Femanons, please answer. Which bodytype to you prefer? Robots, please answer. Which bodytype do you have and which would you like to achieve.
Femanons, please answer. Which bodytype to you prefer? Robots, please answer...
I am somewhere between ottermode and ripped. Of those pictured, ripped would be my preference.
T-Rex>skinny>ottermode>skinnyfat>chubbyfat :^)
Kinda feeling skinny and builtfat
to me, a femanon, definitely ottermode
24yo femanon here. Skinny and skinnyfat have always been the most attractive to me. I don't exclusively feel attracted to people who look like that, it's just my preference.
I don't like men with huge muscles. I kinda like the squishy, pale type of guy. It's my thing.
I'm skinnyfat right now but i've been as far as ottermode before. I'd love to get back to ottermode but i'm 29 and my peak physical days are behind me.
I like skinny and ripped the most based on this chart.
20yo femanon, I like chubbyfat best, not sure why. Guess it's a comfort thing, chubbyfat guys seem more of a family man
>being this intimidated by men who look better than you
>implying that you wouldn't cheat on an average looking guy with a ripped chad
I love skinny/auschwitz guys and it's my most shameful fetish.
I love the ones who can't gain weight no matter how hard they try and are just stuck as weak little twigs
I want to push them on the ground and hurt them and give them rough love
I've been builtfat since I hit puberty
skinny there is ottermode too with that well defined abs, actual skinny is very close to skinfat
i would want to be cardiobunny ofc uwu
been with my chubbyfat bf for 5 years and not cheated or even hugged another dude but ok.
A ripped chad would be a nightmare, they're thick as two bricks half the time. Also their bodies remind me of the dad off the incredibles. strangely triangular
are you kidding or what
do you imply it's impossible to lose weight in the ripe old age of 29?
I'm somewhere in-between skinny and ottermode I think
I'm 5'6 ;-;
Pls be a girl and if you are be my gf and hurt me
Am builtfat, aiming for built one day but that's a long term goal.
Would prefer a bearmode gf.
ITT: insecure females dating ugly dudes because they can't handle having a partner as attractive or even more attractive than themselves and don't like competition
pic related is what a true ottermode should look like. it's also me.
Cunt, work on your chest.
Everything else is impressive, keep it up.
Stop lying
Ottermode and ripped are the best
Top pick ottermode, second choice skinny.
I've always been a chestlet and I'm pretty comfy at this size desu. girls drool over my body the way it is, but a little more chest wouldn't hurt, you're right
I hope all that makeup doesn't belong to you user.
>girls drool over my body
Lel. Then why are you a virgin?
obviously not. smashed a girl, got up to wash my dick in her sink, noticed her make up mirror had pretty good lighting so I snapped a pic as I had the after sex pump going on
I'm a robot. I'm fat as fatass. I have tried dieting, working out, nothing changes me. I have scars from the people in my head trying to kill me. I have a face that looks like an old man.
I am the single most repulsive being on this planet. Which is depressing as I wish to befriend a bubbly girl that tells me she loves me to the point that I can tell her that she means nothing to me in order to have her kill herself. I don't really want love, I just want to be the cause of someone's suicide. Because I am ugly, I will never get that chance.
oh boy
you can always be the cause of your own suicide. that said, don't do it you piece of shit. but even more so don't be the reason someone else kills themselves. some poeple, I swear
what do you do to achieve this?
>Be the cause of your own suicide
Too easy and not arousing user. I wish the pain and suffering on others.
>Don't be the reason someone else kills themselves
Why? Think about it user, imagine taking a girl that imagines life as perfection and enjoys everything. One who can't even have sadness. Then you take her and break her to the point that she kills herself in her new life of perpetual suffering. You show someone the hell of reality and they try to escape.
Just imagine having that much effect on someone, being the one responsible for such a drastic action. It is really pleasurable to matter that much, to have changed the course of someone's life with your own terrible existence.
built, chubbyfat, builtfat
its majorly based off of how nice they are though, really just normal healthyish body is fine.
"ripped" people look sort of too scary, honestly.
Im chubbyfat but want to be ripped. I cant stop eating though.
Oh look, another "fembot" with a bf. Get the fuck off this board you roastie
Ripped > Skinny > Ottermode > Cardiobunny (male)
Whats your routine? Oregan trail.
I'm somewhere between skinnyfat and otter. Working my way towards ripped hopefully, started as the epitome of skinnyfat.
>tfw a fuckin t-rex
Never skip the arm-day.
I'll give you the short version.
>be 14
>girl doesnt love me
>heart turns into stone
>turn body into stone
>work out consistently over a whole year - bodyweight and calisthetics
>turn 15, her birthday gift is to ask me if we want to be together
>break up with her a year and a half later
>16 at this point and start to hit the gym
>literally just go there and do whatever I feel like
>meet gymbunny, make her my gf and quit the gym after 2 months
Since then I've graduated and traveled the world for 2 years up until now. I still think I look like I do today because I went berserk on the bodyweight exercises while I was in puberty.
Also I'm just generally an active person. Did taekwon-do from 14-18, always did bodyweight training while traveling, I hike a lot, swim a lot, climb a lot, ride my bycicle, I murder my punching bag everyday. Shit like that. I built the foundation when I was 14 but I just generally live a sporty life.
pic related is me with 16 after the 2 months of going to the gym
>muh genetics
thanks for reading my blog
You look like a little shortie, 5'8 max. I'd probably buttfuck you.
Skinny, otter mode, and ripped are all delicious. Built is okay too. Ripped is probably best ons but ottermode has my heart. tfw no ottermode bf. I want to lick his tummy.
hi guys, bifaggot here, prefer skinnyfat
I'd like to be the skinny one please thank you
Currently chubby
What's with all that makeup, is that your mommy's bathroom? I'd smash your pelvis though.
Would pee on floor on command like a dog for a chance to lick that penis.
I've waited for someone to try and call out my height. I'm 6'2
Got my ID when I was 16 and I still grew a little. 185cm still roughly is 6'1
also, nice to meet you degenerates, I'm Paul
I'm more Ottermode than skinny, but I'm still not full Ottermode. I'd be happy with full Ottermode.
Body composition is so genetically based that these charts are useless. There's as many body types as there are people, and very, very few people's body will look like any of those pictured.
femmalle, either builtfat or bearmode
they're stronk
In any case, you look like a little manlet, and act like one to boot. Do you want to be my little gf (male)?
>Be me
>Do martial arts for 10 years
>Get yelled at because I can't do white belt techniques after 10 years
>Try to throw punches, only to hurt people
>Try to do the moves, only to trip and fall into people
>Have no stamina, breathe heavily after some basic exercises to the point I annoy the class
>Everyone thinks I am just putting on an act because I am lazy. Nobody actually believes I am this incompetent. That makes me feel even worse.
>Made to be by myself. Try to continue.
>Get told that I am worthless and should probably just give up the hobby if I am not going to take it seriously
>Try changing schools
>Get told I am worthless by a few different schools
>School goes down. I give up
>Try to learn to ride a bicycle finally
>Hurt myself and get an injury
>Well, at least lets try to learn swimming
>Nearly drown, parents refuse to let me near any water source larger than a bathtub (can't shower as I have slipped and injured myself in the past)
Some people are just destined to be failures. I am one of them.
Sorry, l'm not into guys.
Robots, how do you feel about the fact that most girls itt prefer ottermode?
thanks for larping as me buddy, I would've probably wrote the same
imagine acting tough on an anonymous vietnamese snake poison forum. post your body or otherwise I'll assume I'd wreck your shit in a heartbeat
>that skinny faggot
obviously this isn't even official
Would you like to wreck my throat with your cock instead?
I like chubbyfat and builtfat with a lot of hair.
This is also exactly where my body is, though I want to reach otthermide for career purposes.
Martial arts rely on really advanced motor skills and reflexes. Bicycling is easier, and you shouldn't give it up just because you got injured. Just because you're a clutz and are physically incompetent doesn't mean you're shit at everything. Keep trying shit. Go for some hobbies that require less dexterity and are more cerebral.
Skinnyfat. Skinnyfat. Give me the skinnyfat. A true patricians favourite body type.
>I am also a fan of bearmode, albeit with more pudge
I'm somewhere between fat ass and builtfat.
Honestly I don't have a particular preference as long as they're not a fatass. Skinnyfat ok, but beyond that, gross
I wasn't even talking shit, I just pointed out that you'd make an excellent trap with your narrow shoulders and short stature. But fine, it was just a question mate.
I can try, but it is just hard. I fear getting injured. I fear pain. I wish I could get rid of that. My waifu thinks I am weak due to that, meaning she refuses to even talk to me until I learn how to handle decaying flesh with a more pleasant attitude.
Reiko pls leave
I like builtfat the most but not really that pic in the OP
regular built and bearmode are good too
>narrow shoulders
I'm reaaaaaaally really interested in what you look like
I'm skinnyfat and striving for a skinny or ottermode build.
Also why is the cardiobunny even in the pic
This is me a couple years ago, posting to sate your curiosity. I am 6'3 for reference.
meh, more mass but way less aesthetic insertions
Builtfat, i even look like that guy in the picture. Losing weight now, i want to be skinny.
Maerii-san wa suimasu.
None of these guys look like my body type and I don't want to look like any of them either
I don't see any difference between chubbyfat and builtfat in that picture.
would like to become either skinny or ottermode
curlbro is best mode
Auschwitz to ottermode
nigga you a chad, how many women have you fucked?
0 and counting, I'm 22. AMA
You really need to know how to socialize with women. I'm pretty Jow Forums too and my physique doesn't make up for my ridiculous amount of autism.
Anythng but obese/fat and auswhitz mode
and here i was thinking gymcels were just a meme, you think that one poster who got cucked by a spic isn't just memeing and actually is a 6 foot muscular aryan god who got cucked by a hispanic manlet?
I think it's definitely possible. Being a chad is a state of mind, not having a certain look. If you're timid or generally unlikeable, women won't be into you that much, no matter how good you look. And if they are, they probably won't approach you.
>Robots, please answer. Which bodytype do you have
I'm the fucking gyno guy.
>and which would you like to achieve.
I just want to die
Wow thats a sad excuse m8. There are 50+ year old men who can keep themselves in shape.
Am and always was builtfat.
I could lose a little bit of gut but actually I kinda like it, it keeps the hotheaded manlets in check and I could play the gentle giant card with 3D women if I ever talked to them
ottermode, skinny, and a little bit above auschwitz i like skellys
>here i was thinking gymcels were just a meme
Just browse Jow Forums for 2 seconds and see for yourself
We should bully twiggy bois together.
LOL, you just weren't born for physical activities. you can allways do something else like shooting, drawing, music, etc. thing is don't be a lazy liquidy turd and stagnate.
>a couple years ago
so you're a fat cunt now is what you're saying
to think I was enjoying your bullying
>tfw I think I could pass as a chad in this pic
>tfw 5'7 khv irl
Sorry dude but no. Although you can get rid of those bitch hips by losing some fat and building wide back.
>pass as a chad
Not with this shoulder/hip ratio, sorry
I'm bearmode but a bit on the fat side, need to lose some weight.
I can feel the small penis overcompensation coming off strong from you, stay strong dicklet
Skinny, skinny fat and T-rex for me.
>all these "fembots" picking the ugly body types
Just another attempt to make themselves not look vain. Remember how they say personality is what matters most? Good joke. Half are probably dudes trying to boost other guys confidence too by saying these shit tier lazy bodies are attractive to women.
But some women don't like muscular dudes. I mean muscular by gym standards. Maybe that's because they haven't had experience with any big guy and that's something alien to them though.
If they were really picking the ugly body types they'd be picking fat as fatass or auschwitz. The most common one ITT is ottermode.
26 year old mature woman who has developed tastes and life experience here.
Otter would be great. Builtfat is what I deserve. Most normal women like something between ripped and built, maybe bearmode.
im cool with anything except auschwitz, ambulocetus, T-rex, curlbro, and syntholmode.
the first two i would have a problem with if my partner ended up like that simply because its unhealthy. i would try to work with him to better his physical health. the last three are nos because i would think he would just look stupid, and he actually put the effort into looking stupid.
my bf is currently ottermode with a bit more fat and a bulker midsection and muscles around his collarbones, and thats probably due to his job/his sports
lol my favourite part is that youre a fat fuck with so little to live for except this fantasy which u will obviously never live