Be me

>be me
>go to dentist
>qt assistant keeps pushing her tits against my face
>get a boner
>she notices

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ask her to suck it

I've had this happen to me, too, they have to know that that's going to make things awkward, right?

How can you not interact with women without getting hard?
Are you underage?

I'm sure they know but they can't do anything about it. Space is limited especially if you have big ones like her.

>qt assistant keeps brushing her tits against my boner
>she notices
>ejaculate in my pants
>she notices
>she tries to suck my pants dry

>tfw never had a dental assistant, nurse, teacher, etc who was hot and had big breasts

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>be me
>getting an ultrasound for a hernia repair
>qt tech keeps jamming hands in pants
>boner escapes underwear waistband
I don't think they get paid enough for the shit they deal with.

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You should have just said "woah, milk truck just arrived" to diffuse the tension.
She'd laugh and tell you not to worry it happens all the time, she'll take care of it for you. Gives a quick handjob so she can get on with the procedure

>go get myself checked (not for std, virgin) because something is inflammed and irritated inside my groin region
>2 cute young nurses put some lotion or ointment idk what it was thing on my crotch
>use tool thing to analyze my groin, idk, science n shit
>don't get hard at all


Wtf this happened to me when I was underaged. Female dental assistants must be super bored in their lives, or they're all shota hunters

In a professional context its also normal not to get hard. Yet if you were to be having a deep conversation with a qt and she bumps your inner knee *cue boner*

age? I'm not even attracted to meat bag women anymore. I'm 26 soon 27.

lol that happened to me also

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no one over the age of 13 posts on r9k

I really wish this is how real life was. Maybe if you're a muscular Chad

Happened with me a lot of times, but my boners aren't very noticeable. One time I saw the assistant smile a little and hide it with her hand. I think she noticed it was smol.

>go dentist
>petite qt dentist has a hard time to reach my back teeth over my belly and chest

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I was 16 or 17, dont remember. was slightly nervous id get a boner, but i stayed mostly calm
>he underestimates the power of having otherwise no female contact at all

>tfw never been to the dentist

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Come on, she is a medic, she knows it's just a natural reaction.

How do you know she noticed and what was her reaction?

t. Nigel

Happened to me as well

>male assistant keeps his distant, everything goes fine
>female qt keeps pushing he thighs really hard against my shoulder and arm
>keep bending over in front of me to get the dental "tools"
>keeps making subtle lewd dental jokes

God damn it, I just wanted my teef fixed, not feels

im lucky. i have ED so something like that could never happen to me

if she's being lewd then that's harassment, could press charges

>have to get a physical for sports in highschool
>hadn't been to the doctor since I was a child
>can't see pediatrician anymore so mom finds me a new doctor
>get to office and waiting on table
>knock on the door
>in walks an extremely attractive woman with long straight black hair and blue eyes
>think she is the nurse until I see the white coat and she introduced herself as "doctor"
>realize she is about to fondle my balls for a few minutes and mentally prepare myself not to get aroused
>extremely difficult when you are 14 and horny constantly
>managed to get through procedure with only a half chub by thinking of math equations in my head
>Walk out into waiting area where my mom is
>Ask her if she knew she got me a female doctor
>She laughed as she realized what the doctor just did to me

I actually didn't mind going back for physicals every year though.

Interacting and having tiddies pressed against your face are two different things.

I just laughed it off and let my autism take care of the rest.

>lewd dental jokes

>managed to get through procedure with only a half chub by thinking of math equations in my head
The Pythagorean theorem was never more useful

for example: "oh user i bet you like long things in your mouth right? haha"

Imagine being this much of a faggot.\

unsurprisingly unoriginal

It might result into unfortunate positive reinforcement. user could get boner whenever he saw a math equation.

i think this is how I became bi. I watched 99% point of view porn only since I started. so naturally I started to like the look of a penis

>math teacher writes something on board
>user slowly gets a chub
>Mrs. Math teacher w-what is the name of that equation
>Why its the quadratic formula
>Boner intensifies
>user scribbles it down in notebook and rips page out
>mrs. math teacher I need to use the restroom
>Ok user go
>user rushes out of the room with paper to stall
>rubs one out while screaming square root

so the penis inspection meme is real in murica?

Why do they need to grab your balls to give you a physical, in what way does this prepare you for sports?

Its not your dick its your nuts but yes
Its to check for hernias. If you have a hernia you could really mess yourself up playing sports