to be the same unkempt 5/10 face, beer tummy and personality of dry-wall. Typically they care way too much about laughing at things that aren't funny to keep the mood rather than actually conveying information in any sense. Oh, and usually always has tattoos despite being unfit and pasty beyond words. I don't know why but every boyfriend I've seen is usually this.

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what culture are you talking about? maybe youre just looking in the wrong places, cause it sounds like youre aiming for not self-aware, dumb people.

Chicks have been raised to believe they are the most important person in the world, they don't know how to function in a society. Deny themselves anything at all? Inconceivable. A guy catcalling her? Jesus christ the injustice, that should be illegal, why is she made to live in a world with other people that don't do what she wants 100% of the time?
Selfish creatures who are only applauded and praised the more selfish they act. Not being able to tolerate other women getting attractive men, that's strong and brave. Fucking any man she wants and displaying her STDs as a badge of honor, and when a guy finds out she has herpes and wants none of that, he should be imprisoned for slut shaming her. They're massively entitled children who get their way all the time with special treatment, and demand it be called equality.
cannot fucking stand women, they're all terrible people regardless of what you or i think of them.

Why the hell wouldn't you date the 3/10s then, you bleeding hypocrite?

What? He outright said as a 5/10 he wants a 5/10. It's not hypocritical to have standards, it's hypocritical to tell others they're not allowed to have standards, but a 5 with a 5 just makes sense.

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Liberal feminism did very bad things for us women, this ideology of shit made them believe that being a "bitch" is something good and normal, but about the "opressed" woman the sad thing was to see that many of them were stuck with husbands who betrayed her and did not protect the family, giving room for feminism to shit their minds.

Dude, cricks aren't created to beliave they are superior, I'm sad thinking about what kinds of women you've met

You need to look for your equal. If you're ugly then you deserve an ugly woman.

They're all told they're princesses
Haven't you seen my sweet 16?
>there is only one princess mini

Anyone who has lots of bad experiences with a certain type of person is going to end up hating them.
Just accept that most of humanity is shit and there's nothing you can ever do about it

Correct. Came here to say this.

this is why most ugly guys go gay.

I love how the picture is supposed to present a negative narrative, but implies that women being servants is good for them and that them doing whatever they want with freedom is evil. The picture thus defeats its own purpose.

just plain old, western dating culture, the women I've tried to date have all been relatively average looking and have similar interests as me but i still have no chance with them
its just frustrating that women can have high, unachievable standards for men while i have to lower my standards to date someone I'd rather not date, I'm not trying to come off as entitled, and maybe I will try to date a fat girl or something, because at this point I just want a gf who i can cuddle with and play video games, as cheesy as that sounds

also it pretends that all men used to be upper middle class zombies

>tps reports

If it is to follow this logic the movies say that man is fucking women all the time, but in reality this does not happen, it is a stupid syllogism.

If you hate everything because bad experiences you will end up killing yourself, life will always screw us at some point.

Have you considered that women aren't only black and white?

You're spot on here

>the government takes part of your money against your will
everything is fine this is normal
>I take part of your money against your will
quick call the police I want her in jail for the rest of her life!


>looks at observable reality
>sees rampant hypergamy feminism and blatant anti male bias

>You just need to look at reality more stop living in a bubble user

Nice gaslighting, faggot.

Women are actually better off serving men though.

Those two things can make a significant difference though in a lot of people. I got one of those fade cuts and everyone started looking at me suddenly.

One time I was working at a restaurant and this fucking ugly ass dweeb kid came in. Literally had buck teeth that he didn't close his mouth, looked like a classical nerd. He was with his gf who was a qt 7/10. I saw him with her a few times. At that moment I knew it was something wrong with how I am acting or not trying that is holding me back and not my looks.