I'm reiko, everything that's been said recently is bullshit, ama

I'm reiko, everything that's been said recently is bullshit, ama.

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why haven't you gone full circle and necked yourself yet?

why should anyone care? whoever spammed honestly made me less of a faggot.

No you are not. Try again with proof.

can you make me a proper member of your discord my username is pony

to you go

no need, i'm pretty happy with my life

you tell me, it seems to be 3 dedicated people making up lies and the autists of r9k are believing all of it. You're welcome, btw.

do you appreciate that i've been down here defending your gay ass from the lynch mob
jesus fuck i hate Jow Forumsfags there's no worse group of imageboard users on the planet

more surprised how many mutuals we share. yes, appreciate it and so on.

i-i-is it safe to stop taking h-h-hormones now? my breasts are begining to feel a little itchy

like literally name any single demo of fucking chantards
bronies? bronies were never this aggressive
console warriors? at least they could shut up about their console when they weren't fighting
weeaboos? weebs were nice
furfags who post bara 10 hours a day are less cancerous than these fags, there's nothing worse

i would rather have craig, lanced jack, and fuckign nigba back than i would these fucking turds
even male feminist would be better because there's only one of him

Yes, i am

Thanks, at least some people aren't retarded

don't fall for the hormone meme, you're getting kiked

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What do I need to do to join the harem?

Its hilarious how instead of disapearing Reiko actually is attempting to delete deny everything even if its been logged down. Notice how he always refuses to give details or hand over anything that would prove his innocence.

I don't have a harem, i have a server

Can you post more photos of yourself please? I like what I've seen so far.

Prove that he's guilty first.

Larping(very original) faggot

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your claiming the extraordinary, you have the burden of proof. what proof do you have other than easily fabricated screenshots.

you can't prove a negative, shit's like asking me to disprove that there's a post where moot admitted to being a CIA asset


>Poster could didnt go up
>Timing indicative of someone trying to post rapidly

The balls in your court

the balls in this nigga mouth

how do i become e-famous like you

i mean that nigga mouth
has balls in his mouth, not

just to clarify i mean

Dedicate yourself to an ideal. Become more than just a man. Become an idea which never dies.

notice how he picks at literally everything to make false connections to further prove his agenda. I can do the same thing buddy.

offend some autists with a lot of time on their hands who have no boundaries when making up lies about people.

>Discord records
>Multiple accusations of people being blackmailed
>Kid who an hero'd was associated with the discords

Can you share all your DMs with the underage users?

Shuaiby killed himself because his mother was trying to get him to move out. You know what pisses me off about you? You hate this guy, so you try to get normies to do your dirty work for you. You hump every meme you can, play a bunch of scare chords, hoping that e-celebs will shit on him. Fuck that. If you have his dox, go to his house, and challenge him to a fucking fight.

Reminder that expressing wrong thought means that you are Reiko and thinking about anything critically is against the wishes of the new Jow Forums government

>A bloo bloo Reiko is the real victim
He's destroyed lives and corrupted confused young men on Jow Forums, blackmailed them into taking hormones and as of recently until he was found out acted all superior. Now he has the audacity to think he's the victim? Where's the tough guy attitude of yesterday bucko?

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and bring a camera we want to watch

nigger this is Stand Alone Complex and i'm the laughing man of gayposting
these motherfuckers better crowd off my fucking board or i'll give them cyberautism to match their regular autism

He didn't blackmail anyone you fucking retard, the only "proof" is shitposting on discord and a greentext.

You got played like a fiddle

You actually opened up a very interesting question. Is there proof that this was shitposting or actually serious?

>he has no proof
Inb4 muh screen cap of Reiko shitposting again

wtf is a reiko? can i get a rundown?


All of you

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>D-discord records are just shitposting! Reiko was only pretending to be retarded! Its some super sekrit Minecraft illuminati conspiracy!

>had a dedicated discord for shilling

anyone have an invite link to the server?

are there still bots trying to dox him

Maybe if you actually read the logs and not just the screen caps of the logs you would see they don't prove anything other than Reiko being a shitposter

>shilling for a pedophile
god you're a hopeless loser

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Please provide the logs in question, thank you.

Stop larping or send us some proof

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You deserve everything for spam posting trap threads

Literal retard who's fabricating a narrative on Jow Forums to generate attention for itself.
Can you imagine? Having so little going on in your life that you have time to make dozens of threads about yourself every day.
This thing has severe mental issues. This is the sort of situation where, if the faggot in question wasn't such a shitbird, they'd have their own encyclopedia dramatica page dedicated to their dumb sad empty tranny ways.

First of all is there proof that Shuaiby killed himself due to his mother trying to get him to move out? And also if there is proof that it was indeed due to his mother's actions, what was his mother's reasoning for wanting to kick him out in the first place? We need proof for this one as well.

that's the only label that sticks these days so it's the only one anyone uses
calling everyone that when you want to ruin them is normalizing it

here is the detailed story you want
>group of autists joined haruka's server
>did nothing but shitpost and were generally hated by 90% of the people in the server
>banned them
>they joined back with numerous alts claiming it was unjustified
>continued to ban them
>literally admitted to one of the less autistic ones in the group to planning my downfall
>pic related

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>gets caught
>threats to be found and persecuted
>goes into full damage control
>"Haha guiz, ur being bamboozled, pls no believe.

implying it isnt just reiko defending himself

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Yeah? Too bad he admitted it, you dumb nig.

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Anyone that uses discord should off themselves.

Everyone can make a tripcode with his name, are you fucking stupid?

Yes, i am donald trump, you can tell because of my authentic trip code.


>taking shitposting seriously

Reiko's not some mastermind hes some dumb faggot shitposting, blame the idiotic "trans" guys who thought they'd be able to rewrite their genetic code and grow a real vagina through HRT

>Trip code changes
Why would Reiko use a trip, then change it?
What's the point he could just use a name
I'm Reiko btw
My trip is legit

Except he's the only one that used that particular tripcode. I'd tell you to check the archive if the search function wasn't bricked.
Nice try at damage control.

Do you believe the lies about you were just a Jow Forums raid trying to purge trap threads?

serious about this btw. it's like with "fag". i grew up back when "fag" was a legit thing you could call people. problem is, once you're a fag, you can't unfag yourself, so you have to live with it. so people decided they'd hang out with other fags rather than deal with normalfags.

it's the same with this. he's almost certainly not one, but once someone calls you that, there's no way to challenge it or have people forget about it, so you're stuck dealing with people who don't care

Explain this then

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>what's inspect element

It's all a lie goys become trannies

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that is a sex fantasy
there's full-on "post your fantasy" threads here all the time

You can reverse engineer a tripcode, they're hardly security grade. It's just randomly allocated characters depending on the "password" you input to generate the trip.

you must actually be a retard if you think that he was being serious

Knoll eisenbach

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Keep digging this hole deeper. It won't backfire at all. It's not like people have collected screencaps or anything.

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What about what malfean said too?

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Yeah because I suggested he take credit for it for keks. I'm not even in his trapcord, I just know him from 4craft where we've all been laughing at these threads.

fiddly dee and fiddly dipshits

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Jow Forumsbabbies and normalfags are not used to the sick shit that gets posted here because where they come from anything anybody posts is "genuine". They're scared of some Reddit tier "sarcasm is impossible in text" so they refrain from being ironic without a /s or jk thrown on the end

stop bumping this shitty LARP thread retard

So we're just gonna ignore the fact that he threatened some faggot underneath that, admittedly obvious copypasta? Idk why you Reiko defenders always skip that part

Origami salami baloni

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How do i gain access to your haremserver?

What the fuck sort of evidence is this?

Waseru is just a faggot in his operation
Actually read ALL of the screen caps

that is literally just ERP
i'm not going to let you fucking lynch a guy over ERPing
it's obviously a fucking joke. this isn't fucking college, we're not fucking expelling people over drawing guns

Considering he used the tripcode even after the fact of that post without ever having mentioned it being hijacked, I'm going to ask for some proof that it wasn't him.
It not being him, especially with all the other shit he's been confirmed to have said gathered, is a much more extraordinary claim than it being him.
Additionally, he refuses to answer to even though it would do a good job in making his case.

You will be lucky to get out of this alive.

put the fucking katana down

Found the paid shill. Originaltiakally.

>>what's inspect element

where does that say reiko?

Jow Forumsfags bitch about how SJWs are a bunch of tattle-ass cunts who can't take a joke, yet here you are, pulling the exact same shit

get some self-awareness, faggot

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Please provide something much more substantial than a short screencap with no context behind it besides the narrative in your post, something more elaborate would be welcome, i am not against or for your view point rather i am interested in seeing as much evidence from both sides as possible.

Moralfags a fun to poke

Who's lynching anyone? Because we're exposing a user who's trying to prey on kids and mentally ill teens?
That's not ERP, either. You can see he had a casual conversation with someone that didn't conclude with "That was a great fap, thanks", but "I'll think more seriously about it", and then he goes into his "plan" after the fact. He convinced that person of something, he didn't just jerk off with him.

>le just a joke meme
Neck yourself Reiko, I'm onto your plans you Jew

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wheres the fucking an hero webm though niggas

this is the invite code to his trapcord, have fun czwpEB9

Can I get a link to the discord?

for one, he didn't prey on shit
for two, your satanist esoteric nazi bullshit clique recruited anyone it could, and you didn't have a problem with it then, even when people started dying

don't get high and mighty with me, fag, i know where your bodies are buried