just got bullied by a group of 14yo girls on my way home, feel free to ask me anything
Just got bullied by a group of 14yo girls on my way home, feel free to ask me anything
What is it they done, and said specifically?
Sounds rough yeah let us know what happened
Did you give them the 60 second psycho stare? That's my MO in these situations.
Why did not you just scare them a bit?
I remember I was once at a bus stop when some 13/14 year old chav slags started saying lewd crass stuff to me.
Instead of being offended I acted cock and confident and just asked them how old they were; I stepped closer so it was uncomfortable and made my tone more aggressive while grinning. Some of them started to get a bit scared; by standing close and towering over them they were now aware of how much stronger I am than them.
I got on the bus and felt proud.
Should have raped one of them and made the thers watch
How many were there? Want me to help you next time?
>try to stand close to them
>they're all taller than me and would propably bully me even more
>get off train
>walk along the crowd that got off with me, they however turn to the left and into the city
>im only person to go along the tracks
pic related
>they sit on the top of the stairs (the stairs go down)
>im the only tard walking towards the stairs, too busy doing what i consider normal motions to avoid gazing on the green markers (also some teens, was easier since i could just stare to the right)
>get past the greens and notice the girls in front of me are sitting down and looking at me
>start sweating, walk "normally"
>they notice, im looking from right to left like a tard trying to find an escape animation
>get to them, they greet me (the way you greet adults here, im not even 20)
>i step on the first step, turn around and say something along the lines that im not that old
>they giggle and greet me like friends greet each other
>i walk down, they keep talking about something idk what im trying to vanish
>finish the stairs, longest 20 steps of my life
>they yell at me if i have facebook or "IG"
>turn around, "no"
>speedwalk into my lair and consider suicide while writing battleplans about my experience from 15 minutes ago
pic related
How old are you?
They probably had a group crush on you
you pussy
i hope they wait there again tomorrow and physically stop you
Barely got bullied there lad.
You played yourself.
> this is considered bullying now
One time I was in mcdonalds and some teenager girls came and sat at my table. They were trying to have a conversation with me but I was not forthcoming. Then I kind of changed my posture self-consciously and they all started laughing and left. This was maybe 7 years ago and I still think about it now
does having girls laugh during this kind of situation mean you're attractive and they were interested in you? I've had this happen to me in a crowded food place but they just acted like i wasn't there and never interacted with me at all, they were polite when asking if they could sit there though i guess
I don't know what's worse the fact that you got """"bullied"""" by little girls OR that people asking if you have Instagram is what you consider bullying.
Make sure you never leave your house you might get "raped" by someone asking for directions
this is sad and pathetic by Jow Forums standards.
how fucking short are you that 14y old GIRLS are taller than you??
Man you didn't even get bullied. You are stuck in your own head.
>how fucking short are you that 14y old GIRLS are taller than you??
Yeah OP post your height oreganoide
>ask me anything
Did you cum
how is that bullying? you're a fucking retard, OP
How old are you to get bullied by 14yr olds?
You're such a fucking faggot. You're a trap lover, aren' ya? This is so pathetic.
Ibe experienced harrasment like this many times. Mostly at bus stops. Drunk teenagers are the worst
I'm 5'4" and girls in my country are some of the tallest in the world.
This isn't harassment OP is just a social retard
little girls are honestly the worst bullies because they know you can't hit them, both because they're kids and because they're girls
hit them with something that isn't your fists
Short men and poorly endowed men have no purpose other than being used by their taller mistresses.
You should have been punished and raped by those girls for wasting their time with your shortness of height.
That's the only time you can get a girl to talk to you
>be me 11th grade
>gamers in class want to have a tournament against gamers from other class
>get selected to team
>classmate gets mad for not being selected
>tries to get me kicked out of team
>never had any trouble with him before
>it's evening, tournament should start
>get on voicechat
>teammates say I'm not playing
>comes out that guy was talking shit about me the whole day
>in voicechat he starts insulting me and tells me how ugly I am.
>other guys go full silence mode
>try to act alpha, counter
>guy keeps making heavier insults
>leave and don't play
things only got worse from there and that guy kept talking shit about me to everyone. Some people joined him but not many. Wish I had punched him in the face back then.
>1ft heels
Quite the "tall mistress" you got there desu
what game? some degenerate shit like league? they're known to be that autistic.
>Years ago
>At a casino/resort, too young to gamble so in a shitty pool
>a group of 14-year-old girls dare one of theirs to come talk to me
>She approaches, I tell her I can't talk to her because I'm 19 and don't want the bullshit
>She goes back to her friends and says I'm nice
>Fap to the memory, sometimes
did u get aroused
you from japan or something?
>this monday
>group of 12 year old refugee faggots staring at me in a big group
>i was smoking
>one comes to me with a fucking grin on his face, while the others are laughing
>"Do you have fat lips?" in an arrogant way
>breath in the smoke
>pull him closer to me with my left arm
>put the cig on the back of his neck
>he starts crying and screaming, the others simply run away
>i probably committed crime
>and i dont give a fuck because i was getting harrassed
yeah and btw i felt like a chad, for once..so great. I felt so confident, i thought i own the world.
Will you masturbate to the memory?
where in europe, user?
germany, of course.
>getting attention from 14yo
my dick is hard..
Oh shit
You go on berserklejerk user?
Ehrenmann aktion