Im killing myself in a week. im sick of this fucked world and i cant take anymore.
Post proof nigger or fuck off
How will your parents or family deal with it in your opinion,
Also send my regards to saint elliot please
Tell us about yourself
Why do you want to kill yourself? And do you think that there is absolutely nothing that might improve your current state?
The world wont miss you unless you do a live steam desu
cant believe no one has asked how you are going to do it
also when you arrive before pete the cat, please request that he takes me in my sleep
>can take anymore
>killing myself in a week
Why not do it now if you can take anymore, what's the difference, what're you waiting for?
You're so unoriginal, user.
>hehe post proof
how am i going to post something im going to do in a week you brainlet?
probably break down even tho theyve never supported me. threw me out at 18 and left me to rot. ill send my regards.
im 22 and ive had no friends my entire life. bullied in school to the point of an actual mental breakdown which i had to take therapy for. its funny because these people who tortured me throughout my life will be the same people to turn around when i do it and say "huh i was always his best friend"
because im a 4/10, ive never had any friends and nobody cares about me. my family kicked me out and i had to live homeless for a good 6 months before my family paid for me to go to uni.
theres fuck all that will improve me. ive tried getting Jow Forums and all that. tried socializing but people automatically assume im a weirdo. despite the fact i tried to act like a normie when i went to uni.
good i wont miss the world either. fuck you all
Why wait a week? What happens in a week?
Is there any way you could be talked out of this? I don't think you should do it.
Uhh..gun? Pill? Poison? You know, something to kill you.
gonna hang myself. plain and simple.
ill tell him user.
telling all the people i know what i really think of them. doing the things ive always wanted to do but know id get in trouble for it. best way to go is knowing youve told everyone exactly how much you despise them.
>Gonna kill myself
Suicide is literally the most illogical thing, your fortune can always change, provided you want to change it, and work hard for it.
ive decided what im going to do user. no way to talk me out of this. i was thinking of doing a mass shooting at my uni or something but its not worth giving them the satisfaction of quick death is it?
thank you so much, wish you the best of luck, for whatever its worth
No you won't you coward. Some pussy bitch said he was going to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge last week, he ended up not doing it. Some other guy said he was going to livestream his suicide on April 3rd, no link of his suicide linked on Jow Forums
>your fortune can always change, provided you want to change it, and work hard for it.
implying i havent been working for years to "fit in"
what else would you suggest? i fucking detest this world because nobodys ever given me enough of a chance.
ive got this warm fuzzy feeling that this user is telling the truth
And some nigger fuck said he was going to buy a minivan and form a suicide pact together starting this week and no post by him ever since then. Fuck u attention seeking faggot now go kys (for real this time)
i will. just you wait user. this is what im going to dedicate to. ive planned everything and theres nothing holding me back from doing it.
Goodluck you bastard
See you on the other side
What method?
Can I have your belongings and money?
Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry that you are so sad.
no user. i dont have much anyways.
Are you going to do anything during the next 7 days before you kill yourself?
Like a bucket list or something. I mean you technically have nothing to lose anymore, you can do anything.
Remember to buy a prosties and do it raw
before you go
At least you dont go down a virgin
We have this thread every day, 300 people have killed themselves since you started it and most them for better reasons. Fuck off if you want pity go to reddit
Wise man
Just do drugs user. Kill yourself slowly like normal people
like i said to a previous user im going to tell everyone exactly how much i despise them.
Maybe i might hire a escort so i wont die a virgin
might do some drugs aswell that i used to think i would never do like LSD Weed or coke.
nothing much else i would do.
>since i started it
i never said i wanted fucking pity you asshole, this is where i spent alot of my time and i just wanna tell all of you before i go. whats wrong with that? you want some more fucking trap threads instead?
Woah watch out there bud you could cut yourself on all the edge.
goodspeed user, please dont stream it here we dont need that noise here
Stream it fucker. The recent wave of an heroes is inspiring, I'm almost ready to do it myself
show the rope then
>hehe look mom i posted my first joke on the internet :DDDD
im doing it in a forest alone. with my memories. no fucking streams. i might spend a timestamp the day i do it though.
Just stop. You're not killing yourself. You know it and I know it.
Some people just can't do happiness. They will always find a reason to be unhappy. Even start caring about people just to be mad. Sleep peacefully friend.
Yes i am. what would make you think otherwise?
youve seen many people from this board commit suicide so why would it be so unbelievable?
can you leave me your ssn? i would live the life you never lived, and enjoy the opportunities i never had
I've also seen so many people end up not doing it and turning their lives around here. You won't do it, you don't even need to do it, so why stress yourself out over this?
what the fuck is up with your computer? did you spill water on your keyboard?
You better not be lying.
Honestly user, dont do it man. The world is fucked, that much I'll admit, but by killing yourself you are just going to fuck it up a hell of a lot more for other people. As hard as your life may be, there are consequences to this action that will go far beyond where you can possibly imagine. Trust me man, it will get better, just hang on.
Uk: 116 122
Us: 18772354525
Promise me you'll give them a call
(^ for if your country wasn't included)
will you make this your new motto?
>plan to kill yourself
>commit to actions that will alter/change your psyche temporarily
I'll see you next year.
if you're so set on doing it then why not now?
>ive had no friends my entire life.
I can be ur friend
no one wants to be your friend, shut up
if you stopped caring about how other people thought of you and got out of the self-pity incel mindset then you wouldn't feel the need to post sympathy bait on Jow Forums
I'd give you a chance OP
I do this every 3 months faggot and I always pussy out
good luck if you actually have the balls
I understand having constant suicidal thoughts user, not going to try to talk you out of it, why would you listen to some random user, i know for sure i wouldnt but you should just make sure that its really what you want before doing anything irreversable.
>can't be the change he wants
>So he decides to kill himself
lol c'mon not even putting up a fight. Might as well already be dead OP.
In what it really matters?
Get a job, if you have one get a wife, doesn't matter, you have to get only 1 girl, it doesn't need to be the most pretty girl in the world, but it will be YOUR girl.
No matter how bad it is, maybe you can't get dozens of girls, but there's no way you can't get 1 girl.
Anything else doesn't matter.
How will you be killing yourself?
I can supply guns and/or cyanide
Please user, don't waste your organs that are most likely perfectly fine. Donate blood, offer to donate bone marrow or a kidney. Someone in this world still needs you.
okay, listen here you fucking robot, if you feel like commiting suicide is the only answer to your lil sissy problems, you better use your nugget brain and think again, fucking shitty parents ain't the reason, it was you all along. You could've tried better. Stop being a pussy.
>tfw I really want to buy a gun a shoot myself but I ha meme depression at a young age and was prescribed antidepressants so now I can't buy a gun for the rest of my life so I have to find another quick way to end it in the privacy of my own home.
I'm not even suicidal but reading your post made me want to kms.
Sorry, was trying to help...
>posts in all caps
yeah good way to get your point across
buy a gun illegally then
what are you scared of, getting caught with an unlicenced firearm? you'll be dead anyway
user is looking for something low-effort. Much like this thread.
Can you link me too some of your favorite porn? no homo.
I'll probably do the same in a few years fuck wage slaving.
>sympathy bait
when did i say i wanted sympathy? i simply decided to tell you guys because this is where i spent most of my time.
literally got Jow Forums a couple of months back no difference.
i got good grades. so i was trying academically. you think that i wasnt trying to find someone to enjoy my company?
:))))) wow i got him lads
Have you tried changing your life? Like not just dropping out of uni, but maybe just move to other country, or being a loner and just traveling around nature, thinking about life, living in a tent, developing survival skills?