Whats the last movie you watched that hit you right into the feels?
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American Made. Pissed me off, garbage movie.
Taxi driver. Shit movie made me angry.
vanilla sky
very original
Moonlight. It triggered unwanted memories but also kinda helped with my situation + Mahershala ali is an amazing actor
heat (1995). classic oriniggero
EoE. There will be nothing that good again. Doesnt matter if anime or not, that shit is insanely good
The Giver made me cry tears of joy and inspiration.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Ready Player One honestly, I thought it was a shit movie but the ending monologue by Halliday really hit me in the feels.
I'm watching Schindler's List right now and it is an obvious hit into the feels.
Big Fish... the ending, man
Schindlers speech at the end realy got me
When life and what little he thought he knew about it rekt his ass.
But then again i also FEEL that he was a blue pill cuck for dying for those fucks
was watching The Thing with my asian waifu and we have watched it many times. However I wanted to watch it again because its my fav movie. Then twords the end she starts ripping up paper and ignoring the movie. So I said we are done and let her rip up all the paper she wants. oraignalllorgammiiisssssenpi
Pan's labyrinth
>kid was autistic
>was seeing fauns n shiet
>shot by fasc
>throneroom scene was due to autism and shock.
I like to put kom susser tod on and just lie down and absorb it
I feel like this movie gets forgotten about a lot. It's a shame.
I really liked 3 billboards outside ebbing. It was quite a rollercoaster becase both the protagonists and antagonists I sympathised with and hated at different points.
Nebraska is a BIG feels movie desu. But movies that focus on child-parent relationships really get to me. Oh Kramer vs. Kramer too. The wife was such a cow but when you put yourself in her shoes you honestly think you'd shrug off your 2 kids if you wanted them in your life? No.
Into the wild. kino and rabb.it server fuXkeS
i watched lucky (the Harry dean Stanton movie -- one of his last, and maybe his very last) on the plane. idk if it was because of air pressure or what but i got really really really afraid of death, and not in a "omg plane is gonna crash!!" way but in a real existential way, like I'm just not going to exist anymore and as much as i hate everything I'm still... attached to this world.
and good time. the whole movie is one giant supremely fucked up situation and then that ending.
Falling Down. Unexpected feels.
Movies all suck. probably the last thing i liked was your name
Once you get past the fact it's weeb trash it's a pretty emotional movie
I doubt you guys have ever heard of this movie the title translates to "Eagles fly early" and the movie is a really nice and funny kids movie until the ending in which a group of boys(aged 14-17) go to fight in WW2 knowing that they probably won't come back alive to their village but the thing that's so fucking sad is that despite knowing this they still talk about coming back and hanging out one day
watched Good Will Hunting a few months ago and cried multiple times, and a lot of simply watery eyes. it was during an emotional time for me
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
You Were Never Really Here
Story was generic but it was told so beautifully.
>what is a calendar?
Fuck your shit taste
The Elephant Man fucked me up for a week. It's Lynch's best work.
Logan Lucky
Makes me wish I had a family