Be me

>be me
>1 year into my battle with my depression
>try to talk to my mom about it
>she starts rambling about how i'm not doing enough to help my self
oh boy it's not like i haven't tried that before

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Time to go see a GP and get the ball rolling

Your fucked user

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i have been trying to get my parents to take to a therapist but they aren't taking me seriously.maybe i should show them how fucking serious i am.

how old are you? your mother doesn't have to be involved in your therapy. just go to a doctor in your area and tell him that you feel depressed/(best just tell him the symptoms you feel) and he'll refer you to a therapist.
Don't take the meds unless you absolutely need them.
In which country do you live (if US you might be finacially fucked, don't really know how it works in ameriland)

don't threat to kill yourself, or attempt suicide. they are going to put you into a hospital against your will and force you to take therapy. Not the happy, voluntary fun kind of therapy, but the shitty therapy with other shitty people and shitty therapists. No matter how fucked your life is right now, don't go down that path or it's going to be 10 times worse. People in group therapy can suck a fat dick, that's one huge meme shitshow.
If you want to kill yourself, best kill yourself properly. If you want to get better go to a doctor

how old are you, user?

was in a similar situation

i rely on them for money and transportation so i can't get the help i need unless they take me to go get it

I don't get this at all, book an appointment and just sneak out of the house to make it. Once you get a referral or diagnosis you're set.

i'm 18 origenly