Anyone else here really depressed?

Anyone else here really depressed?
How do you cope knowing no one is ever going to help you and that you're shriveling away?

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I don't. Vanishing bit by bit. Have some friends, I think, but I can't reach out since we are not that close.
It is over.

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>How do you cope knowing no one is ever going to help you
man up lady boy

I've just accepted that i'm here to die. So I mine as well make good money before I do and splurge on shite. Although I've also accepted my emptyness so idk

I'm currently polluting myself with antidepressants and therapies in order to maybe begin to feel something again. I was never really meant to be content I guess, but there is more to life than that. And maybe one day I'll feel something again, if I try.

I used to cope with drugs, but I got better now

Eventually I learnt to help myself and things got better. Some aspects I changed and others just fell into place and I'm slowly starting to feel normal and happy. I look back on my depression and feel happy that I managed to overcome it, hopefully I can use the experience to help others overcome it or at least help them feel someone can relate to them

I should add an observation that took me a year to figure out: if you can afford to go to the gym, you can afford "help". You're not going to get help from just sitting there by yourself and continuining to irrationally spiral down into nothingness. No one is going to come up to you and save you from depression, in the same way that no real girl will just come up to you and become your permanent waifu because you want it to happen. The majority of depressed people who go through psychotherapy treatments feel better after trying it, so at least try some treatments before you make the decision to off yourself. It helped me, when I was about to kill myself.

I've come to terms with it, and I didn't really expect for anyone to care about me in the first place.
But still, it hurts sometimes, and that's not fun.

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Make use of the DM while withering, opiates make for a peaceful end.

The trouble is finding an exact reason to go the gym and get better. Why live? Why improve? There appears to exist no solid answer, people just say improve over and over.

It seems all people's advice boil down to some form of escapism, away from the question.

I decided to give up on looking for a GF and just become my own.

Eventually just going to build pic related and eventually die in a horrific masturbation accident somehow.

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becoming the gf is the most silliest and easiest backfiring of plans.

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Are there people thinking like that for real?

there are plenty of footage of obese often balding males strapped into weird latex and tech contraptions, sometimes involving drills and self mutilations.
i would post some but i dont know what search words to use.

You gotta take responsibility for your own mental hygiene.

Maybe so, but considering the ongoing decay of society I'd rather just fuck myself into oblivion than risk getting metood

"Dating" is woman code for "free meals" nowadays

Yep, pretty much between that and a sex-bot

I figure getting a robotics/engineering degree is a more worthwhile investment than trying to date a meat hole into being able to steal half my shit when she wants a new cock

i agree on that, but why not say get hookers or move to a country where you can have your ancap paradise? seems like you are just another hedo tbf with you.

then again, then again there is vr, voice modulation, sextoys for male and females. i suppose as long as you can fund it somehow, you should sunk into nothingness with it, until death ofc.

I used to be extremely depressed, didn't have any friends, didn't do jack shit in life. I still dont lol. It took a couple of years to realize that nothing is going to change and im just torturing myself trying to change so all I do is play vidya, watch anime and work.

Dont expect anything to change and just be glad you dont have to deal with other peoples bullshit

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>How do you cope knowing no one is ever going to help you and that you're shriveling away?
>How do you cope

I don't.

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i smoke a lot of weed and play a lot of vidya

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But being alone has its pros, namely having no inhibitions unlike your average person (muh family, muh gf etc.). (0:55)
"Solitude used to be our pillar of strength, but it started crumbling down once we found love"

No I mean the "I can have gf I will become a trap".

i've just kinda accepted that this is always how my life is going to be. it would be nice if i had a gf who cared about me so that i wouldn't be alone all the time, but i've accepted that girls don't like me and there isn't much i can do about it.

>mental hygiene
I wash my hair on a daily basis.

I would recommend you stop that because you will later consider all that an enormous regrettable waste of time

My depression is far beyond needing to "depend" on people.

it's better than the alternative which is a bullet in the head

Is that really the only alternative?

People find meaning and purpose in their goals. It gives them a very real feeling of value. In order to find purpose in such a way, you have to improve yourself and rid yourself of depression.

suppose i could live in a world where this is the norm but i think a bullet would be a lot less painful

by finding a cute bf! just take some hrt and everything is going to get good uwu

I have before, I just crave that emotional attachment when fucking. I have a doll now anyways, may not be as good as real pussy but the more I fuck here the lower the $/Fuck ratio gets.

>move to a country where you can have your ancap paradise?
I'd love to move to a non-shit country and run a business. I think I'll look into it a bit

Though I'd like to just start my own in the middle of fucking nowhere and see how far I can get

>seems like you are just another hedo tbf with you
I mostly just got tired of trying to play a game that's rigged against me, I'd like to have a nice relationship with a loving GF but from my experience that doesn't last long before they get tired of something and tear your heart out.

>Why live? Why improve?
because you can be happy if you improve and live. it's definitely possible and it's a great feeling. you probably can't remember or imagine anymore but not feeling this existential dread and thinking about suicide is a very real possibility if you work towards it and it's very much worth it.

i was in that state for years, but i made the fatal error of being social again, big mistake and it put me straight unto square one.

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i just sleep all day knowing that im a social autist

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Yes, don't kid yourself. We're pathetic incels with no hope.


origami post desu

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but isnt it essentially just escaping the question, just doing things that take your time and focus so that you don't think, at all. that was at least the case when i improved, and i didnt notice anything.
its like cooking a meal for the heck of it, and im asking who is it for, what function does it have, and everyone says just keeps cooking. i have felt great improving and for a while i was indeed happy, still can remember it but i believe it to be false, a farce which is why i am back here again.

i need to find a reason or i fear for myself.

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adorable fools they are

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I shouldn't talk about this from just a hedonistic perspective though. Not only will your goals have value to you, but they will to others. Your impact on the world is very existent, and this is where real purpose lies. Only through profound goals can you transcend the inherent meaninglessness of your existence.

why can't the reason be yourself? is not feeling better already worth doing these things? do you like being in this horrible state that depression is?




im not sure that is true. is merely moving, changing and altering one's own traits a good and true enough to function as a valid reason to live? me feeling better i am not sure of, sort of do not like me and thus dont value my own happiness that much, not at least for happiness in of itself, but purpose, i want a reason for the improvement rather than just seeing me get better for improvement sake. why should the being that is i improve without a destination? i dont want just if it feels good follow it since that leads to some risky and severe paths.

feels like im in a tangle, i do appreciate your time, user-chan.

wouldn't phrase it like that, but i guess this is the meme version. it lacks too much gratitude.

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Why is that? Would he get some bonus stuff for his afterlife if he spent his life doing other things? Would he not eventually rot under the earth if he just saved 1000 puppies and found a cure for cancer?
There is nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying your time

have you looked into any religions or beliefs? i'm not religious myself but it has helped a lot of people in your kind of situation already. it does give purpose and a sense of belonging. just don't get into anything fanatical or harmful. most of all i feel like you're overthinking too much, why do you question feeling good instead of enjoying it?

doubting the doubt, i like that.
i'm not sure, always been like this. i suppose it is jaded nature from being isolated and socially rejected, i can't trust this happiness will last nor that it is deserved regardless of effort.
yes i have, into various factions and creeds, but it didn't go so well. faith machine keeps breaking each time, and i do not wish to fake it. certainly would help if i could maintain that somehow. there is also a greater instability if you attempt faith alone since it is mainly a community activity, but my social skills are quite horrendous leaving faith support wanting. i also hate pity with all my heart, do not want that, but regretfully you will receive that a lot in this state.
i am not sure i could be fanatical, doubt too strong for that.

maybe, i should look into overthinking and overanalyzing in general and see what i find there.

arigato, user-chan.

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Thanks brah I just try my best to help so that robots can finally man the fuck up and become super alpha chads like me who eventually get banned from pet stores

I'm starting to think that embracing whatever psychosis comes my way is probably for the best, I can't fix myself so I may as well let the rot consume me whole.

good luck, user, hope whatever you do works out. and idk you but no one deserves to suffer through depression, everyone deserves to get out of there. please don't try to justify you having it. there is no justification.

user-chan, thank you, but please refrain from saying things that are uncertain, if you can. you have no idea if i am a horrible person or not.
i will seek to justify myself unto my own being.

thank you for your time.

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You don't go outside much do you?
The problem you're facing is perception. You see the world as a shit place full of chads and stacys whom you percieve as assholes of the world, when at the end you're the asshole with clinginess and low self-esteem.
If you would spend those useful hours that you waste on anime,vidya and doing shit all on improving yourself mentally and physically, your life would be much happier.
Start today, not tomorow, the first few months of lifting and cardio might be boring and exhausting, but as you continue to do them, they will start to become the best part of your day and you'll feel stronger,happier and have lots of courage/confidence.

>best friend is depressed as fuck
>wont let me help him and pushes me away
why the fuck is it so hard to help people

Offer it with utmost honesty and frankness. If they won't accept then you can do nothing.

>because you can be happy if you improve and live
But it doesn't feel good. Watching myself work hard but get nowhere feels even worse than not doing anything. No sane person would keep bashing their head against the wall thinking that it would eventually work when it's not showing signs of it.

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>No sane person would keep bashing their head against the wall thinking that it would eventually work when it's not showing signs of it.
have you tried different walls to bash your head against? maybe some are softer than others and maybe you even find one that feels natural and not like your bashing your head against it.

Not when it's concerning work, which I'm only doing out of necessity. There aren't many options left and it's not like I have the luxury of wasting time trying things out lest I end up with no choice in the end.

Working us pretty dull, especially high paying jobs. Unless you are one of the privileged people who can manage to enjoy an activity that is also profitable.

Having high IQ but stuck in a job that doesn't really achieve anything truly valuable, just pays bills isn't very rewarding. I can't think of anything that pays well [or at all] and is objectively good and also enjoyable.

Selling your free time, the best hours of the best years of your life. It makes the free time so much shittier due to exhaustion and other stresses.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to keep doing this shit and not being depressed. I know i need to lift but i cant even get the energy anymore, and it was a life-controller before that sucked the remainder of my joy and energy, why i stopped originally