Words can't hurt me

You incel retards aren't capable of a tenth of what he is.
>Hurr we doxed him and killed him
>The trap threads are finished
Can anyone actually touch this man?

Attached: Reikooooo.jpg (500x438, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:


can you give me a quick rundown on why i should care about traps or reiko?

You actuay shouldn't.

Basically some faggot on Discord was taking advantage of retards on Jow Forums. To get into his Discord they had to post their pictures in feminine clothing etc.
They doxxed the guys and then blackmailed them into taking HRT under the threat that he would send the pictures to their family.
Basically built a harem of boys (some also probably underage).

It's actually funny because the people who got them banned were larpers pretending to care. The majority of r9k ignored trap threads or just filtered them. And now these retards are rangebanned and too stupid to figure out how to get a private vpn so they can post again

Attached: yw49h30fx28y.png (1926x1087, 1.25M)

You shouldn't. The only ones who cared where a couple of robots that didn't want to use a filter and the poltards that came here.

That sounds REALLYYYY hot. Both in a sadistic and a sexual way. I should probably kms.

you're okay now just don't house tomorrow

how so you know they are rangebanned


Attached: reiko dox.png (756x440, 24K)

Can I have his dox. I can't find it

you can have his dix, but only if you ask nicely

just sleepy called with them
it was pretty nice

You shouldn't. The trap spam killing the board has descended to the teenager drama of retards attacking and/or sticking up for the dumbfucks who did the spam in the first place. It's ALL worthless and all needs to stop. Sage.

Look you, fucking impotent faggot, why did you beg the internet to find him if you're too big of a pussy boy to do anything.
Who is more evil in the eyes of the Lord? The man who tells another man to wear a dress or the normalfag that tries to coerce you into committing a murder he's too cowardly to commit?
Also you have to change your writing style when you're trying to pretend you're someone else, faggot. You also keep staring all these fakeass "I've been gone tell me who this Reiko person is threads."
Do you literally have Downs syndrome or something?

>relentlessly bitch about a kind of thread
>bitch until they start getting deleted
>people, mad that their threads are getting deleted over your bitching, post a bunch more of them
>"see, they're spamming! MOOOOOOM"

nice work if you can get it

>horrible grammar throughout entire post
>"downs syndrome"

You are also a fucking tard, friend

i'm fucking pissed off that i can't post porn anymore without a bunch of retards and children bitching about it

i leave every other board and go hide out here and i still get shit. this is unacceptable

Forgot to add that there's no evidence for this other than hearsay and easily faked screenshots

All i am is a shitposter, i did nothing but post traps on r9k, why do you think i'm this mastermind playing 4d chess. I never doxxed anyone, i never blackmailed anyone, all of this is some nigger who's salty that i blocked him. You should blame him.

Its not up to you to decide what's acceptable or unnaceptable

Nobody believes that's what is going on and you know it.

keep telling yourself this
>inb4 "FBI OPEN UP" at 2 am

Attached: 00b0f9d73bb34a2b8c4d13183e74d77b78e12bc3b2902e14a0e7c56326356474.gif (400x225, 205K)

Darwinism. That's all you need to know.

Attached: 1482378000295.png (1280x1024, 1.87M)

they can do it, why can't I
i don't see their asses getting elected Jow Forums president

Reiko is Ryan King and lives in Lisle Kentucky.

twitter.com/GNUr000t/status/984253520005169152 If you try to swat Reiko his boyfriend WILL report you to the feds!

Boyfriend ED page encyclopediadramatica.rs/R000t
Boyfriend self-dox r000t.com/aboutdox/

Attached: reiko.png (1074x701, 196K)

This guy seems to have some backstory on this Reiko character kiwifarms.net/threads/r9k.36172/page-7#post-3240356


fuck off. You ARE the cancer that killed /b/

Reiko is gorgeous.

Attached: dGrve6S.jpg (1280x720, 408K)

Lmao his real name is reiko mikami and hes Canadian

Why the fuck do you want to post porn here of all places? You know there are boards dedicated to porn right?

eat shit you netnanny faggot
I didn't come to Jow Forums to knuckle under for forum politics fads

why do you want to trouble me with stupid questions
why do we keep coming here even though this place is fucking awful for all of us

it is a mystery

Some of you are alright, don't go to Reiko's house tomorrow

y'know there are entire boards dedicated to porn right?

its a manlet with a wig nibba

If Jow Forums hasn't left by the end of the week I will start making trap threads myself. I have never done and basically avoided posting porn on Jow Forums(I'm a legit robot) but it looks like this is the only way. I am incredibly autistic btw and would be very effective at it.

y'know, um, i don't give a hot shit? fuck you

leave reiko alone

Attached: m_O0a4Yt_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

does someone have a link to his serber?

say this when people complain:

Protip: I will never, ever fucking do what you say. Not ever. This is not an ultimatum, this is not a threat, this is my fucking five-year plan. I don't give a fuck what you think you can do. You spam threads I'm browsing, I'll post on-topic, AND BUMP, just to spite you. You shitpost and I'll shitpost back with double the length, girth, and fucking intensity. You'll THINK you've killed a thread that's on page 9 and I'll bring it back while you're lying in bed. For every word you post, I will post three, and in the end, it is YOU who will tire.
>H-he'll give up eventually! I have nothing to worry about!
Ha! Is that what you think? Get this through your thick head: I have read every page of Case Closed. I have filled EVERY codex entry in Warframe. I do meaningless, pointless, autistic shit for tens of hours at a time just to show that I CAN. I've been training at this for my entire life. I will go to any extreme to frustrate you. I will countersage. I will make twenty new threads and post in all of them. I will profile your posting with fucking MATH and hunt you on every board, every website, every state, and every country. Report me? My shell scripts can set up a new VPN in less time than it takes your shitty slavic dial-up to load the button. I don't care who you are. If by some evil fucking anti-miracle you become a mod, I'll spend every dime I have and every waking minute bringing this site down on top of us both. If you become the fucking president, I'll incite a civil war and hang you from a fucking gibbet. I will fight you to the last through any universe.
>"I-it's just copypasta! He can't be serious!"
Do you realize where you are? If not, allow me to lend you a clue: this isn't fucking Reddit, where you can bend the consensus over with a few bots and some upvotes. It's not Twitter, where you can pay some memelord to RT you and buy a few hundred followers. This is Jow Forums, faggot, and you have no domain here.

That is one cancerous rant there user.

It might be fake, but the trap spam that was plaguing r9k for the last year originated from this discord server. At least, we got rid of the traps.

that's bullshit, you've been complaining about spam for more than a year

don't you remember that retarded fake screencap talking about "/robot/"

Attached: r9k invasion.png (838x434, 104K)

He's not dead lmao

Attached: Screenshot_65.png (324x866, 55K)

We still got rid of the trap spam anyway

I will destroy you personally reiko even pic this is a larp thread. I know you're here.

The trap spam is the only part we know is real
The first "blackmail victim" came forward and said it was a rule so were on multiple layers of shitposting now

Attached: Screenshot_20180412-094044.png (720x1280, 203K)

You dont have proof hes actually reiko

You didn't. I'm still here. I've been here since the board began. I'm not leaving. You know what, if you want me to leave: .3 BTC. That's my price. You want my home, fucking buy it out from under me, nigger.

You make me sick to my stomach zxccxz

lel the discord trap spam army has spoken

Words can not hurt him his shades are gucci

THe only real thing out of all this is the trap spam, they didnt do anything illegal.

Attached: fakeandgay.png (496x148, 19K)

100% agree, although obviously it doesn't excuse what he did.

The trap "spam" fucking isn't. People have been calling it "spam" (because they're from Jow Forums, where "shill" works as an accusation) since at least 2016. I know, I fucking remember.

Fucking don't LIE to me.

We just did trap spam to annoy people, nothing else

Attached: Screenshot_62.png (408x483, 63K)

the trap spam is fucking real Reiko admitted it himself you retard.

They're clearly talking about blackmail here. Are you fucking with me?

Paying people to spam trap porn SHOULD be illegal desu.

Attached: sorion.jpg (720x1232, 106K)

Oh, and if you go back in the archives, around 2014 you can find people shitbombing trapgf threads with walls of garbage text.

Presumably they hadn't hit upon the "ura shill" strategy yet.

Then explain how the fuck people were complaining about it in FUCKING TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN, YOU ABSOLUTE CHODE.
I have no doubt that he spammed threads about that, but threads about that are NOT automatically spam, and in fact I'm pretty sure that the only reason they DID was because people kept bitching about the ones they DIDN'T post.

In other words, you whined about spam so much that people decided to ACTUALLY START SPAMMING.

Look at the filename lmao

I spammed trap threads too, back in 2015.
I also made anti trap threads and bullied traps like cheska and pizza. Eventually I made a general called trap conversion general and it caused a small shitstorm where Jow Forumstards were angry and mods were deleting threads left and right.
It was all good fun, but you know why I, and presumably others, did it? It gets (You)s. You guys get angry over the dumbest shit and argue about it all day and it's so fucking hilarious

You shouldn't bully pizza. She's a timid soul.

I hate that fucking Jow Forumstards can get threads deleted. That's basically a downvote, except worse, because you can at least read downvoted posts. Imageboard culture is truly dead.

I mean, their threads got deleted too and they thought the mods were on their side when my threads we're being deleted
I don't bully them anymore
I don't even see them around

>"Imageboard culture is dead"
>says the 18 year old who comes here to spam troll threads

I came here a long time ago because I thought it was futaba. I was wrong.

mom witg big homosexual in poopy hole h

how many photos does he have of you cuck

>stay tuned goys
holy shit how did they get away with this

Here's the quick rundown on this Reiko#3333 guy
Christian XXX bows to Reiko#3333
>In contact with /a/liens
>Possess psychic-like manipulation
>Controls Robot9001 with iron but fair thighs
>Own castles & banks on Skywars
>Direct descendants of Franklin D. Rooosevelt
>Will bankroll the first transsexual colonies on Mars (Reikosburg will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of HRT research facilities on Earth
>First babies born from an artificial will in all likelihood be Reiko#3333 babies (male)
>Reiko#3333 said to have 215+ harem members, such charisma on Earth has only existed deep in Bulgarian discords & Australia
>Ancient Roman graffiti tell of an Angle who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of pink pills & Estrogen progress never seen before.
>They own Soylent R&D labs around the world
>You likely have soy inside you right now
>Reiko#3333 are in regular communication with Bailey Jay & Tira, forwarding the word of HRT to RGTOW.
(Who do you think set up the meeting between the /ARC/ MAIN & RGTOW command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 8 months) and arranged the /ARC/ MAIN leader's first trip to Rhode Island in history literally a few days later to the Reiko#3333 apartment in Delmarva?)
>They learned fluent Swedish in under a week
>Discord servers entrust their Reddit gold reserves with Reiko#3333. There's no reddit gold in r/nintendo, only r/Traptopia
>Reiko#3333 is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being

That dox is incorrect, and there's somebody at that address, armed, awake at all times.

Anybody appearing at that address is forfeiting their right to continue breathing. You've been warned.

I'm not her boyfriend.

There's always somebody armed at MY address, too. Show up, get ventilated.

I'm too lazy to break out my priv8 key to sign this.


I know right? Freedom of speech/ expression doesn't exist on this site anymore. It fucking sucks.

no freedom from consequences, showing you the door, and sealioning: an eternal golden fucking braid

Lol sure thing faggot. Time to plan a phone call.

Please do so. My phone records all incoming calls. Hot same with the cops, and those are subject to FOIA.

Swat me. Please, kid. I'm bored out of my mind.

>internet leejunfags ruin random people for no reason
>this is all public info
everything is psyops now. this post? psyops. you? 20-year-old psyop. psy ops
>they're paying people
>he actually believes this
>he believes this because a known troll told him about a secret crypto fortune
>retard isn't used to high-effort shitposting
>nigga believes everything a chatroom tells him
>nigga never met a wizard before
>rapeape about to get owned (rapeape will never be owned because the site belongs to him)
>the mods' job is to ban things i don't like. someone give me a modjob. rapeape thread dropped
>muh harem. CHILD ABDUCTION citizen journalist gimme dem clicks trannies as young as 17.992 mr president
>buying dox on the darkweb (this guy is gullible)
>(((yozam))) posting cp to own the gays. chronic liar hates traps
>englishman believes random screencap
>englishman believes random screencap plus the people feeding him
>"there is no proof, there is no evidence" and the random screencaps don't match up with the thread content
>angry englishman feels that he has been lied to
>boring shit, screencaps
>englishman's a polfag but the cool ironic kind guise
>"i hate robots and think they're worthless"

this guy's a fag and probably a liar himself

it really was spam

Trap spam is self generating. many r9ks are weak and want to be traps without brainwashing

it absolutely was not, unless you're defining spam as "more than two threads per day about shit I don't like"

that's like if I said Jow Forumsshit was "spam" because some autist kept making Jow Forumsthreads out of spite

Why the fuck do people think these fags were actually blackmailed. I'm 90% sure that those fags wanted whatever happened to them and I doubt Reiko is even smart enough to dox properly.

Plus people keep saying poor Shoaiby or whatever was involved but there's no proof.

This has been an elaborate advertisement for 4craft
Take the 4craft pill
Add MonkeysInSpace#6453

You do know that reiko did absolutely nothing except spamming a couple threads and getting absolutely btfo in response, right? He is likely being tracked by authorities now as well so he got double buttfucked.

>traps are now reduced to pissily sperging out.
Good show.

How is this being reduced to anything? I'm literally always like this. I was like this when I woke up, I'll be like this when I go to bed. By the way, I'm not a trap, I'm just a standard user.

Why do we still care about shitty high School drama reee

Attached: 1523550125604.jpg (398x405, 57K)

Do people really consider this "cute"? He looks like a skinny fat dweeb with a wig on. How is this considered cute?

Attached: studious brainlet.png (211x239, 6K)

can YOU do better
post physique

Why the hell would I do that? I'm just asking a question.

This one is fake, his Steam profile says he lives in Rhode Island.


Someone called "dex" did this a very long time ago

Are they the same person ?

hilarious. very funny indeed. now go get a life you pathetic tranny

i just report all the threads and never see them again so fuck you fag. saged and reported

Underated originally of course

LOL all denegerate Traps getting doxxed. Seriously hope Jow Forums dies. You all getting his doxx wrong. Retards

So is this whole thing real or not?

I'm armed and you're armed, so that means when I go over, someone is going to end up dead.