Have you ever asked out a girl user?

Have you ever asked out a girl user?

where do you think you are?

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What is this cringe? Are you 12?

There's something really irritating in this picture, I don't know why but it really annoy me

She's way uglier than him. Women are really full of themselves these days.

nope. never done that
>almost 28

I asked out a girl who had a bf, instead of flat out refusing she went on about how bad she was and that I was too good for her. I've had dates with girls but both times were awkward and went nowhere...

Funny thing is he's cuter than her.

The absolute state of women lmao

its because these kids think they're fucking clever

Yeah what the fuck. There's something about her face that angers me, and it has nothing to do with the context of the image. Looking at her stupid O face makes me really uncomfortable.

yeah. they all said no

shes hideous. wut


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just once in my life, and it worked thankfully

Loads of times, they even ask me out.

Sometimes it's dates, sometimes it's just to hang out with friends - but women aren't scary.

Also I'm married and have to shut the advances down, but my patience with wife is wearing thin.

>they even ask me out.

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He dodged a bullet, she looks like the second she gets out of highschool she will inata tly get fat and maried to some poor beta and pop out two special ed kids.


nice meme, marriage is dead.

Well, she will get married THEN fat. That's how it usually goes. I see her looking like pic related in a few years.

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same here but im 27

Im aiming for 30+ atleast.

as a joke, I used to ask out a girl everyday in middle school. she would always laugh and we would both laugh.
i've never been serious with a girl

Do you know where you are? This place is infested.

You've never just gotten a number?

>was a cashier at fast fashion shop for a year or two
>many numbers left
>some by fat uggos
>some by hotties
>some by underage teenyboppers
never called any of them desu

i have. they always end up ghosting me so i've stopped bothiering entirely. i do a have a few female friends that i still talk to, but i've given up on any kind of romantic relationship because they clearly aren't in the cards for me
you have no one to blame but yourself

I mean, did you really ask that here of all places?

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i dont blame myself i had other girls i was intested in at the time and didnt feel like hitting up random girls

>you will never know this feel
origami post desu-kun

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Yeah, and usually they get with me. However the relationship is one sided. I'm usually plan b they get with until the person they actually like shows interest or becomes available

you never know. i was a fat awkward khhv for a while but lost weight at 17 and lost my v at 21. even if youre older than that, change is possible though it may be harder

>underage teenyboppers
>never called them

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kys, you know damn well where you are

i was 20-21 at the time and was never into young kids. also that sounds like a really easy way to fuck your life up

I think its the fact that a decent looking guy is getting turned down by an ugly thot. just look at her forehead.

check'd those for you, those dub dubs

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I don't know why they feel the need to make such a huge fucking deal about rejecting someone and create drama on social media. I guess they are trying to status signal? "this guy asked me out but he's not good enough so I said no," maybe trying to signal to other roastie whores that they're getting attention while also letting Chad know they're single.

Yes i asked quite a few girls out never really worked out.

Once i asked a girl if she want to go to cinema with me, and i said this date gun be good or something like that.

She replied
>Uhh, what? Oh, you could call this a date but more of a friendship date cause the chance of the 2 of us kissing tonight is zero, alright?

probably shouldnt have bragged about having way over 1000 different pepes on my computer

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Well yeah half of what women do is just to shore up their egos. Wearing makeup to appear desirable. Having bitchy friends because being alone is for robots. Parading any unwanted attention around in a paradoxical attempt to thwart more unwanted attention yet advertise for more WANTED attention.

>Some by underage teenyboppers
This this this. I worked at a fancy cafe and sandwich shop in a rich neighborhood and little 15-16 year olds would drop me their number, and considering I was 18 at the time and within the legal range to fuck them in my state, it was hard. I had a GF I loved too much, I threw away every number and didn't tell her about it so she didn't worry. Then she treated me like shit for a long time. AHHHHH

it was more amusing to me and flattering when someone attractive did it but i never put too much thought into it. i did kind of get well known in the area though for being the tall asian guy working there and for years after i quit even new girls i met would be like 'didnt you used to work at _____?'. that was way better than the numbers just because they remembered me in a positive light from so long ago

her ability to open her jaws so wide indicates she has sucked many a cock. shes an dumb ugly whore saying no to an average dude.

Of course, more than a couple times. I was never turned down the first times, but was brushed off sometimes the 2nd time.
All of them were taller than me.

My only gf asked me out, shes just as sperg as me though.

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Twitter image macros are so low effort and low quality, don't post them ever again

They ghost you? Explain please

You're supposed to let her know in a indirect way that you could leave her at any moment and remind her that your social status is high, if roasties think you have bad social status they treat you like garbage and rarely have sexual attraction to you. If that's even a thing roasties have

Turned down before I could even ask for her fucking facebook. That's the only time I ever tried to be friends with a girl. Asking one out is beyond the question.

I think it's what this guy said. She looks like fucking john boyega

Women have higher standards than men.
The ugliest women still think they deserve 10/10 Chads while men either have to be rich or insanely attractive to get a Stacy.

This ugly pig looking cunt is in no position to place herself on a pedestal

I've been with three girls, two of which I met on Tinder/Chinese Tinder and all of them asked me out.

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This is why they shouldn't have rights.

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You cannot be serious. You fucking retard, why would you show her your folders? Like 90% of girls are normies, dude.

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got a date tomorrow, first one for a long time,
i am really into her, since i am into her i couldn't sleep well the last five night, maybe around 3 to 4 hours a night,
i know how that shit gonna end tomorrow, my brain freezes when i meet her and the silence will kill any chance of getting her
feels bad already although i tried to have a good mindset for about two weeks

Several times but all the pussy I got fell into my lap one way or another and "asking them out" was either just a formality or never happened, ive never asked and recieved a date from a girl who didnt clearly want me and im kind of worried ill be stuck just waiting for weird aggressive girls to get the hots for me instead of being able to get results from hunting.

I've asked about 10 girls out in my lifetime.
Rejected every time.

I asked a boy out in 8th grade.
You can probably guess how it went.

>10 girls
>out of billions
>thinks this is a lot
kys incel scum

Yes. Once. She said no. I haven't really tried since. What is even the point? I am fat and don't have any real impressive skills.

I've asked out three.
They all said no.

Lose weight then you fat fuck.

It's because they have endless supply of chad cock to choose from.

Or maybe it's because he's a loser and looks aren't everything?

Yes they are, even loser get a free pass if they have good looks, women literally don't give a fuck.

>t. I haven't ever spoken to a woman and have no idea how they think or feel
Autism is always rejected by women. Sorry buddy

it took me a few weeks to work up the courage to ask out one of the checkers at my local super market. I know its her job to be nice to me but it seemed like more whenever I went through her line. when I asked her for her phone number she told me she already had a boyfriend and I pretty much haven't shopped there since.

She's an ugly girl. She should take what she can get.

If your white just go for an ethnic girl. Its mind numblying easy. If your non-white... idk to be honest.

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