I'm about ready to give up on women. Fembot threads just keep confirming that there's no place for chaste men in this fucked world. It seems like it's either become a hedonistic degenerate or die alone. Am I wrong?
I'm about ready to give up on women...
>I don't want to have sex or get a gf
>Waaaaah why don't I have a gf
You seem to be missing the point of the post.
But that was exactly what you said?
No, it wasn't. "I want to remain chaste until after marriage" doesn't equal "I want to die alone and a virgin"
I wouls reply with a laughter reaction picture but textless posts are not allowed.
Why do I bother making threads here anymore? They all end the same way.
Were you expecting that you would magically get a gf by creating one?
This is me but I'm a female. This place is filled with disgusting degenerates who don't want to wait till marriage. All they want is pump n dump, and become cheap, pathetic versions of Chad
You should embrace loneliness, user. Things get easier if you do. I know I'm dying alone and a virgin, and I'm fine with it
>Implying that fembots are even female
This place, at it's worst, is an echo chamber of the most pathetic weaknesses of both the male and female form.
Don't be a little bitch, and read Beyond Good and Evil.
or the Discipline and Breeding section of The Will to Power.
No, I was hoping someone would assure me that I'm being paranoid and unreasonable. Considering this place, that's probably more stupid an expectation that what you suggested.
Well, you could revisit the reason why you chose you want to die a virgin and alone.
I get the feeling you're just trolling me now.
It's your choice to not want to have sex. That's why nearly no girl will want to date you.
Well that's as far as this thread will ever get before it devolves further, I guess. See ya.
>ead Beyond Good and Evil.
>or the Discipline and Breeding section of The Will to Power.
worst advice i have read in this fucking place
Why do you think that?
I'm asking you in an original way.
I'm 50 and virgin and don't give a fuck about women. They only looked at me when I landed quite a good job, and stopped looking at me when I got laid off.
shut the fuck up, fem"""bot""", women can't be lonely, how many beta orbiters do you have? probably dozens but you'd rather date some chad, which is ok, women can have preferences, just don't complain about being lonely when there are dozens of pathetic beta cucks lining up for you, men don't have this luxury
You could easily get laid right now with. 1/10 landwhale. But no, you only want Stacy.
If you browse this board you'll surely noticed how many of us crave for a modest virgin girl preserving for marriage, because sluts only get married to cucks.
BTW what if someone (like me, pun intented) was willing to date you? (I'm virgin and modest as well)
fake and gay.
landwhales are entitled at least as stacies because they know how many faggots out there shout "hurr durr muh fat fetish omg bbw large ladies thicccccc"
Not that one, but I'm seriously thinking an emotionless, rational pakt to play family with someone I share some interests with would be best for me.
even fat women date up, and there are good looking men that are into fat women, ever been to feebie? site is filled with fat thots and their hundreds of beta orbiters. every profile I checked of a fat chick, she was following around 5-10 people and had hundreds of followers on average. Every male profile I checked, he was following hundreds of women, only had maybe half a dozen followers. This is how it is on every dating site, because the average man is of inherently lower value than the average female, and that's because our culture perpetuates this nonsense
And conversely tons of ugly guys are dating hot chicks.
Firstly, not even true. Landwhales literally get tons of dicks. It's disgusting just to think about.
Secondly, nobody on here gives a shit about just getting their dick wet. It's about companionship, and the idea is only to have sex with someone whom we love and who loves us.
Not if they're not extremely rich and the woman is not a gold digger. Even then, it's a very small minority, in no way "tons". Yet women, no matter how ugly, deformed or fat, do not have that problem.
the only times that happens is if said ugly guy has something of value, like money and power, with those two things any guy can get a hot gold digging woman to marry them, because the women only cares about their possessions, not who they are as humans. this is an advantage only available if you have wealth, but i'm just a broke college student, so I need good looks to be able to enter the dating scene
You do you, I guess. I'm not gonna tell you to "be yourself" and you'll get women, especially if you're extremely shy around them, but don't try to change who you can be for their sake. If you do stuff you really don't like and don't feel right doing, you'll just end up feeling bad no matter if you end up with a girl or not, because you had to sell your soul to get someone who likes what you don't or you didn't and you feel like a fraud for betraying what you believed in. You do what you think is right, and the alternatives are a) you find the golden needle in the haystack and live a great rest of your life, or b) you reach the end of your life and realize there really was nobody on earth you appreciated, in which case, you'd be glad to leave it all behind.
Jow Forums is so predictable. No, that is not even remotely true. You fail to understand women's attraction works differently from men's. In general they care less about physical things than men. Their tastes are also more varied.
I wanna understand wamen please tell me how they feel differently bcz I dont kno
You just have not found a decent girl, finding a cool guy is also rare, I believe both genders are deteriorating.
I don't want to date anyone you retard, much less a hypocrite like yourself who can't even read
user, I said I didn't mind dying alone and a virgin. I don't think I am capable of loving another human being in a romantic way anymore, and you deserve better. If you really are a decent guy, I hope you can find someone willing to love you because you deserve that