ITT, we post people with confidence and a good sense of humor

Man, I wish I had this guy's sense of humor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have a beard to cover up that extra chin action I've got going on because I have a very similar jaw structure to that guy. I guess I just need to get ripped now and start putting on oil.

What are you talking about? Who gives a shit about jaws and oil? Get a load of his personality my dude. That's what she's so enamored by.

this unironically made my day even worse.

bitch can't even control herself, that's hilarious

He was saying something sad about a dead relative and that's her emotion changing, not her getting wet

We must live on, at least for his sake.

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IMAGINE how much time he had to spend to develop his personality

It's both my dude. It's plain as day that she's mirin (his confidence and sense of humor). As soon as he looks away and she thinks she can get away with it, her eyes make a b-line down to his personality and she bites her lip.


>Stacy Thompson

She was following his eyes

lmao that slipped my mind

Now that's some personality and a zest for life. I'll raise you a guy with ambition. Girls love ambition. Look at how enamored she is with his 5 year plan.

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I've seen the full interview. She gazes down to have a gander at his personality multiple times throughout the interview. Right in front of his wife. Read her body language brah, it's plain as day that she'd like him to tell her jokes.

You're right man; I'm fucking retarded. Instead of focusing on my appearance to attract women I should be developing my personality & growing as a person. I'll just be myself because that's who women have really wanted these long long decades.

omg, look at the way she's breathing, the way she's looking at him, she's even stuttering, lmao! never seen a case before of a womyn wanting to ride a man so bad, it's almost farcical

Damn skippy. Here we see a girl impressed by a man's personality within seconds of meeting him. He hasn't even said anything yet, and she can tell that he has a great deal of emotional maturity. Women have an intuition for that, you know.

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Omegle is a goldmine for women impressed with personality.

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Moar Omegle. These girls absolutely can't believe the sense of humor on this guy.

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Why you guys do this? Just accept girls like good looking men lol

To get upset.

That's absurd. Women are not as shallow as boys and looks DO NOT matter. Consider the case of the late Anna Nicole Smith, seen in pic related with her late husband. His looks had long since left him at the time of their marriage. You know what didn't leave him? His personality and ambition.

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Or consider the personality on the guy in this photo. Incidentally, on an unrelated note, it turns out that one of them was rich. I've got no idea which one though.

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Women aren't that shallow you incel. They appreciate a man who puts his self character above all material gain and physical pleasures. Robots need to just accept that women love a man with a robust personality.

gtfo roastie youre losing

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Just calm down. Seriously never seen this level of mad before

Normalfags sure are delusional. This thread will trigger them

What are you talking about? Normalfags are damn near the only people on this board who understand the point of this bread -- that women care primarily about personality and appreciate sensitive, gentle guys like Chris Brown.

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Here is a guy with a great sense of humor OP. As funny as he is, I bet he has no trouble finding a girlfriend or coming off as confident.

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She is
>23 years younger
>more famous
>6 times richer

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Rihanna understood that he was only messing around. It's just his sense of humor! And honestly, I think they both probably had a laugh about it when it was said and done.

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>start putting on oil
Do you want some help, B-bro?

he committed suicide guise

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When he was an unpublished writer he married a famous millionaire

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This would be a good shitpost if it weren't for the fact that this man is 5'6. Your sarcasm falls flat.

That's what I'm trying to say desu. Mr. Rushdie's clout as a knighted novelist and his political connections spoke to his sense of humor. Of course, you must always be on the lookout for funnier men.

After Padma and Rushdie's marriage disintegrated, she found herself in simultaneous relationships with known funnymen Adam Dell and Teddy Forstmann (who on an unrelated note were lesser known as respectively a venture capitalist and the former chairman and CEO of IMG)

What sarcasm? All this proves is even short guys can make it if they're funny enough.

>open video in youtube
>see hot girl commenting
>snoop her profile trying to see a bigger pic
>has a video in her playlist of a black dick inside a penis pump

What a wild ride

rumor has it he hung himself and while he was suffocating he tried to have one last cup of v8 splash

his suicide note said : Wicky Wicky Wonk (Wicky) Ronky Ronk Fangzilla

You are ignoring both her own greater wealth, beauty, and fame AND this

he was straight edge but was known to inject uncooked beans straight into his veins

Hypergamy is the fact that women value intelligence, ambition, humor, status, wealth, and other non-tangibles as more important than appearance

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he was unashamed and unapologetic about all of this, in fact one time in palm springs he went outside nikkid and put his cock in his palm in the name of r9k

and then barfed right next to a policquador(isto)'s shoe, blood.

Looks are important on males.

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Indeed, average guys of below average appearance that snag hot women is common enough there is a slang term for it
Punching above your weight

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every person posted (& posting) in this thread is a ugly beast

i agree.
t. 3/10 25 khv male

is this guy attractive? horrible personality and only hooked up with ugly girls

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people would always say how hot his voice was

This is literally the opposite of true
Looks matter much less for men

>is this guy attractive?
completely average.

I didn't ignore any of that, as I've been trying to point out all thread wealth, beauty, and fame don't matter. Rushdie, who in 1989 was of such small note that the Ayatollah of Iran called for his assassination leading to the British government placing him under police protection, had barely been elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1983. He was practically a nobody when he married Padma, and by that time had only been acquainted with perhaps a handful of powerful persons in world governments.

how do u like him now

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I'm with you on the intelligence, ambition, and humor. Women are not shallow enough to care about shit like status and wealth.

>how do u like him now
still average unless he'd ditch glasses and get new haircut then he'd be 6-6.5/10

he's dead,wrote a song and posted it on the internet trying to get him to feel pain and he subsequently an hero'd

In this video, we see a man with a great personality walk the streets of NY. Men and women obviously sense his humor.

If this has never happened to you, your personality is shit and you need to work on just being yourself.

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Cinderella of the Streets/Gallows

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Even in France where people love to be edgelords, women swoon for a man that looks like he can tell a joke.

Again, if this is not your reality, it's because your personality sucks. This man is not particularly good looking, perhaps only a 4-5/10.

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what made you so determined to be angry at the fact that to physically impress people requires work but so unimaginative & deprived of intellectual ability that all you can do is blindly post bitterly sarcastic copies of the same jaded rant while presumably convincing yourself that it's a brilliant, biting passion piece of the REAL NATURE of humanity

lmao, all that lifting can't change his permavirgin face.

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Angry about what? I for one have a great personality and as such am not an incel. That said, to be as funny as these men... Well, some guys are born with it and some guys have a sense of humor that isn't quite... up to snuff no matter how much they exercise their wit. They could get a coach to teach them -- a "funny surgery" if you will -- sure, but even the best humormetic surgeons can only do limited things with what they're given before your sense of humor starts to look BOGGED.

is this performance staged?

Who gives a shit about his face? Not that girl. By his pose you can tell he has sharp wit.

This boy ALLAH

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>This boy ALLAH
Who's he?

I love girls with great personalities

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Philip Bartholomew Soley

Take for instance this man. While he certainly looks like he has a better sense of humor in the second photo after nearly $20,000 of humor coaching, you and I both know he's never going to get reactions to his wit like in that video.

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Ah, we can't forget the ladies. Get a load of the wit and charm on this one.

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1 mo of Allah

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This man had humor coaching as well, and looks perhaps a bit funnier. Still, not the kind of sense of humor that earns you catcalls in the streets.

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I just lied, last one ain't dead. D's 2 bff's

tho true he did commit suicide

saved me from committing my final form countless times. also, spared my life when he has the right & the ability to take it

NOT OP; Patrick.

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Saint Death Eater Ego

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>TFW a girl will never get this horny while talking to me

Look at her face. She wants him to fuck her like an animal.

Passion of the Patrick

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"Nothing feels better than getting fucked up off chemicals you stole from the state."

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Noah & Miley Cyrus verified

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Good lord have mercy on this land
That is one charismatic lady

how DARE you SAY THAT when MEARNY is one post up.

compliments of the chef

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An ode to Lilyosa (unpictured)

I LOVE YOU ALL! Perpetually, eternally, & infinitely.

Still ignoring his first marriage

yeah born with fucking horrible cleft palate. and I look like Sloth

He's talking about his dead mother you retard.

He could be talking about shoving bananas up his ass and flying to the moon, it's still clear that she wants his cawk in and around her snizz.

Watch the whole interview. She sneaks more than one gander at his personality.