I just happened to know that my uncle is cheating on his wife. How can i make the situation even worse Jow Forums? Please be as devilish as you can.
I just happened to know that my uncle is cheating on his wife. How can i make the situation even worse Jow Forums...
Why do you want to make the situation worse
Have his wife find two terabytes of guro porn on his computer
idk, i just dont care about them at all and the bitch is fucking insane. If she found out shes probably going to an hero
wait until your uncle's phone is near his wife, get a female and a new phone number with you.
call him, let the wife answer
as soon as she answers, get the female to say "hello", as soon as the wife answers back, hang the call
repeat x10
now the wife thinks her husband secretly knows someone else, and since your uncle is actually cheating, he'll probably spill the beans.
or just record and blackmail your uncle idc man
not realistic at all.
what if she sings "that's my fetish" ?
D O N ' T.
Your uncle would be "divorce-raped" by her lawyer. His life destroyed. His assets sacked and ruined. His lover will dump him because he will have no more money to shell out.
Source: experience.
A clingy stingy fattie (330+lbs) craved to date me. I tried hard to not to start a relationship. Then a taxi driver offered her a cigarette, and she started dating him. Eventually he had to divorce his wife, got rekt, his sons hate him, and the 37yo fattie had him marry her.
>western country
no bro the rule here is really different and pretty much the other way around. Males are the master of their wives. They have to right to beat the fuck out of them and everyone just ignores it. Divorce is legal but for some reasons females here rarely ever do that. Plus they are really really old. The annoying bitch probably gonna die from a heart attack if she knows. The last time she caught him cheating(like 10 years ago), it was the funniest thing i saw. She jumped on the table, yelling like an ape and flapping her arms around like a literal retard. I had to run out of the house just to laugh. Now hes doing again and I want to relive that
convince your uncle that your aunt is cheating on him instead. that'd be a real mindfuck lol